She is Confirmed To Be Pregnant

The two of them stayed in Shiyi's home for three hours, before they left for the hospital. On getting to the hospital, they purposely asked Shiyi to wait outside for them so he wouldn't know what they were up to.

Shiyi patiently waited in the car for the two ladies to come back and when they did surprisingly they did not utter a word to him.

No matter how many times he asked them what was wrong none of them said a word to him. They only entered their car and drove off leaving him behind.

"What has come over those two ladies?" Shiyi thought aloud before he entered his car and drove home.

Yifeng was very worried about his wife, so he left work earlier than he normally did. When reached home he was surprised that she was not downstairs waiting to welcome him like she had been doing since she took some days off work.