Drunken Girls and Keeping Control

Avery's P.O.V

Every one of us was drunk. The girls a little more so than us guys since they were not used to drinking at all. Though they are both fun drunks which is a bonus. Right now, the two of them were in the pool in bikinis. Yes, bikinis in the middle of winter. They were having a water fight, doing handstands, and whatnot. They were squealing and giggling. Mason and I were sitting enjoying the show from the poolside. I like seeing Hailey this way, free and not giving a damn especially with the crap she goes through at school.

"Get your asses in here." Hailey giggled, batting her eyelashes at me.

"Nope! Enjoying the show from here." I smirked.

"But please?" She pouted, giving her best puppy dog eyes.

"That doesn't work on me kitten." I laughed.

Next thing she jumped out of the pool, coming towards me with the sweetest smile on her face. She was swaying her hips from side to side gently. I, however, was not concentrating on her face. Her half-naked body in front of me had stolen my attention.

"Good enough look?" She asked, smirking, cocking her brow at me.

"Mmmm, yes for right now." I winked.

She came close to me, bending over, placing her hands on my knees.

"Come swim with me, please?" She pouted again.

I sat upright, placing my hands on her hips, pulling her between my legs.

"I will make you a deal. You kiss me, then I will think about joining you in the pool." I smirked.

"Fine!" She said, rolling her eyes, trying not to smile.

I reached up, placing my lips over hers, kissing her softly. Her shivering as I did. Her arms took place around my neck, kissing me back. She smiled into the kiss and just as I was getting right into it, she pulled away, shaking her finger at me.

"Hey! That was mean." I pouted.

"I know. But you said a kiss; I kissed you." She giggled. "If you come into the pool with me, then you can get another one. If not, well you aren't getting another one... tonight." She added, jumping back into the pool.

I laughed at her, realizing Layla was no longer in the pool, where did she go? I turned around to see her making out with Mason on one of the chairs, giggling.

"Really guys?" I laughed throwing a cushion at them, they ignored me, and Mason flipped me off.

I shook my head, deciding to join Hailey in the pool after all. I slid my shoes and top off before jumping in. The water was too cold to take my jeans off. I swam towards Hailey, who was watching me curiously.

"Hi," I whispered reaching her.

"Hi, hi silly boy." She drunkenly giggled.

She reached for my jeans, pulling me into her. A moan was escaping my lips when her half-naked body pressed against mine. She snaked her arms around my waist, standing on her tippy toes reaching in and capturing my lips in hers. Our groans were coming out of our mouths in sync. I rested my hands on the side of the pool, stepping into her, her back against the pool wall. I kept my body tight against hers, lifting my hand, wrapping my fingers in her wet hair, tugging gently as I pushed my tongue through her lips. I was searching for hers. As soon as they touched, she crumbled into my lips, deepening the kiss. I moved my hands, tracing the skin with my fingertips, starting on her arms, down to her hips, then to her waist, then lastly her stomach. Hailey shivered under my touch, small whimpers escaping from her lips that were still pressed against mine. She pulled her lips away from mine, nuzzling my neck, her lips went to the skin of my neck, my turn to whimper. She found my sweet spot, sucking on it before pulling away giggling.

"You just gave me a hickey, didn't you?" I chuckled.

"Yup! Payback for the one that is still on my neck that you said would be gone in a couple of days that you lied about." She giggled.

"You can barely see it now, stop your complaining." I chuckled.

"Or what?" She pushed.

"I will do it again...bigger on both sides of your neck," I smirked.

"You wouldn't dare!" She gasped.

"You want to bet?" I said smugly.

She shook her head, reaching for my lips but instead she only brushed them. She pushed me away, diving under the water and swimming to the other side of the pool. How can she still swim that good when she is drunk? I laughed, shaking my head, following her lead but by the time I got to her, she was climbing out. She looked over her shoulder at me, sticking her tongue out at me and headed inside. I chuckled, climbing out of the pool and going to follow her in.

"Geez take a breath you two or get a room. I don't need to see this." I groaned as Mason and Layla were still all over each other.

They completely blanked me. I decided to leave them to it, heading into the house to find Hailey. When I got inside she was laying on her bed in her pajamas. That was quick. She looked at me, smiling widely, motioning for me to come over. I gave her a confused look, Hailey giggling again.

"Come here." She said.

I nodded, making my way over to her, standing next to the bed. She looked up at me, smirking. I went to ask her what she was smirking about, although before I could, she grabbed my jeans, pulling me down on top of her, giggling as she did.

"Hailey, the bed will get wet." I said.

"That's what she said." She winked at me.

"Hailey, shame on you." I chuckled, sitting on her stomach looking down at her.

"It is your fault; you're a bad influence on me." She pouted.

"You love it. Do not even try to deny it. Kitten, I am only getting started with being a bad influence on you." I replied, trying not to look too smug.

