35 'Showcase'

*Qin Shan POV

The rest of the day after reaching the charming revelation that there is a vampire organization goes by quickly. As do the following days until, suddenly, it is time for the art showcase.

The art showcase is a widely attended event for all students on campus. This makes me a little bit nervous as the piece that Song Meng and I contributed will be one of the centerpieces. The final product is lovely. We finished theming the painting with vibrant purple and silver and subtle undertones of gray, and blue. It is obviously an image of the gazebo in the courtyard from our school, however, it is as if the world that surrounds it is mythical.

During the day, I can't pay attention to any of my classes. I twiddle my fingers, a little bit hasty to get to the evening. HuanHuan and I are going to be attending together and know that at least Song Meng will join us. I haven't been able to ask Huan if she and Wu He had patched up their relationship and I am in no hurry to pressure her.

Evening comes and we get ready together. Black and white formal clothing is what is recommended to be worn. Song Meng and I have communicated over text a little bit about what to wear. HuanHuan being the "fashion expert" of our little pairing pulled out a long black dress for me.

The dress is long. It covers me from neck to ankle. It is sleeveless and has a V-neck collar. The material is silk and hugs my every curve. There is a almost striping of mesh from my thighs to my ankles. Alternating stripes of thick silk and airy mesh that show off the legs. While this made me a little bit uncomfortable, Huan said that if worked on me just fine. I can only hope that Song Meng agrees with her.

Huan's dress is a little black dress that ends just above her knees. It is simplistic other than a jewelled neckline and belt which looks killer on her.

We do makeup together. To match the icy scenery of my painting, my makeup is themed violet and silver. Huan goes with a smokey eyeshadow and red lipstick. She also curls both of our hair. After we finish this, we wear black converse and head to the showcase


Song Meng is not difficult to spot. Being taller than most of the other boys at 190 cm I can almost instantly see him. He is waiting outside of the room alone. It is a little bit disheartening to see him without Wu He but HuanHuan doesn't seem to notice/care.

As soon as I he spots me, he comes over and I give him a long hug. Then I look down at his suit and can't help but blush.

Song Meng is wearing a black dress shirt with black pants. He has a silver flower in his breastpocket and his hair is dishelved a little bit. He eyes narrow a little bit when he sees my blush

"What are you blushing about now, Shan?" His voice is gentle.

"You." I give him a big smile. It is his turn to blush now!

"You look beautiful today." His eyes travel from my head down to my toes where I have my black converse. Black converse that match his exactly.

"Thank you. Nice choice on the shoes." I tease a little bit. HuanHuan rolls her eyes at us as she watches our interaction.

"I will go talk with Wan Qiu and Mo Xuilan and leave you guys to your fun." Huan gives me another teasing look before waving to the two girls not too far away from us.

"Finally you are all mine." Song Meng has a mischievious smile that makes me gulp and widen my eyes. His gaze makes me burn up on the spot.

"Wasn't I yours from the first place, Mr. Boyfriend?" I tease, an attempt to lower the sudden heat coursing through my body.

"Of course." He rolls his eyes. "Lets go and see the gallery shall we?" He holds out his hand.

"Okay!" I take his hand and we walk through the growing croud together.

The paintings are lined up by class period, with the centerpieces being displayed in the middle of the room. Song Meng and I check out our peers artwork. There are lots of paintings of holly and ivy and snow. There is even some snowmen and animals. It is entertaining to see all of the different styles and forms of art that people have made. Some groups opted to make clay sculptures of different symbolic references of snow.

At last we reach the center table with all of the main pieces of the night. Song Meng takes me through the small crowd in front of our painting so that we can observe it. It is simply lovely and I feel a smile come to my face as I think of how this painting really came to life and, more importantly, who contributed to help me make it.

"It is beautiful." I mutter to Song Meng.

"Yes. But not as beautiful as you." His dark eyes meet mine and I squeeze his hand.

"Thank you." Sudden sentiments like that leave me dazed over and over.

After observing our artwork, Song Meng and I leave the room into the cold courtyard. The cool air feels nice on my skin and I sigh. The moon is big and nearly round in the sky, its beams reach down and illuminate the surroundings in a beautiful way. Tonight is beautiful and lovely and I am so happy that I can spend it with someone who thinks I am special as well. I am really too lucky at this time.