The Fist fight (1)

2 years time skip

Tony P.O.V

I was sitting In my lab starring at a large glass case in front of me. This is it This was where I going to build my ironman suit this where all my ironman suits will be built. It took me 2 years but finally, I managed to build the lab with everything I will need to make the suit. I just stood I in font of glass cases. Then I started thinking about everything that was going to happen in this lab was bringing a smile to my face. "Whis what do think of our home," I asked as I walked to the computer in the center of the room.

"It's very good sir but I must ask sir why did you move your company to L.A you had everything you needed in Star city," Whis said. "Whis I needed my space beside I to want to pay respect to the first ironman and he lived in L.A plus the house is really cool," I said. I then started working on the mini-arc reactor I almost cracked the code just about run the next test Whis voice pulls me out of head "Sir your mother just called she wants to let you now that Thea birthday party is going start and you need be there". After Whis gave the message I had him get ready the quin jet and got up from in front of the computer screen and made my way to the bathroom to change.

Then after I put on my black dress shirt and a pair of blue jeans I make my way up the roof of my new house. I stop for a moment and take a look out to the city my city. Barman has Gotham Superman has Metropolis the green arrow has star city and from toady, L.A will have Ironman. I never understood why heroes had their own city and never asked help with them. Until I looked into the night sky of L.A and realize it this my city if anyone going keep it safe it was going to be me.

After that, I got into quin jet and took a seat "Whis how long will the flight take" I asked. "Sir the flight 500 miles so will take about 45 minutes. If we go at our fastest speed we cut that down to 30 but would not be safe because we yet to finish the safety test" Whis says. I thought for a sec and said: "just normal speed then also play my road trip playlist". "As you whis sir," Whis says as Iron maiden aces high stars to play and I pull my chair back.

As I relax on the trip back to star city I start to think back to the last 2 years in this world. To think that it been 9 years since I first came to this world I and Oliver had gotten close. But there was always this wall between us because we were so different. I see how Oliver had turned into playboy before despite knowing Laurel for so long. He started sleeping around last year I found out when caught trying to get the poor girl out of the house before anyone saw her. I had hoped that after our baby sister was born he learns to respect women but I know it's a wasted thought.

Then after that I and he really didn't talk that much I don't like the idea of using women like that but that wasn't the reason we didn't talk. It mostly because of the fact I spent most of my time in the lab I really don't much time to spend with him or make friends. I make trying to be different for Thea. I mean I can't let her grow and start dating a guy like Oliver who would let their sister date someone like him.

As my thoughts been wonder farther back a warning light started to go off. "Whis what going on," I said as I was checking the computer screen. "Sir there seems to be two U.F.O on our tail," Whis says and he pulls up a picture of what looks a two small f-2 fighter. "Whis scan it for weapons and weakness also ready the dogfight protocol in case we get into an air fight," I say as run to get a parachute to make sure I will be able to jump if needed. "Sir the one U.F.O has trying to send you a message do you want to accept," Whis asks as a return to the front of the jet. "Yes put it up of the Montier" I as whis put up a picture that surprised me this was Dr. Genus from one punch man. " Hello, Mr. Queen I am Dr. Richfield you may not know me but I know you because of you my life was ruined and today I am getting my revenge" end of the message.

What the hell! what in the hell I don't even know him and he trying to kill me. "Whis track that message and also after we get out this find everything you can about Richdileld guy," I say. "Alright also the complete the scan on the U.F.Os they both have L.M.Gs and set of anti-aircraft missiles".