Are You Rejecting Me?

"Yeah, I am so proud of you and happy but the doctors might freak out if they see the food you brought. They told me I should watch what I eat...,"

"I will take all the responsibility if they catch us in the act so, don't worry," Yang Zi said as she beamed at the guy still sitting on the bed.

"That means you are gonna get scolded by them very badly, are you sure you will be ok by that?" Wang Yibo asked as he focused his gaze on her face.

Just to make me happy and comfortable, Cutie Pie is enduring all the pain by putting on a fake smile. I can't help but think that I am sure a jerk for making the woman I love to go through this.

Wang Yibo thought sadly. He immediately looked away when Yang Zi raised her gaze to stare at him. Yang Zi hurried to his side having just finished arranging the dishes on the table.

"YiYi, what is wrong? Are you in any kind of pain? Do you need me to go call the doctor...,"