You Are Ready To Die For Them?

Yang Zi angrily turned around to see who dared to disrupt her. She was so ready to vent out her anger on that person but her eyes widened in shock when she saw who it was but her shocked expression did not last for too long.

Not minding the person's presence, she turned to finish what she started.

"What the hell do you think you are doing here, Feng?" Yang Zi asked furiously when Yifeng turned around and stood in front of her preventing her from shooting her target.

"Zi Er, please don't do this. Just drop down your gun, huh?" Yifeng tried to persuade her as he held her hand in which the gun was pointing directly at his chest.

"Drop the gun? Why should I do that?" Yang Zi snarled.

"I must avenge my mum today," Yang Zi said, as she struggled to free her hand but Yifeng refused to let go.