15. 'A Surprise'

*Qin Shan POV

After Huan and I get back from shopping she goes into hysterics. She goes off rambling about how Song Meng "appeared out of nowhere" and rescued us.

"What is going on between the two of you? Are you dating? How long have you been dating?" She goes off with all these nonsensical questions and I can't help but laugh. HuanHuan is so child-like sometimes. I unpack the dress, it seems to shimmer more now than ever. I'm so excited to wear it!

As I get ready to retire for the night my phone buzzes;

"Meet me at the courtyard tomorrow after third class."

"Yes sir :)." I reply quickly, not wanting to make him wait. Though he usually comes for me, it would be nice for me to go to him for a change.

"Bring your friend with you." Oh. Maybe he wants to set Huan up with his friend

"Huan." I say "Do you want to meet Senior Song Meng with me tomorrow after Third class." She drops the book she was reading. That's a response in itself.

"Okie." I respond. "Are you bringing Senior Wu He with you?" I need to make sure my intuition is right. This is going to be an interesting experiment. Huan and Wu He seem to be like the same type of person. Hopefully, they will have some sort of connection. Huan doesn't have a date to the halloween dance yet, so this is the perfect opportunity.

"Yes." He responds quickly. I need to keep a straight face or else Huan will suspect something.

"Okay. We'll be there tomorrow. Good night Song Meng." I say. Even texting his name feels like a bliss and I feel my hearts start to race. 'It's a stupid text. Get yourself in check" I say to myself.

After that, I try to sleep, but as expected, sleep doesn't seem to want to make an appearance. Every time I close my eyes, I only see his face, his figure, I hear his voice. But surprisingly, I don't mind too much. I drift off eventually.

The next morning, when getting dressed, Huan is frantic

"What should I wear? Oh gosh, we're meeting Senior Song later." She pulls out outfit after outfit and I can only laugh.

"And his friend, remember?" I tease slightly. Huan knows nothing about Wu He other than that he is Song Meng's best friend.

"Of course." She rolls her eyes.

The morning passes quickly. I don't see Song Meng in first class and start to get a little bit nervous, however, he shoots me a text telling me that he is just doing preparation for something. That relieves me. But I can't help but think he is preparing to help Wu He with his proposal.

Before I know it, it is time for Huan and I to go to the courtyard. Huan gets out of class a few minutes early and meets me at art.

"Oh gosh, I'm so nervous." she says.

"Don't be." I say. I can't hide my smile. Hopefully all will go well.

"Coming." I text Song Meng, I wait a few seconds but he doesn't reply. He must be there already.

The courtyard in subject is quite small, but beautiful. There is a white gazebo that not many people know about. It is covered with purple and white wisteria and the arching looks vintage. Surrounding it, there are rose bushes that produce light pink and white roses. Huan is in awe, taking it in. If I hadn't been here before with Song Meng, I would probably have the same reaction.

Wu He and Song Meng are standing at the opening to the gazebo. I quicken my stride and Huan does as well. She seems enchanted by the two men standing in front of us. They are both in casual, dark clothes, but I can't but help think about how ethereal they both look. Exchanging a few words to each other - too quiet for us to here - they start to walk over. Only then do I notice that the interior of the gazebo is lined with silver and light purple streamers, there are several candles lit and placed on the white stone.

The boys walk towards us, Song Meng offers his hand and Wu He does the same for Huan. She looks like she's about to pass out, but I keep my cool. I already know that they are perfect together. We walk into the center of the gazebo and to my surprise, Wu He pulls Huan to the side a little bit and nods to Song Meng. 'Huh?'

Song Meng looks at me, his dark eyes unfathomable,

"Qin Shan, will you attend the halloween dance with me? It would mean a lot if you would do so." My eyes widen and before I know it, my hands are cupped over my mouth. I'm speechless.

"I guess we can try it out." I manage to choke out. My efforts of a teasing voice are pitiful but Song Meng seems elated. He comes and wraps me in an embrace.

"Thank you." His voice is hoarse in my ear. In my peripheral vision, I see Wu He turn to Huan.

"Xiao Huan, will you come with me to the dance. We can't let those two be without chaperones for the night." He smiles but Huan nods vigorously.

"Yes, yes, yes. It would be my pleasure." She is so happy that her eyes are welling up in tears. This is really the perfect day. Much of a surprise, but I will never forget it.

Song Meng takes a hold of my hand

"Ready to go back now, or we could stay for a bit longer." He whispers into my ear. My mouth goes dry, we're holding hands. Oh. My. Gosh.

"I don't mind ditching today." I whisper back. I notice our faces are inches from each other and I turn away, embarrassed. Huan tries her best not to laugh but a small giggle comes out. Wu He seems to be the same way as he fixes his eyes on Song Meng and puts his hand to his lips.

Surprises are can what really make or break a day. Today was a surprise that I will forever remember, and always cherish. And most importantly, Song Meng - the Song Meng, asked me to be his. My heart is beating faster than the wind. Today is just perfect.