"Shut up and kiss me already." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Nope!" I said smugly. "Make me." I added.

"Fine then. I will go find someone else to kiss me." Hailey huffed, folding her arms across her chest.

"I don't think so." I said glaring at her.

"Why not? Would you get jealous, Avery?" She smirked.

"I don't get jealous." I said.

"Shall we test that theory?" She said smugly.

"No, we shall not. Even if you did kitten, you would still come back to me because none of the other guys would quite make you feel the way I can when I kiss you." I said confidently.

"Well...I don't know about that." She said, trying to be serious.

"Is that so?" I asked, cocking my brow at her.

"You May need to prove that." She replied confidently.

I liked seeing her confidence shine through like this; it was refreshing.

"Yes, I think I may need to." I winked, leaning down.

She smirked, clearly winning this battle. Her hands automatically went around my neck, reaching up to close the space between us, both of us moaning as our lips touched. The kiss went straight to rough and hard, no easing into it this time. I pinned her hips to the bed with mine, gripping them tightly between my hands. She started tugging at my hair roughly, something I tend to like a girl doing to me. In response, she got a throaty growl. I could feel her smirking into the kiss, proud of herself, realizing how much I liked it. She continued to do it as we got into a heated make-out session.

It was beyond anything we have ever shared before, more heated. I knew it was the alcohol that was making her this way. I started rolling my hips into hers. Her body was automatically responding in the same way to mine. I could feel myself getting more excited and turned on by the second, telling me I should stop, but I never wanted to. I was not going to stop until she asked or until it gets too far between us.

She pushed up on my chest, pushing me onto my back, climbing on top of me. Her lips crashing down on mine as quickly as they left. My hands automatically fell on her backside; her hands were wondering my bare chest and stomach. I could feel her going for my jeans, and I decided it would be best to stop her there.

"Hailey don't, please because if you do that then I don't think I will be able to control myself much longer." I managed to breathe out.

"What if I don't want you to control yourself?" She purred at me, looking down at me, her eyes dark.

"What? Hailey I am not letting this go any further. Not while your drunk." I said, looking up at her.

"Why? I am sure you have had plenty of drunken sex." She said.

She is right, I had a few times but the difference is, the girls were not virgins and knew what they wanted. They were ready and up for it. I was not going to let that happen with Hailey, no chance.

"Yes, I have Hailey, but it was not any of their first time. Any girls who I have been their first time in that way have been sober. I am not doing that to you. You will regret it and end up hating me for it. Yes, I am a jackass but I know my limits." I said, reaching up and stroking her cheek.

"Okay." She said, rolling off me, turning away from me.

Great, she was mad at me again! I groaned, running my hands through my hair, rolling over, my front to her back.

My crotch area getting kept away from her because that thing pressing against her is not going to make things easier. I placed my arm over her waist, leaning into her ear.

"Kitten don't be like that. Trust me you will thank me tomorrow for it, well if you remember anything that is. Trust me if this was a different situation, I would have happily given you what you wanted without even thinking about it. Anytime you want in fact. I do not want your first time to be when you are drunk Hailey; it would be so much better when you were sober. You would enjoy it more; you would remember it better and probably not regret it as much." I said to her.

I think she is making me soft. I was okay with that, I guess. Well, only to a certain extent. I still want to be the one that takes that virginity from her but not like this. I am not that much of a bastard. That would make me as wrong as Joshua, and I do not want to be like that fucker at all, especially when it comes to Hailey.

She shifted, slowly turning around to face me, looking a little embarrassed, her cheeks flushed.

"I know I am sorry. I think I am going to stay away from drinking for the rest of my life because I make an idiot of myself." She said.

"You aren't an idiot Hailey. We are teenagers, our hormones take over sometimes and put the alcohol on top of that, well that makes it harder for us to ignore them." I chuckled.

"I guess." She shrugged. "Thank you for stopping me." She said as she pecked my lips.

"Your welcome kitten." I winked. "But hey, you still feel this way when you are sober, don't be afraid to ask." I added smirking.

"Shut up." She said, slapping my chest. "Ouch, my head is starting to hurt." She groaned.

I chuckled when she said that.

"Too much booze, baby. You should probably get some sleep." I smiled at her.

"Are you staying?" She asked shyly, looking at me hopefully.

"Yes. Someone needs to look after you when you are hungover." I laughed.

"I need to change the bed first. You got it all wet with your jeans." She giggled.

"You go sit on the chair; I will get it changed." I laughed.

She nodded, sitting on the chair as I quickly stripped the bed, putting fresh bedding on before grabbing a pair of shorts, heading to the bathroom to get changed. When I came back, Hailey was already back in bed, sound asleep. I smiled; she looked so cute when she was sleeping. I climbed under the covers with her, as soon as I did, she shifted closer to me. I froze for a moment, before pulling her body tight against mine, wrapping my arms around her, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

"Night, kitten." I whispered, soon drifting off to sleep myself.