The Road To Discovering The Truth

"Grandpa doesn't like hospital very much so I am sure that he will get discharged in two days," Yang Zi said in a more relaxed tone.

"That is great to hear," Wang Yibo said.

"YiYi, it sounds like you had something important to tell me, what is it?" Yang Zi asked as she took a detour.

"I have been planning to ask you out on a date but with how busy you are, I don't think that is possible..,"

"Since when did my YiYi start caring about others?" Yang Zi asked playfully.

"I will go on the date with you. Just tell me when it is and the time and I will clear up my schedule for you," Yang Zi said to the delight of Wang Yibo.

"Really?" Wang Yibo said subconsciously standing up from the couch, he was previously lying on.

"Yes, so stop sounding sad. It doesn't suit your usual jovial self," Yang Zi said smiling.

"We are going on the date tomorrow. I will send you the details of the date and the location later," Wang Yibo said excitedly.