This Is The Only Way I Could Think Of

"Getting married to me is his greatest wish. He has done so much for me, so it is only right that I grant his wish," Yang Zi tried to convince herself that she was doing the right thing.

"And you think that you are doing him a favour by hastily agreeing to marry him? Do you think that he will jump up in excitement just because the lady he loves but is deeply in love with someone else agreed to marry him? Judging from his personality, you think he will want to see you miserable for the rest of your life?" Qing Shui asked sternly.

"How is this doing Wang Yibo a favour when three lives will be ruined by your decision? It is not only you who will be miserable but Yifeng too. He has sacrificed a lot for you Zi Er, he does not deserve this. In fact, no man who truly loves a woman deserves to go through the kind of excruciating pain you want to put him through," Qing Shui said seriously.