5 years

Tony P.O.V

It's been 5 years since I was found out that I was reborn in the dc universe. It took about a year to accept that I was in a world that I was more likely to die every day then live but I got over it. After that, I started to think of a way to make myself stronger I came to the conclusion that even if I make myself physically as strong as a human can be I still only be cannon fodder in this world. So I decided that I have to go with the tech route and the best hero I could to copy was ironman. It's funny because of the name and everybody calls me Tony.

After that, I decided that was going to be this world's Ironman I needed to learn everything I could so that I could make the suit. Step 1 was going to hardest I needed to make an A.I if Tony didn't have Jarvis and Friday he could not be Ironman. So with that in mind, I started to study everything I could about computers and programming. That when I realized that I was a genius that really surprised me because I wasn't that smart before. But I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the moth. So just thought I had something to do with me being so young and mind finding it easier to accept new information. My mom notices that I was smarter than other kids my age when I was three. So she had some people test my IQ. After she was sure of my intelligence she hired me a lot of tutors that covered everything from computers to business to Philosophy and everything else she thought I needed to know.

So for the most part for the past 2 years, I been learning everything I could from my tutors and working on my A.I and today was the day that it was going to go online. I am now seating in front of my computer in-room finishing the last line of code for it. I stop typing looked at the screen in front of me this was it all I had been working for the last two years. Just as I was about press the enter key "Hey Tony what you doing!" I hear someone yell into my ear causing me to jump. I turn around to see my brother standing next to two other kids his age a boy on the right and a girl on left. I looked my brother I eyes and try to look as intimidating as possible "What do you want Oille" I said trying to deepen my voice as much my possible. This didn't seem to work on them because just after I finish Oille laugh and him and the other picked me up and started to shake me "Put me down now Oviler" I yelled at my brother but It fell on deaf ears they just stared to swing me around even faster. Just then I see the girl getting to close my computer. "Don't touch that!" I yelled at her as I kicked the boy holding my legs in the face to get myself free.

My yell got the girl to jump back and away from my computer just to be safe I pulled away from the computer. She looked at me like she was about cry but I didn't care she about ruin my life work. Oliver came in front looking anger "don't yell at Laurel!" he said as he pushes me away. "It's her fault she almost ruined two years of my work!" I yelled back. "So what she didn't mean too" Oliver yelled back just about yell him more Laurel comes behind him and gets him calm down. Seeing this I calm down as well so that think "alright I'm sorry for yelling now what guys want" I said. Oliver looked at Laurel then back to me and said: "We were going to go basketball game we were hoping you could come with us". I just sit back down at the computer and say "no I'm working" and turn my chair so I am facing the computer again. "You're always working you 5 years old and you're acting like your dad," he said he was right but I didn't see anything wrong with that this world was going to be a death trap in a few years I needed to be ready. "I'm sorry Ovlier but this is more important than a basketball game," I say but this seems to make him even angrier. Just I thought he was going to storm off Laurel puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. She then looks at "Tony if you don't want to go to the game Mabey we could help with what you are working on" she says. "It's nothing you guys can help with I not saying that to be mean but there are maybe 100 people on the planet that can understand this level of coding and you guys can't," I say as I turning the chair back to the computer.

But I could see that Ovlier was only hurting so I said: "Besides I already finished it I just about to start it if you want you can join me". Oliver looked over to the other boy who I realized is probably Tommy and then to Laurel, they nodded, and then Oliver said: "Alright that work with us so what is this thing". "It is an A.I or Artificial intelligence program that creat if I did everything right it should have the ability to run the company better then dad," I said as Oliver and his friend's staired bright eye at the screen. I press the enter key when the program starts running then the computer screen goes dark.