Dead shoot

B.A.U in the meeting room at the SCPD station

All the team members are sitting around the table talking about what they learned from crime scenes and M.E. "Alright less discuss our finding" Hotch said and he took a seat in between Rossi and Reid. "The abandoned building where the first 3 murders occurred is located was on the outskirts of the city. The building that they were holding the kidnapers Vics had 2 other abandoned building on other either side. Which means that they had scouted the location in advance" Morgan said. "Which supports our original thought that the kidnappers were professionals" JJ continued.

"When I met with M.E he told that VIC 3 died of a broken neck but by twisting but his neck was forced backward" Reid said. "To break a neck that way would need between 1000 to 1250 foot-pounds of torque" He continued. "So the unsub so far appears to be a physically strong man, extremely proficient in hand to hand combat" Rossi said.

Queen Tower Tony bedroom 1 week later

Tony P.O.V

I woke up every day feeling better then I have in a long time because every day I woke up next to the most beautiful woman in the world and today was no different. As I open my eyes and look down at Serena sleeping on my chest I still can't believe that I got her back. I wanted to kiss the top of her head she was just too peaceful to disturb "Sir I now that you would like to spend the rest the day in bed. But I do have to remind that you need to go back Starling city for the Unidac Industries auction" Whis tells me pulling me out of my trance.

Serena wakes up too she begins to lift her head off my chest but I pull her back down "Just stay here a little longer" I say. "That's what you said 7 days ago you know we're going have to go outside right," she asks in her cute voice. "I know but it would nice if we could freeze time so we could be here forever," I said as I kissed her. I began to kiss her neck but she stops me "Oh, no you don't you heard Whis we have to go to starling" she says. I ignored her weak protest and continued to work my way down her neck she doesn't seem to want to stop me but Whis does "Sir I don't have to remind you that you promised miss Thea you would be back in a week" Whis says.

I guess I have to get out of bed now I kiss Serena's lips and pick her up "what think you're doing" she asked. I began to walk towards the bathroom "I thought since we short time we enjoy a shower together" I said as the door opens. About 1 hour later we walk smiles on your faces I walk to the closet to put on some clothes. "Tony I'm going to need to stop off at home to get some clothes," Serena says. I walk behind her hug her wais and kiss her ear "Sure thing, first" I said whispering into her ear. I pulled about a black I phone and hand it to her. "Tony I already have a phone," she said I smile "It, not a phone it's a key," I said. "A key to what," she asked "to the tower the jet and everything else," I said. "I know that screwed up before but I want you in my life all my life," I said she didn't say anything after that and we just kissed and I guess we were going to late after all.

After Serena left to get her things I decide to check on Unidac Industries auction "Whis who are my biggest contenders for auction" I asked. "The some as always sir Wayne industries, Queen consolidated and the new upcoming Palmer tech they aren't as big as the other two but they are the fastest-growing company on the list," Whis says. Plamer that name sound familiar. "Whis run Plamer against the special files," I said I knew that my memory would fade so I made sure to write everything into Whis database. "I have it Ray Plamer the atom," Whis says.

Whis pull the file of the atom up on the screen "Ray Palmer, research scientist, created a "white dwarf lens" that gave him control over his own mass and size. As the Atom, he fought many villains and strange menaces across time and space, not only alone but also as a member of the Justice League. For a brief time, Ray Palmer went undercover and a man named Adam Cray stood in as the Atom." Whis says.

The Atom Dc's ant-man now that was a surprise I remember him being a golden age hero. This world really doe' st want me to know anything in any case his tech already outdated by my standards. "Whis put him on the watch list level 1-b," said as get up. "understood sir," Whis says."Also what happened to Russell since I dropped him off in person" I asked. "Sir he is now in iron heights he was been given the death penalty" Whis tells me. "Keep an eye on him and at him the watch list level 3-E" I said "understood sir" Whis replied.

"Also Sir there was a shooting last night a man named James Holder was shot and killed," Whis says. "The police believe that Oliver was there and Killer was Dead shot" Whis continues. Dead shoot now that took me for a surprise world's number one assassin for a normal human anyway. But if I know Oliver he will go after him I can't blame him. If he showed up in my city I would go after him "Whis sent Oliver the information we have on Floyd Lawton also text Serena and tell her I'm sorry but I have earlier have the company sent a jet for her" I said and walked into the quin jet. "Understood sir," Whis says.

The flight to Starling I decide to check in on LA I had been away for while "Whis how has LA been since I left" I asked. "Sir the Iron legion has kept the city in one piece since you have been gone nothing major happened" Whis replied. The jet lands in helipad on Queen mansion I climbed out of the jet and saw Oliver waiting for me. "I take it that you got my message," I said walking up to him "Yeah it will help," he said walking alongside me.

"Oliver is careful with Lawton he is a dangerous one," I said he nodded his head as we walked into the house. I went to the living room to hear "Last time it was public intoxication this time breaking and entering. My, how we are we moving up in the criminal world" mom said to Thea. "What happened," I asked Diggle "She and her friends broke into a store tried on some dresses last night, lit up breathalyzer like Christmas tree," he said. After that Thea walks past and heads to her room I go after her so that we can talk.

When she was in front of the staircase I grab her hand "What are you doing Thea" I asked. "Didn't hear I moving up in the criminal world Mabey next time I can try dealing" she says. "Thea I know that you are hurt and I know that it's my fault but please stop hurting yourself to punish me" I pledged with her. She pulls away from me and walks up to her room