Grandpa's Supposedly Last Request

"Auntie entrusted me with this position so, I will try my best to protect the company. I won't give her a reason to ever be disappointed in me so, stop feeling bad about things you can't change. You have me to take care of things over here so leave for your next appointment, ok?" Yunfei said in a calm tone, as he urged her on.

"If you insist, then I will do just that," Yang Zi said as she turned to enter the car which her driver had already opened. Just when Yunfei thought, she wanted to enter the car, Yang Zi turned around and face him.

"Yunfei, Ling told me that she is due for delivery in a few days. Congratulations, you will soon be a father," Yang Zi said, smiling broadly at Yunfei.

"I told her not to mention it to you, I can't believe she went ahead to tell you...,"

"Ling and I are closer than you think. Don't ever underestimate our friendship," Yang Zi said in a playful tone.