Back to L.A

Tony P.O.V later that night

"Sir I have something that you need to see" I hear Whis say as I pull out my phone. Whis puts up a live stream from the news in LA. The stream shows a larger Gary green armor destroying the city Richfield I thought. "Ironman come out and fight or I will destroy this city" a voice coming from the large armor says. "Whis scan it and put in the database as Titanium man," I said as I stood up to get out bed. This something that the iron legion can't deal with. "understood sir" I hear whis say "also have iron legion begin the mass evacuation portal" I said stepping out the room I hear "Tony where are you going" I turn to that Serena had woken up.

I walk back to the bed and take her hand "Something happened in L.A I have to go there deal with it" I said. "I see is it an ironman thing for a Tony Queen thing," she asked "both" I answered. She tined her hold on my hand "I know that I can't stop you but please be careful and come back to me" she said. I kiss her forehead "I will always come back to you" I said and made my way out of the room.

I make my way out to see that Oliver was making his way in "where are you headed" he asked. "Something came up in L.A I need to go back," I said in a voice that implied that I didn't want to talk about. "I understand," he said "good because I need you to explain it to mom and Thea," I said. "Alright" he nodded "but what did you tell Serena," he asked "the truth" I answered. Just I was about to walk past him he grabs my shoulder cause me to grab his hand my reflex. I try to twist it but he pushes me back "what does mean the truth," he said in a serious voice. "I mean the truth Oliver but if your wondering if I told her about you don't be I only told her about me," I said.

That seems to have claimed him down "If nothing else I need t go" I said making my way towards the door. The quin jet was around waiting for me "Whis began cloaking" I said. The jet turns invisible to naked eyes as my necklace turns into my suit "Alright sir" Whis says. The jet begins to fly at max to LA be there in less than 20 minutes I look at the window to see the city closing in. when we just outside of it the cargo hold for the jet opens and I jump outside and fly towards the site where Titanium Man is.

I saw him foreign at everything in sent he doesn't seem to have a goal but to destroy everything. I saw him and fired a missile at him the missile hit him clean but there was no damage to the suit. He turned to look at me " Hey big why don't you pick on someone your size" I said back. "Whit pressure he said" he fired missiles at me I dodge them by flying up. The missiles blow up behind me I use the explosion to speed my way towards my enemy.

I fly into him chalking him into a car behind us I fly back while he was still on the car and fired my blaster at him. The blaster doesn't seem to hurt him "Whis the blaster isn't working I think we need to call in Jane" I said. "Understood sir she will be over in city in 10 min" Whis says to me. See that my blaster was at best going to slow him down I decided to go with another option. "Hey Hammerhead would want me, come get me," I said as I began to fly towards the desert. This should be far should be enough distance far the city I say as land in the desert.

"This good spot for your death" I hear from behind me I turn my head to see that Titanium man had made his towards me. "That rich coming from knock-off version of my suit," I said back to him. "I will admit that your suit was the base of this but I will show that it is superior to yours in every way" he said charged at me. I didn't have time to blink when he was alright on top of me. He then began to spin around by grabbing my hill and pulling me over his head. He let go and throw me halfway across the desert before I landed he was already over me and foreign his blasters.

After the blasts hit me knocking me into the ground he was over me again ready to fire. "Sir Jane is in and she on top of us" I hear Whis " have sent in the twins" I said. Then I fired off the rockets in my boots speed me away from the missiles that my opponent fired. I flew up into clods and as I flying I hear "don't think you can run" titanium man yelled following my up. As fly up a pair of red gauntlet fly towards me and replace the ones already on my suit.

After the gauntlets where replaced, we come upon a red satellite that has a large fan in the center. I stop my accented just under it. Titanium man stops at the same higher as me and then his eyes are drawn to the satellite. As he's looking at satellite "I think it's about time we end this" I said. "Oh really and how are you going to do that" he asked I smile under my mask not that he could see it. "With this", I say as the gauntlets I was wearing turn into a pair of canons. The back of suit opens up and the satellite fires lighting into it. The entire suit starts to glow with a blue light and raise my arms ready to fire at him.