The Arrival Of The Twins

"You bully, just wait for me there," Yang Mi said before she handed the plate of fruit to Yang Zi. She chased Chen but before she could reach Li Chen, he threw the pipe off the grassy ground and ran away.

The stubborn Yang Mi chased him through the flower garden.

"Mi Er, stop chasing him or you both might fall," Yang Zi shouted after them, as she stood up from the swing. Seeing that Yang Zi wanted to stop the kid from chasing each other, Yifeng turned the mouth of the pipe towards their direction. 

The feeling of the cold water against their delicate skin made them stop in their tracks.

"Dad, that is not fair," Yang Mi said before she rushed to where Li Chen had kept the pipe.

She picked it up and started splashing the water on everyone.

"You are the biggest bully now," Li Chen said, as he ran around trying to dodge the water.