Who Hit You?

"Grandpa, when are you going to have the surgery? You might be able to deceive everyone into thinking that you are fine, but I can see through you and I know that you are barely holding on," Yang Zi said as she stood up and lend him her hand.

"Since I have seen you and even got to talk to you, I am planning on scheduling the surgery for the day after tomorrow. I would really love for you to come and visit me," Grandpa said as he held on to Yang Zi's hand.

"I will surely come," Yang Zi assured as they both walked out of the room.

When they reached the hall which was still very lively, Yang Zi left grandpa in the care of his assistant before she went in search of her friends whom she hadn't seen since she arrived at the party.

After searching for a few minutes, Yang Zi finally sighted Wang Yibo from afar but she was stunned when she saw him try to walk away after seeing her.