B.A.U office Third-person P.O.V
Garcia continued from where she left off "2 days later 7 armed security guards were killed by a single assailant. The cause of death for 6 of 7 was blunt force trauma and a single arrow to the torso. The 7th victim appears to have defensive wounds by a small metal projectile to the throat- which was later identified as being a flechette. I had look that one up"
"All the victims have been identified as bodyguards hired by Adam Hunt for protection after he was threatened with bodily harm by a man wearing a green hood and using a bow and arrow" Garcia continued
"A bow and arrow? that certainly-unusual. Why do we think that the same unsub (unknown subject or unidentified subject) is responsible for both sets of victims? question Morgan. "The police were on site at the time due to the previously issued threat. By the time they arrived on the office floor, all the bodyguards were already dead. the lead detective stated that he saw someone crouching behind Mr.Scott's desk but when they called out to him to drop his weapon, individual fired an arrow at 2 approaching officers, disarming both. He then ran for a broken window and dived out. When the detective and his partner approached the window they observed the prep zip-ling down to an adjacent building. He was dressed head to tone in dark green leather, was wearing a green hood, zip lined using a bow, and a quiver of arrows strapped to his back" Garcia replied. There was silence in the room for a few minutes as the team tied to comprehend what they just heard. "We need to catch this unsub before he turns into a spree killer Wheels up in 30," Hotch said while exiting the room.
Later in the team's jet, they were all sitting down as they try to make a working profile of the unsub. "If not for the first crime we would be thinking he targeting the 1%" Morgan began."There doesn't seem to pattern in the way he chooses his victims" Rossi added. "The unsub is obviously physically strong and confident in his abilities" JJ added "The inconsistent MO (modus operandi ) and lack of pattern his choice of victims means that he just staring out" added Reid. "So we know nothing that means we have to hit the ground running JJ and Morgan you head to the first crime scene. Rossis and I will head to the second and meet with the lead detective, Reid will coordinate with me" order Hotch
Same Time Queen mansion Tony P.O.V
Tony was sitting in his room at his computer when Whis told him "Sir you have received an invitation to the wedding reception of Charles Bartholomew Bass and Blair Cornelia Bass". Tony thought for a moment "Who are they again" I asked "Charles bass the son Charles Bartholomew Bass their family owns Bass industries they built Queen tower in new york city, There also friends of Serena" Whis replied. That a name I haven't heard in a while "Whis RSVP yes for me and get ready the jet" I said walking out of the room. "Alright done sir I was sure that after hearing Serena's name, you would go," Whis said smart ass I thought.
I walked to mom's room and knocked on the door "Come in" she says I walk on to see her reading a book and sitting in the chair in the room. I sat down on the bed and said: " I have some business in new york so I will be gone for a week". " I understand so are leaving right away or in the morning," she asked. "Right away," I said began to walk out of the room "Oh and tell Serena I said hi," she said. Is everyone in my life a smart ass I walked to Thea's room and knocked on the door "It's open" I walk in and when she turns around and see me she throws a pillow at me. I catch it "what you want to come to tell more about how bad of a person I am," she asked. "I never said you were a bad person Thea I just said you need better friends," I said. "I know that you're still mad at me, but I came to tell you that I will be gone for about a week," I said. "That's great how long is a week to you will have wait for 3 years for talk again," she asked sarcastically. I ran over to her and pulled her into a tight hug "I will be back in a week and I will bring you something back" I said. She breaks away from me and pushes to back "I don't want anything from you just leave me alone!" she yelled. I walk out of the room after that and made my way to my car. I load it into the cargo hold and sit down in my seat.
"Whis how long till we get to new york," I asked "it will take 3 hours sir," Whis says. I pulled my chair back and start to think about Serena it's been 5 years since I have seen her. She was the only girl I dated that more than just a few dates but it ended after Oliver went missing I wasn't in place to be with anyone after that. After my mind calms down, I fell into a deep sleep.
"Sir we have arrived and might want to check your phone," Whis says. I woke and checked my phone as Whis suggested it was a text from someone thought would have gone by now. "Omg upper east siders we got big news new york long-absent king or should I say Queen has come back. That's right King A is back but why is he back after 5 long years is just for B and C reception or is he our king come back for his Queen keep an eye out, lonely boy, you may have a fight on your hands to keep S's heart xoxo gossip girl" I looked at his phone in shock. I thought after 5 years this would be done with "Sir you want me to track down who sent this message" Whis asked, "No Whis just let it be she just some kid having fun".