Do You Still Love Me Zi Er?

When they reached the restaurant, they placed their respective orders. They both did not utter a word to the other until after their orders were displayed on the table.

"Zi Er, thank you so much for taking care of grandpa. Thank you so much for always taking out time to keep him company despite your busy schedule...,"

"I did not do it for your sake so don't thank me. I love grandpa that is why I am doing this, if you were the one in his shoes I wouldn't have cared less about it. I am sure I wouldn't have stepped foot into the hospital," Yang Zi replied harshly.

"I know that you wouldn't turn a blind eye to me if I were in grandpa's position. Despite always saying harsh and hurtful words to me I know that you still love me. I also know that my death will make you miserable...,"

"Stop acting cocky with me and just eat. I am gonna abandon you here if you keep spouting nonsense," Yang Zi threw a piercing glance at Yifeng.