The Wedding Night (2)

"No," Yang Zi said as she shut the door on him.

"She is so cute when she pretends to be innocent," Yifeng chuckled as he went and sat down on the bed.

Yang Zi standing close to the bathtub stared at the bathtub which was filled with fragrant rose petals. Even the floor of the bathroom was decorated with rose petals and scented red and white candles.

"Wow, I can't believe it's so awesome to get married," Yang Zi said, as she stepped into the already prepared bathtub.

Yifeng patiently waited for her and after what seemed like it was forever, the bathroom door creaked open and a foot dripping with water shot out.

Seeing the water dripping from her leg made Yifeng gulp hungrily. He eagerly anticipated what his woman was up to. Just then, her second leg stepped forward but the owner of the legs did not show her face.