Oliver's kidnaping

Just a few hours after Oliver and Tommy I was sitting in my old room at the computer that I had first created Whis on. Whis voice comes out of the computer and says "Sir I think you want to see this". He then pulls a video that looks like Oliver and Tommy being kidnap. I Jump from on chair "Whis where was" I said as I began to run out of the room. "In the East sector of the Glades in Star City near the City Necessary Resources Initiative office," Whis says. "Track the van and find out where they are and get ready one of my suits," I said. "Understood sir," Whis says as I ran towards the where I parked the Quin jet.

I ran past a few servants almost knocking them over "Sorry" yell behind me as I run fast towards the door. I got Into my car and it started to on right after I flew towards the other end of the property. After a few minutes, I got to the jet and opens as I run into it and see a glass case with the suit in it. The case opens along with the suit I go in and put it on. Whis opens the skylight in the jet so that I fly out "Sir I was able to find the van it will take about 10 minutes to get there" He said.

"Whis jump to max speed I want to be there in 5," I said as it jumped to max speed and I feel the g forces press down on me. I flew what looks to be an abandoned warehouse. "Whis scan this place I want to find Oliver," I said. "Sir there seem to be three living people in warehouse and two in the basement" Whis. says after hearing that I panicked and made a b-line for the basement.

Just I got there I was should to what found Oliver breaking a man neck. I was so shocked that I didn't notice him grab man's gun start to fire at me. The bullets affect me as yell "Oliver stop it's me". Oliver stops fingering and I pull up my faceplate he looked shocked to see my face. "Tony what you doing here," he asked as he dropped the gun "I should be asking you that," I said. "Sir I hate to interrupt you two but the police are about 5 minutes out I do believe that it's best you are not here when they, are" Whis says. I looked at Oliver in the eye and said "We will talk later the police will be here soon" I told him then I flew through the window and back to the mansion.

Latter at the family mansion in the family room, mom, Walter, Tommy, and Oliver were sitting with the police as Oliver tells them what happened. I standing by the window at the end of the room. "So that the story a guy in a green hood flew in and single-handedly took out three armed kidnappers," Quentin said to Oliver.

As they noticed the front door and then I saw Thea walked in but she didn't look right the almost fell over her own feet before she even got the staircase. I knew that she drunk I want to her side. "Are you alright?" I asked "What now you care," she said trying to push me away. But she lost her balance and all almost fell over. I took her hand and guide her up the staircase and to her room. I had one the servants get some water and food for her and they laid her on the bed.

I just sat there watching her sleep she looked so peaceful my mind thinks back to the day she born. I was first holding her after she born before dad even before mom is was small that bought a smile to face. Just then like that a few hours past, I hear her waking up I guess she didn't need that much rest. She pulls herself up and throws a pillow at my head I catch it "That was a great thank you sis" I say as I put the pillow. "Thank you for what being a creep and watching me sleep," she says. "No for keeping mom from finding out you were drunk," I said. "So what she couldn't do anything about it," She said. "Thea, what happened?" I asked standing up. "Nothing happened I always been like this" She replied. "No, you haven't even after ollie left you were still a good kid," I said.

"Away no Ollie died but I still had you!" She yelled. "You still have me," I said "no I don't this is the longest conversion we had the last three years" She yelled back her voice becoming horse. I want to say something but she continued "you left me, mom wasn't talking to anyone and then you just left you were always there for me for everything but then you just ghosted me the longest we talk in the last three years was like one minute." she yelled and started to cry. "I wanted to be there Thea it was just too painful," I said in a low voice. "you don't think it was painful for me I lost my dad and brother when I was 12, my mom, all but abandoned me all I had was you and then you left too" Thea started to break down. I tried to close the distance between us so that I would hug her but stared to yell again "Just leave me alone you able to do it so far" She said. That broke my heart I walked out but still gave her one last look.

"Sir I wanted to tell you this before but while you where with your sister there attack a person by the name of Adam Hunt," Whis said. That was odd why he think that I want to know this. " Sir the man that Adam wore a green hood and used a bow and arrow" Whis continued. Oliver, I thought what with this world he nothing like the green arrow from comics. I need to talk to him I "Whis find out where Oliver is now" I said as I began to calm myself down.