Thrid person P.O.V
Shortly after the plane had landed the BAU they did then the plane hit the ground running. JJ and Morgan headed to the first Crime scene. Rossi and Hotch head for the second and meet with detective lance Reid went to the police station to set up and coordinate with the M.E.
With JJ and Morgan
JJ and Morgan pull up in front of an industrial estate on the outskirts of starling city they park the SUV and get out. "Good location to hold kidnap victims a lot of these warehouses are abandoned " JJ said looking around the area."Yes but it also means that the kidnappers wanted to be away from populated areas. To get to this location they would have to drive through more a few bussy streets with 2 unconscious men. Assuming that they are traveled together they would have to have a large vehicle- most likely a large van" Morgan said.
"The kidnappers were the unsub targets, how did he know they be here, how did he know that they would be here at that time," JJ asked. "Let's go inside, see if we can determine anything else about him" Morgan side.
Later after they decide to go question Oliver again hoping for more information
JJ and Morgan pulled the SUV to a stop in front of a gate in front of Queen's mansion. A security guard went the driver's side window Morgan rolled it down "May I help you" the security guard asked. Morgan pulled out his badge "SSA Morgan and SA Jareau here to see Oliver Queen" he said. The Security guard pulled up his clipboard "you're not on the list" he said. JJ and Morgan looked at each other not sure what say "listen, man, you see this badge it says F.B.I" Morgan said. "And it's not on the list if your not on the list then you not getting in" the security guard said. JJ seeing that things might get out hand stepped in "listen, mark" she finds out by looking at his name tag "we really need to get in there and talk Mr.Queen could you do anything" she asked a sweet voice.
"I would like to help you so I will call into the house and ask if he willing to meet with you" Mark said. JJ and Morgan looked at each other and nodded Mark went back to his box and made the call. A few minutes later he came back "He agreed to meet with you but he said it has to be tomorrow" he said as they nodded and left.
Meanwhile, in downtown Starling city Rossi and Hotch arrived outside of Adam hunt's building. When tried to get they stoped by uniform cops they pulled out there badges "SSA Hotchner and SSA Rossi F.B.I BAU" Hotchner said introducing them. The cops checked their badges and then let them in. They ask them where lead Detective is and point to Lance inside the building.
They walk in front of Lance "SSA Hotchner and SSA Rossi F.B.I" they say to Lance "detective Lance SCPD" Lance says back you hear the hostility in his voice. "What can tell us, detective," Rossi asked "we were told you were here when the murders happened" he counted. "Yeah what are you implying," Lance said stepping closer to the shorter man obviously anger about the question. "We're not implying anything detective, we simply would like your account of what happened on the night in question" Hotch said stopping in between Lance and Rossi.
Lance looked at Hotch with anger and then stepped back he made his way into building told them to follow. "He doesn't seem happy to have us here," Rossi said Hotch nodded and said "yes but that not important we have job to do and so does he". Rossi nodded and they made way towards where Lance's head. The three men stepped into the elevator.
Lance starts to talk "Adam hunt is scum, pure and simple. when he reported to us about his attack he claimed that the man in the green hood threatened to take 40 million if hunt didn't transfer it to a specific bank account by 10 pm. He arranged hos own security and requested that the SCPD remain downstairs in the event that Robin hood came back. Shortly after 10 pm, we received a call over the radio from Hunt he was being attacked I heard gunfire in the background so order my men to go in and by the time we got upstairs the hood had killed everyone expect for hunt."
The elevator stopped on the floor where the attack took place Lance stepped out first and lead the two men to the hallway where the attack started. When they stopped Lance continued "Hunt had 6 men stationed out here all armed. Drakon, Hunt's head of security was in the main office with Hunt. In his statement, Hunt said that shortly after 10 pm they arrived on the elevator on this floor. He then heard gunfire and shouting which died down before the hood forced his way in. He fired an arrow, that missed hit the wall behind Hunt's desk. Mr. Drankon fought with the hood hand to hand with that destruction Hunt was able to raise the alarm. When we got here Drakon was dead and I saw someone crouching behind Hunt's desk. I order him to drop his weapon instead he fired an arrow knocking the guns out of mine and my partner's hand and made a b-line to the window. When I got to the window we saw him flying down some kind of line to building next door. Couldn't believe my eyes" Finished Lance.
"What can you tell us about the building next door," Rossi asked. "It's called the ironworks building. It's used as a concentration hall of sorts and it's rented out for parties for rich kids with too much money. On the night of the attack, it rented out for a welcome home party of Oliver Queen" Lance answered with hostility at the end of his voice. Rossi and Hotch shared an intrigued look.
With Reid
After going to the Police Station Reid went to the M.E office to get their information about victims. Dr.Hall lead Reid to the exam room and began to describe the victims. Dr.Hall walked to the exam table and said "Vic 1 died instantly when a wooden object was forcefully stabbed into his heart. He also had marks under his chin consistent with being tasered. He was also, Shot multiple times in the torso post mortem. Vic 2 died of shots to the torso, Vic 3 died instantly when his spinal cord was severed by a broken neck. This part where it gets a little crazy his neck wasn't twisted like you normally see but forced backward. Vics 4-9 suffered from multiple injuries and died from force trauma and an arrow to/through the chest. Vic 10 suffered from defensive wounds indicating that he fought with his attacker what killed him was a flechette to the throat." The M.D finished.