The Wedding Night (1)

"I will tell the anchor to pause the games for the newlyweds while all of you go in search of them. Message me if you find them," Qing Shui instructed the others and immediately they all went in search of the newlyweds. Despite searching the entire hotel, none got a glimpse of the newlyweds' shadows, not to mention seeing them.

They all brought back the same news to Qing Shui. It was then it dawned on her that they ran away.

"Goddamn it! The two smart couples escaped so they won't have to play our games," Qing Shui announced and just when she came to this conclusion their phones dinged at the same time.

"Your guess was a hundred per cent correct. Judging from their message, they did really run away," Wang Yibo said smiling. 

They all went back into the hall after they had confirmed the missing newlyweds' whereabouts.