36. 'Ethereal'

*Song Meng POV

It is the day of the showcase and Qin Shan is extremely fidgety and nervous throughout the day. We had planned everything so perfectly, yet, she is still hesitant about going to the showcase and having many people see our work.


I get to the venue early. The air isn't nearly as frigid as the last few days. It is cool and refreshing. Standing on the cement near the event place I wait for Qin Shan to arrive. The second that she enters the main square, every eye turns towards her. She is dressed in a dark dress with lucid mesh around her legs. She looks absolutely beautiful with her bright eyes and vibrant smile. I can't look away. When her eyes meet mine, I automatically move towards her.

As the gap between us closes, she starts to blush and it is a beautiful sight.

"What are you blushing about, Shan?" I ask staring into her clear dark eyes.

"You" she answers in a sweet voice and I feel the blood rising through my cheeks. I can't help but smile at her.

"You look beautiful today." I look her over from her head down to her toes where we have our matching shoes. Converse.

"Thank you. Nice choice on the shoes." She teases a little bit. I sigh because the shoe debate was one that could have gone down in history.

"I will go talk with Wan Qiu and Mo Xuilan and leave you guys to your fun."Xiao Huan gives Shan another teasing look before waving to the two girls not too far away from us.

"Finally you are all mine." I smile at her and am gratified to see that it makes her gulp and blush even more feverently. Teasing this fairy is so much fun sometimes.

"Wasn't I yours from the first place, Mr. Boyfriend?" she says, an attempt to salvage her dignity just a little bit. Something that comes with little success.

"Of course. Lets go and see the gallery shall we?" I give her my hand

"Okay!" She takes it and we walk through the staring groups of people in silence.

When we enter the room, the first thing I notice is that it is hot. The temperature is elevated with all of the people in here and, quite frankly, it is a little bit uncomfortable. Qin Shan doesn't notice, however as she looks over at all of the paintings.

As we walk through the lanes of our peers paintings, I feign interest. There is only one thing that is keeping me here tonight. Seeing her so happy and full of light gives me energy and the motive to keep moving through the crowds of students.

At last we make it to our painting, which, in my opinion, is the most lovely of it all. Seeing that there is already a large group of people surrounding it, I guide Qin Shan through the masses and everybody lets us through. The painting is so beautiful. It radiates a gentle light and a hope for a future that would be without fault. Truly ethereal.

"It is beautiful." she mutter to me. Despite the loudness in the room, I hear her voice clearly.

"Yes. But not as beautiful as you." I let my eyes wander along her face before meeting hers and she squeezes my hand.

"Thank you." She looks away, embarrased. I pull her away and we head outside into the night.

The sky is dark but lit up with thousands of stars. The moon is almost full and it's beams remind me of the painting. light, ethereal and shiny. It is so beautiful.

Qin Shan sighs and I squeeze her hand again.

"What are you sighing about now?" I ask.

"I'm wondering how I managed to land this life. This world is so beautiful yet so vast. It is amazing that you and I ever even found each other." She goes on and her gaze is distant. I know that she is thinking about her parents again.

"I would have searched heaven and hell to find you in this lifetime." I bring her palm up to my lips and peck it. She doesn't flinch but instead meets my eyes and smiles. Her smile is soft and bright. It outshines even the moon.

"You are such a romantic. Are you sure you are in the right time period?" She says jokingly and I roll my eyes.

"Yes ma'am." I say and she giggles.

We walk outside of the main square and to the courtyard into the gazebo. Our gazebo. It is pearly white in the moonlight and there is life surrounding it. Plants have crept up its sides and have made it seem even more beautiful.

I look down and catch Qin Shan smiling at me.

"You look very good when you smile. Do it more often." She says and my smile broadens.

"Only for you." I say and she squeezes my hand once again.

We reach the interior of the courtyard and look out onto the rest of the campus. There are buildings some light but mostly darkness. There is a thin haze drifting below us, one that does not completely shroud the campus but instead gives it a mysterious aura.

In this lifetime, I want to shroud Qin Shan with protection. She is a person whom I know will need protection. It is me who put her in such a position. The Court may come but they will have to go through me in order to get to her. I love her and will always protect her. I will never let her go again.