Xiaotian's Request

"Why aren't you smiling? I thought you said you were alright? Can't you see how obvious your lie is?" Wang Yibo asked as he continued to stare at her.

"Cutie Pie, whoever is responsible for your unhappiness is doom to be unhappy with me around now. Believe me, that person will not have a happy day...,"

"YiYi, I said no one hurt me so, what the heck are you up to? You are not planning to fight with someone, right?" Yang Zi said as she subconsciously touched his face with her left hand.

"You are worried about me. It has been more than seven years since I have seen this worried look on your face..,"

"Don't change the subject YiYi?," Yang Zi interrupted him in a stern voice.

"Ok, Cutie Pie relax, I am not fighting physically with anyone but I promise you what I will do will be more painful than giving that jerk a punch across the face," Wang Yibo said, an evil grin appearing on his handsome face.

"YiYi, ...,"