A meeting

Tony P.O.V

As I watched Thea walk away it hits me again how long did I ignore her because of my own pain because I was keeping my promise to Oliver. Just then I hear my phone ring I answer it without looking at the caller I.D I put to my ear I hear "you have some explaining to do mister" Serena says in a voice I tell that she wasn't anger but still want to say sorry. I smile that what I loved about her just hearing her voice can relive some of my pain "I'm sorry but I had to talk Oliver in person" I plead weakly. "So I'm less important then Oliver," she said in a playful voice. "I'm sorry how about I make it up to you tonight," I said "I could be persuaded into it," she said. "I can very persuasive," I said "I know, see you tonight and you better be there when I land" she replied."I will love you" I said. "Love you too," she said.

"I wonder who could make you look like that" I hear a voice call out behind me. I turn around to see Oliver standing there with Diggle "I told you about her remember" I replied he thought for a moment and shook his head "before you went on the yacht you, me and her had planes for dinner" I said. He thought about it and nodded "you still together" he asked. "I broke up with her but I realized I needed her and I was an idiot for ever letting her go," I said. He nodded "I can relate," he said in a low voice "you know if want to be with Laurel you're going to need to honest with her completely honest," I said.

"I can't if she knows everything if anyone knew everything they would look at like I'm damaged," he said. "Oliver you are damaged anyone that lives the life we live is a little damaged but is not about the damage it's about finding someone that can love the damage," I said. He looked me in shock "never in million years would I think you would be giving me love advice" he said. "Things do change over 5 years but you and I have a lot to make up for," I said. "But Oliver I'm going be honest with you I don't think you're ready for Laurel," I said. He looked shocked "What I mean is that you still need to figure out what you really want Oliver," I said. He nodded after that I went to my room to do some research on auction until Serena lands.

When Whis told me her plane was about to touch down I got the airport right before it with a bouquet of roses. When she got off the jet I pulled to tight hug and kissed her lips "Wo if I had known I could get this kind of response I would be fake mad at you more often" she said. I smile "you don't need to fake mad for this I would do this every day if you asked," I said kissing her again. Serena smiles at him she knew that it true he loves her so much.

Next day Unidac Industries action

Tony P.O.V

This going be hell day after Oliver brought me a laptop with bullet holes in and asked me if I could find anything on it. After going through it can pulling what I could we found Lawton was going to kill someone at the auction Oliver asked me to help protect it because he couldn't. I had the iron legion watching over everyone and had Serana stay at the mansion I told that there going to attack and she tried to stop me from coming but I told that Oliver needed my help. I promised her that I would be fine she agreed but I had to fight her on it.

"Sir I have something you want to see," Whis told me he then shows me a picture of Lawton. "Get this to Oliver and get the iron legion ready and one of my suits ready in case Oliver can't handle it" I said. "Understood sir but I must ask why is it that you are not handling this yourself," Whis asked me. "It's Oliver's city Whis he said he wants to handle it himself beside he has a plan" I said. "I know the plan sir but" Whis was about to say but stopped when a black man wearing a suit approached me. He extended his hand and said "F.B.I agent Morgan". I took his hand "Anthony Queen C.E.O of queen industries" I say shaking his hand. "I know I was hoping you can answer some question for me" he asked. I get now "I am sorry agent Morgan but any question you or the F.B.I may be asked when I have time," I say walking away from him. After that, I made my way out of the auction house to get some air. "Whis what information do we have on agent Morgan," I asked. "F.B.I agent Morgan member of the B.A.U ex-navy seal another then that normal sir" Whis says.

After that brief exchange, I flew back to the auction house and had my way down from the roof. Just as I was about to make my way into action I hear "Anthony Queen just the man I was looking for". I turn to see the man that I had Whis look into before I came here, Ray Palmer the atom. "Ray Palmer nice to meet you," I said shaking his hand "As well you Mr.Queen you have been one of my idols since you first reviled the arc reactor," she said. "Mr.Queen was my father call me Tony," I said "well Tony call me Ray if you have some time after the auction I would love to talk to about some projects," he said. I Noded and told him we can talk later after that the auction without incident.