You Are Important To Me

"Zi Er, why are you not happy even though I mentioned that he will get better after he undergoes surgery...,"

"That is because his rate of survival is very low. There is a very huge possibility that he might not come out of the operation alive. The chance that YiYi will survive the surgery is very slim, Shui Shui," Yang Zi said, as the tears she had been holding back began to flow freely.

"Why won't the surgery work? Isn't it just the best neurosurgeon operating on him to...,"

"It's not that easy, Shui Shui," Yang Zi interrupted the confused Qing Shui sharply.

"The doctor said YiYi would have had a very high chance of surviving if he had undergone surgery six months ago when he discovered that he had a brain tumour...,"

"Then why didn't that annoying guy have the surgery? Is he perhaps sick of living?" Qing Shui asked angrily like it was Wang Yibo she was talking to.