The new age of energy

2-year time skip

??? P.O.V

"Nikola Tesla, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert einstein what do these men have in common" Robert Queen said standing in front podium on stage. "These men have in common the one fact the world today be different in ways we can't even imagine without them. And today a new name will join them and forever be go down in history as the father of the new age of energy" Robert continued. Man, he can go it's not like his son cured cancer or anything he just made some jeneratör. "Today It's my honor to introduce you all to that man so without farther ado I give my youngest son Anthony Robert Queen or as he likes to by Tony," Robert says. Then I turned to look at the man or should I say, the boy of the hour.

Anthony Robert Queen the boy that made the last 10 years of life a complete wast the boy that ruined me. As the boy takes the stage you hear roaring applause this makes me sick to see that boy take everything that should be mine. He then stands in front of the podium as someone brings him a step stool so that he can reach the mic. God this is a joke the "Father of the new age of energy" barely out of diapers. As I watch him step on the step stool and take the mic "I am honored to standing in front of all today even though my father loves to brage about me I can't take all the credit" he says. "I mean I cold because I did everything but I'm trying to sound humble" that got a laugh from people but just made my blood boil even more.

Just thought that the brat continued "I guess while up here I should say something about the project so reports have something say" god could he sound more like an arrogant ass. "The arc reactor will only change the world of energy but the world as a whole," Tony said. "The arc reactor will provide the world with clean energy and create a warm light for all mankind to share," he said. God, I want to kill this brat a warm light for all mankind share never mind all lives his new system destroy. All years of research that become outdated because of this. All years I spent to have it all taken away by a rich spoiled brat.

Tony P.O.V

God this annoying why did agree to do this all these people so blissfully ignorant of what going to come for them. This world going to hell with thigs can't even think of yet and all of them are trying not to think about. God, what I would give to be one of them just ignorant not being cursed with knowledge. But this price I pay for living in this world but at least I'm better off than most. I know what coming so better be ready for what is to come.

This makes me think about the information that Whis had gotten me 2 years ago. This world was very different from the versions of D.C I knew about. There was no Smallville Kansas no Clark kent there was Bruce Wayne and rumors about the batman but nothing major. This was driving me crazy I couldn't find anything about Wonderwoman either. Seen the big three were not there I tried to look for other members of the justice league. I found Barry Allan but there no Marinman hunter or green lantern. This was making unnerved if this world was flowing a storyline of a D.C universe that knew about it would give me an idea of how much time I had. But now I have no idea if superheroes will even show up in this world.

This was not making me feel any better though because know that D.C and it's a multiverse that means something going happen at some point that kills everything I need to be ready. Even if it not happening on this earth. It's highly likely that something from the multiverse could end up here and they pull us into a fight. Then there those Crises that DC does that can kill the whole multiverse just think makes be turned white.

As those thoughts keep running through my mind my heartbeat stares rising and breathing becomes shallow. "Sir I need you to calm down your heartbeat is getting dangers level" I hear Whis. I take deep breaths trying to calm my self down it seems to work my heart rate goes down and my mind starts clear up. I need to figure out how to stop the panic attacks they a problem since I got to this world. I need to stronger smarter better so that I can not only survive but also protect what matters to me.