All He Could See In Her Was Sadness

"Feng, if you feel bad to see me sad and lonely then, hurry and get my sister-in-law because that will make me very happy. And don't worry about my love life because Zi Er promised to get me a beautiful damsel two years ago, I am sure she will keep her promise. Whoever Zi Er chooses, I am sure I will like her so stop feeling guilty, ok," Jin said in a serious tone.

"Your sister-in-law?" Yifeng repeated as he stared at him.

"Why are you so eager to talk to her if not to make her your wife or don't tell me you are going through all these troubles to make her your friend or sister?" Jin said playfully, just to make the room lively.

"She can only be my wife, the mother of my children and my world nothing less than that," Yifeng said firmly.

"That is why I am saying you should hurry up. Don't allow the new dude who came out of nowhere to snatch your woman under your watch...,"