Oliver's Return

5 years later

Tony P.O.V

"Breaking news today as billionaire Oliver Queen found alive after being perused died for 5 years" the headline on all news on chancels and newspapers. Oliver Queen founded on the island in the north china sea after being missing for 5 years. I take a deep breath after 5 years of letting the world believe that he died 3 years after I found him and he refused to come back home with me. He's finally home I take a deep breath to calm myself down "Whis how much longer till we get to starling city" I asked. "Sir we will be there in 1 hour," Whis says. I was sitting in the quin jet as it flew from London to starling I was there for an investors conference when I got the news. Without even thinking I got on the quin jet and flew for the last 7 hours to starling.

I have been thinking about this day for the last 3 years I kept myself from thinking that he might have really died after I left him. I can't but smile I have my brother back he was alive now I just need to know where he was for the past three years. Where could he have happened what was he doing as those questions run my head I hear Whis call out to me. "Sir we arrived at starling general," Whis says as the plane lands on the roof of the hospital.

I make way off the jet and walk towards the door that leads to the hospital the door opens and a group of men in black suits jumps out pointing guns at me. " Get down the ground now," the leading man said. This out be angry who does the man think is "I am Anthony Robert Queen I own this hospital who are people" I said as I stopped in front of them. "I'm sorry for this Mr.Queen we were hired by your mother to keep people away from the hospital," the man said.

I walked past just then one the guard tries to grab me but I throat punch him he falls back grabbing his neck. The other guards point their guns at me again "I'm sorry sir but we can't let you in with an I.D " the lead man says again. I start to get mad "Just pull out one of your phones and google me I have no time to play with you," I said as I start to walk down the staircase.

After that problem on the roof, no one else tried to stop me as I walked towards Oliver's room. I see my mother standing in front of the room looking like she was having second thoughts about going In. I pat her on her shoulder and she turns around to see me she pulls me into a hug and starts to cry. "Mom it's alright Oliver back mom he is alright," I said rubbing her back with my hand. "I know but he been through so much Tony I don't know what to say to him," she says.

"You don't need to say, anything mom, we just need to be there for him," I said as she pulls her head from my chest. "You're right," she says as she and looked through the door to Oliver who was looking out into the city. We walk in together and Oliver turns around to see us "Mom, Tony," he says I wasn't sure what to say but mom just rushes past me and pulled Oliver into tight hung. I just looked as they don't say a word to each other my questions can wait tonight I'm just happy my bothers back.

The next day morning Queen mansion

I standing I front of the front door waiting for the car that was going to bring Oliver home. The car pulls up in front and Oliver comes out with the driver who goes the truck to pull out Oliver's case that brought back from the island. Oliver stops him and takes the case himself. We share a look that said "I will explain later" I nodded and we walk into the house to see mom there with our stepfather. "Oliver this Walter Steele one of dad old friends from the company," I said. Oliver looked Walter with a stang look and shook his hand. After that, he spotted Raisa our family's maid "It's good to see you Raisa" he said as he walked towards her. "Welcome home Mr.Oliver," She said as she pulled him into a hug.

Then I hear the sound of a door opening followed by the sound of footsteps on the second floor. Oliver seems to have heard it too because of stairs at the steps as Thea walks out. "Hey sis," Oliver says She run down the staircase, and Oliver pulls her into a tight bear hug. "I knew it, I knew that you were alive," She says.

Later that night I was walking down the staircase and saw Oliver standing by the table next to the door holding an old picture. Just then I heard the sound of the door opening followed "What I tell you yachts suck" as I see Tommy Merlyn step tougher the door. I decided to give them some space so I made my way towards the dining room where the rest of the family was sitting.

After dinner, I made my way to my door and trying to forget about what happened at dinner. I want to talk mom out not telling Oliver about her and Walter but she thought it was best he didn't know. After a quick shower I and went to sleep hoping that tomorrow Ollie and I can talk tomorrow.

I walked into Thea room to see her, Tommy, talking I stepped In to see Thea hug and walk right past me like wasn't even there I guess I deserved I have a lot of making up to do with her. Tommy and Oliver walked towards me as well "Hey you notice how hot your sisters got since you been away" Tommy says. I and Oliver give him the same look "because I have not" says. I look towards Oliver and asked "Where two going" Oliver looks towards Tommy then back to me and says "Just out on the town". I nodded and told him to call me after so we can talk.