Calling in back up

Starling city Police Department next day

Quentin P.O.V

God, what is wrong with the world today first Gotham gets some bat costume warning freak as there hero. Then some robocop wannabe shows up in L.A. And now there some psychopath dressing up like robin hood and goes around dropping bodies like files in my city. "Lance captain wants to see you" a detective side as he passed by my desk great what now. I get up and head to the captain's office he sits in his chair."Any luck on finding Robin hood," he asked god I just got the case less than a week ago what does expect me to do. "Not yet sir but we sure that he will attack soon," I said.

"That what I think too but we can't do anything about because we have an idea of who he is," The captain said. "I agree sir" yah that not we can read minds or something. "good because I going to bring some people that help with that," he said. "What people sir," I asked "The Behavioral Analysis Unit or B.A.U of the F.B.I," he said no god no he not taking this case away from me. I slam my hand against the desk "Sir will all due respect I just got this case and intend to see it through to the end" I said. "Relax Quentin no ones taking the case from you there just here to help," he said. Help my ass there going to do what the F.B.I does best come in taking over and rap it call in red tap.

"Sir this is a mistake there just going to slow me down" I yelled "It's already been decided, Quentin," he said. This going to be a circus and I will be damned if I'm going to be their clown. "Sir they are not needed," I said I will not have this case be taken away to become some kind of circus. "Well, I think they are needed and guess what, what I think is more important than what you think," he said and then kicked me out of his office.

F.B.I H.Q 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20535 B.A.U office

Third-person P.O.V

SSA (Supervisory Special Agent) Derek Morgan and Dr.Spencer Reid were sitting at a table in the B.A.U office. "We got a new case meeting the conference room" There supervisor s.s.a Aaron Hotchner said. Both Morgan and Reid got up from seats and followed Hotch into a large conference where a large round table in the center and large T.V in front of the wall. There where three people sitting in the room then where Penelope Garcia, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau and David Rossi. Once everyone was in the Garcia stood up and began to present the case."Ok, guys Bear with me here because this going to be a long one" she said as a picture of 3 bodies appears on the screen behind her.

"Three bodies were found in an abandoned warehouse in Starling city- Time of death for all there was within minutes of each other. One of the victims died by a stab wound to the chest with a broken chair leg, tasered under the chin, and shot multiple times with what looks to be a machine gun. The 2nd victim badly beaten around the head and shot multiple times in the chest and torso with another machine gun. and number 3 was found on the ground floor of the adjoining building with a beken neck" Garcia said.

"Wow that some overkill," Morgan said. "Both the Multiple causes of death and brutality would indicate more than a single assailant" Rossis suggested. "Who were the victims," JJ asked. "We don't know. They have yet to be identified" Garcia said "they carried no identification there prints were not in any database and facial recognition was unable to identify them" she continued. "So scrubbed identities? They sound like professionals and well-connected ones scrubbing identities is not easy or chap" said Rossi

"But how did a group get the drop on them and manage to kill them all? and who found the bodies?" asked Morgan. "That where this gets interesting my friends" replied Garcia. "The victims had apparently kidnapped 2 local billionaires several hours before their times of death" she continued. "Tomas Merlyn, son of Merlyn Globel CEO and founder Malcolm Merlyn and his best friend Oliver Queen son of the late Robert Queen Former CEO of Queen Consolidated and brother of Anthony Queen CEO of Queen industries". Picture of both appears on the screen of the T.V "They were ambushed by multiple assailants in an ally where Mr.Merlyn had parked his car they shot with tranq darts and brought to the warehouse" She went on.

"Oliver Queen why does that name sound familiar," asked JJ Garcia responded by pulling up articles on Oliver. "It should Mr.Queen made national news a week ago when he was founded on an uninhabited island in the north china sea. He disappeared 5 years ago when the yacht he was on sank in a storm. His father, Robert Queen was also on board but he was the only survivor" Garcia said. "And then he is kidnapped within a week of his rescue? That can't be a coincidence what were they able to tell the police? asked Rossi.

"This is where the story becomes even more intriguing. They won't able to able to say much about there kidnappers-they were unconscious for a time from the tranqs and the kidnappers all wore masks. However, Mr.Queen was able to provide a description of the man he says rescued them". A picture of the hood displays on the screen "based on Mr.Queen's eye witness statement, this is a very good likeness. He arrived at the warehouse and single-handedly proceeded to take down 3 armed kidnappers. He then checked that both Queen and Merlyn were unhurt before leaving the scene. At this point, Mr.Queen managed to flag down a passing motorist and rais an alarm" Replied Garcia. "So we have multiple questions that need answering. Who were the 3 victims and why they kidnap 2 billionaires but ask for any ransom? And who Killed the kidnappers" asked JJ. "I did say this was going to be a long one but we're not done yet"