Birth of Anthony (Tony) Robert Queen

Third P.O.V

In large V.I.P room in Starling General Hospital Moria Queen screaming at her doctor as he tried to pull her baby out. "I hate my husband" Moria screamed at her doctor because her husband was still not at the hospital. "You are doing great Moria just try to remember how happy you were when Oliver was born," the doctor said. Just as he said it the door to the delivery room door opened and a middle-aged man ran into the door followed by a five-year-old boy. "Robert you made it" Moria cried as Robert ran to her side and took her hand.

"That right Moria I'm sorry for being late but look I brought Oliver," Robert said as he motioned the boy next to him to come closer to them. "Oh my baby boy Ovlier mama so happy you here," Moria said was Ovlier came around the bed to the other side of moria and took her other hand. "Alright Moria just one last push comes on the baby almost here," the doctor said as he could see the baby was crowing. Moria let out a painful cry as the doctor pulls the baby out. A loud cry fills the room as the doctor cuts the baby's umbilical cord.

The doctor hands the baby off to the nurse to clean him off before handing the baby to Moria. Moria holds her newborn baby boy to her skin "Oh Robert look he looks just like you" Moria as move so her husband can sit down next to her. Robert takes a seat next to so that he can get a better look at his newest son "I have to say that he got your eyes though" he was right the baby had the same icy blue eyes as his mom. "Oliver comes closer and takes look at your baby brother," Moria says to her oldest child. Oliver comes closer to his mother's side so that he can get a better look at his newest sibling. "What his name going to be," Oliver asks his mother as he looks into the eyes of his newborn brother. "Not sure Robert what do you think," Moria asked Robert looked at his newborn son and thought about "I like morgan what do think". Moria thought about for mint "Morgan Queen no just doesn't sound right" she said. Robert thought again "How about Alexander I now you always like that name," Robert said. His wife just shook her head no "no that's not right either" Moria said. Robert thought again "Theo you said that you want to name Oliver that," Robert said. "I said Thea and no if we have a girl her name she going to be named Thea so he can't be Theo," Moria said. "Fine I give up how about we ask Oliver what he thinks," Robert said.

Both him and Moria looked to their oldest and ask him what he wants his brother's name to be. Oliver looked at his baby brother and thought about "Tony I like Tony" Oliver said. "I like it Tony Queen," Robert said Moria shook her head "no to simple but I do like Tony maybe that can be his nickname," she said. Robert nodded and they said "Then how about Anthony," Moria thought about " That good now what about his middle name". Robert thought about and said, " How about Robert then the full name should be Anthony Robert Queen". Moria thought about it and smiled she looked down at her new son "you hear that baby you just got your name Anthony Robert Quinn" Moria said. The baby looked up at Moria with his big ice blue eyes it's almost like he understand her.

Anthony (Tony) P.O.V

As I was hearing my new mom talk I start to think back to how got here I was just seating in my room rewatching the M.C.U on Disney + when everything went black. Then just thing I knew I was being pulled out of something warm and wet by a giant pair of hands. Then I saw a giant man dress like a doctor and handed me to a nurse. I knew that I somehow become a baby again then when heard my new mom and dad talking about my name I realized that I was reborn in DC. Why? Why? Why DC! I try to yell this is world people that destroy the plant show up every other day. Where being a genius made you just average where death is everywhere. As my mind was running through all the ways I was going to die I passed out.