Serena van der Woodsen

This charter is pure drama no action if you don't like that don't read

van der Woodsen penthouse

Serena P.O.V

I checked my phone because of the gossip girl blast and I couldn't believe it he's back after 5 years he came back. Just then my phone rang again I checked it and it was B was must have seen the gossip girl blast. I answered my phone "S did you see last gossip girl blast" she asked "yes" I answered "how are you felling" she asked me, "I'm not sure" I said. I really didn't it's been 5 years since I last saw him, Dan and I just got back together I thought this was going to be our happily ever after. Then out of nowhere, he comes back why am I so affected by this. He shouldn't be able to do this to me, not after all this time. "S! S! are there!" Blair's yelling pull me out my head "I'm here Blair just lost in thought" I said. "Are you going to be ok S," Blair asked me "not sure B" I answered.

Dan P.O.V Brooklyn Bar

I was sitting with Nate with our phones rang at the same time we both knew it could only be one person. Gossip girl and what in the blast supervised me even more because picture attached to blast was not a person but of sc-fi looking jet landing in Queen tower in new york. I knew who this blast was about before I even read the post because there only one jet like it in the world it's the owner the only that uses it Anthony Robert Queen. The richest man in the world founder and CEO of Queen Industries and Serena's ex.

I looked to Nate and he looked back at me "Dan I know that you want to talk to Serena about this but you relax first" Nate says. I listened to him and took a deep breath and loosed my hand from the fist I didn't realize I was making. "Nate what is this I thought, I and Serena were done with drama but now the guy that she loved, comes back after 5 years what am I supposed to think, " I said. " Dan clam down you don't even know if he back for Serena for all we know he could just be here on business," Nate said. "Nate he hasn't been back for 5 years why suddenly come back now if not for her" Dan argued back. "So what if he is, does that mane he gets to have her don't forget she loves you, man," Nate said. "Yah but she loved him first," Dan says. "That doesn't matter Dan the only thing that matters is that she loves you now," Nate said.

"Nate he is different from the other guys she's dated he was the first love she told me that if he had asked she would have waited for him," I said. "So what Dan that was in the past you are her future," Nate said. "Nate feeling like that just don't go away I said, "so what Humphrey" just then I hear the voice of my "friend" Chuck Bass. Chuck took the seat next Nate and ordered a scotch from the bartender "Humphery I only going to say this once you are a good man and Serena loves you" Chuck says.

Serena and Blair van der Woodsen penthouse Thrid P.O.V

Serena and Blair were sitting on a couch in there the van der Woodsen penthouse their glasses of wine on the coffee table in front of them along with a few bottles of wine. "S I'm so sorry when I sent the invite I never thought he would come," Blair said. "It's alright B but I'm just not sure what to do," Serena said. "Have you heard from him?" Blair asked "No not in 5 years," Serena said. "S, do you still have feelings for him?" Blair asked "I do I always have but I love Dan too," Serena said. "B Mabey I'm overreacting I mean it's been 5 years and he has' et tried to call or massage once" Serena continued. Just then Serena's phone gives her a text alert. She looks at Blair then back to her phone and opens the text "Hey it's me I know it been a long time but I really want to talk can we meet tonight at the statue where we had our first date around 8" Tony.

Serena looks to Blair "What do I do Blair" Serena asked "Well first you have to decide if you're going to go" Blair said. "I don't know Blair I be cheating on Dan," Serena said. "S I am going to say this once and if you repeat to anyone I will deny it. But Dan is a good man who loves like crazy" Blair said. "But Serena I tell that you don't love him as much as he loves you" Serena was about to deny it but she knew that Blair was right. "I never have seen love anyone more than you loved Tony. But when you two broke up it hurt you more than anything" Blair says.

'I don't know if you can make it through that again" Blair said, Serena nodded and then thought about for bit "I made a decision I need to meet with him". Serena said. Later that day she told Dan she was going to meet with Tony. She told that she was only going to hear him out and that she still love's Dan then kissed him on the check.

8 p.m In front of a statue in front of the twin towers

Tony was standing in front of the statue wearing a black shirt and blue pants. His blond hair was slipped and he was wearing a silver necklace (Claw Necklace from black panther). He hears footsteps behind him and turns to see Serena warning a white dress she looked even more beautiful than he remembered. All he wants to do was run up and kiss her but he stops himself.

He waits for her to walk over to him he slimes and huge her "I missed you so much" he whispered into her ear. She melted into him she wants to kiss him and tell that she still loves him but she couldn't because she needed to know why he asked her here. she breaks the hug after a minute "you know I never knew why you loved this statue so much" Tony said as he took her hand. The Statue in question was of Tony in his ironman suit caring a passage plan on his back away from the twin towers with smaller plans at its sides.

"I love because it reminds me that one man can make a difference if it wasn't for ironman how many lives would we have lost," Serena says. "I know what like to lose something important to you," Tony says as he looks into Serena's eyes. Tony closes his eyes and leans towards Serena to kiss her Serena leans closer to him as well just as they were about to kiss Serena pushes him away. "I didn't come here to get back together with you," Serena says in a weak voice.

"Why Serena I still love you and you still have feelings for me," Tony says as he pulled Serena into him. "I do but I can't trust you I loved you more then I loved anyone I still do but I can't be sure that you won't hurt me again," She says. "I won't hurt you again the only reason I did it last time was because after my dad and Oliver were I couldn't take care of myself let alone you," Tony said. "I didn't take need you to take care of me I needed you to let me take care of you" she said and cried. Tony pulled her head into his chest but then he blacks out.