Next Morning Panic and Hangover

Hailey's P.O.V

I woke, and my head was pounding. The light felt like it was burning my eyes. How much did I drink last night? I went to move but couldn't because I was wrapped in someone's arms tightly. I looked down, seeing a wolf tattoo and realized it was Avery, this made me relax a little. I soon went into panic mode again cause I was drunk last night so I could have done absolutely anything. I lifted the covers seeing what I had on and seeing it was my pajamas.

"Kitten, don't worry nothing happened last night." I heard him chuckle.

"Really?" I asked, relieved.

He turned to face me and nodded.

"It was not for your lack of trying mind you." He said smugly.

Oh my, what the heck did I do? How much of an idiot did I make myself? Please tell me I never tried having sex with him. I slowly slid down the bed, hiding under the covers.

"What did I do?" I muttered against the covers.

I heard him laugh, shifting, and soon he was under the covers with me.

"You tried to have sex with me. You were very eager....more than once if I recall." He laughed.

"Oh God, but we never did?" I asked.

"No, of course not. What do you take me for? I was not going to take your virginity when you were drunk and had no clue what you were doing. You are better than that kitten and deserve better." He said.

Thank God for that. I sighed in relief because I am sure that would be something I would regret for the rest of my life.

"Thank you," I said, smiling at him.

"But." He said rolling on top of me. "I will happily take it anytime you want as long as you're sober." He added winking at me.

"Shut up you perv." I laughed, pushing him off me making him chuckle.

I pulled myself out from under the covers, laying my head down and closing my eyes as my head started pounding again. Avery soon joined me.

"Hungover?" He asked.

"Yes...very. It's your fault for letting me drink." I said, nudging him.

"Get over it already kitten. You should get drunk more often; you are a fun and confident drunk." He said.

"I am?" I asked, surprised, and he nodded "what else did I get up to?" I added.

He started filling me in on everything I got up to. It was not as bad as I thought. He is right; I seem to be a fun drunk.

"I did that to your neck?" I laughed.

"Yes you did, said it was payback." He laughed.

"I never embarrassed myself too much, did I? Well, except for trying to sleep with you anyway?" I blushed at the last part.

"No, you never did. Do not be embarrassed by that Hailey; nothing was embarrassing about it. You were good at it. I was remarkably close to giving in to you. You were making it very hard for me to resist, thankfully I had a little control left, or I would have given in to your demands." He said, pushing my hair away from my eyes.

I closed my eyes, sighing below his touch, feeling my heart pound in my chest. I heard him sigh too, and it was not a good sigh. I opened my eyes, turning to him. His eyes were closed, a frown on his lips. He seemed frustrated or worried about something.

"Avery, are you okay?" I asked.

"Fine. I will get you some pain killers and water. Then you get showered; it will maybe help you feel better." He said with no emotion before climbing off the, walking out of my room.

I sat there confused, what was all that about, he was laughing with me one minute and then the next he was off with me. I sat up, slowly wincing as I did. Note to self…never drink again. My mouth tasted disgusting and was as dry as a desert. How can people enjoy this? I have only done it once, and that is enough for me. I wanted to cry my head was that bad, or maybe I am being overdramatic. I buried my face in my hands, groaning.

"It's only a hangover. You're not dying." I heard Avery chuckle.

I flipped him off, groaning as I felt sorry for myself. I felt my bed go down.

"Here take these." He said.

I took two painkillers from him and a glass of water. Damn the water was like heaven to my mouth.

"Better?" He laughed.

"Yes, a little. Why are you not like this even in the slightest?" I asked while looking at him.

"Because I have been drinking since I was twelve. My body is used to it." He chuckled.

"Oh," I said, lying back down.

"No, you don't. Go and get a shower, it will help you. After that we can grab breakfast then I need to go and check on my mom, see how she is. I asked our neighbor to keep an eye on her. You should come with me. She has been asking for you." He smiled.

"She has? Okay, I will go with you." I smiled.

I slowly stood up, taking my time, and headed into the bathroom. I climbed into the shower. He was right; it was helping a little. I am hoping this is not something that will last all day because I cannot deal with that. I sighed as the hot water hit me. I must have stayed in the shower for a good forty minutes before I climbed out and wrapped a large towel around me. I headed back into my bedroom. I was met with him laying on my bed, humming away to himself. He must've sensed me coming back because he looked up at me and smiled. I knew there was no point in getting embarrassed since he saw me running around in my bikini last night.

"Did that help?" He asked.

"Yeah, a little," I replied.

"Good. Come here." He said, motioning me over to him.

I hesitated for a moment before slowly making my way over to him, standing next to the bed and looking down at him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He reached up for me, pulling me down next to him on the bed, then he turned on his side to look at me and put his hand on my hip pulling me into his body. My breath hitched in my throat, flashbacks from last night, filling my head all at once. Oh Woah, things got a little heated last night, did they not? What was I doing, alcohol seems to make me turn overly confident. I felt my face burn up as I relived it in my head.

"Flashbacks baby girl?" He smirked.

"Yes. I cannot believe I acted like that, that isn't me?" I said, embarrassed.

"Nothing wrong with letting loose once in a while." He shrugged.

"I guess, but I am not going to make a habit of it. Don't you go getting used to it." I laughed.

"I will try not to. Now shut up and kiss me." He smirked.

"Who says I wanna kiss you?" I smirked back.

"You always want to kiss me Hailey and don't try to deny it." He winked, he was right though.

I laughed, rolling my eyes, and closing the gap between our lips, pressing mine against his. His grip tightened on me, pulling my body hard against his. The kiss was hitting up, my hands were going to his butt. I have seemed to take a liking to his butt. His hand moved from my hip, moving down my thigh, sliding his hand under the towel. He was roaming his fingertips over the skin of my thigh, a whimper escaping from my lips. He forced his tongue into my mouth, dominating mine. I felt his fingers trail further up my leg, getting closer to my...uhm center.

The closer he inched, the more I felt my legs beginning to shake. I felt my breathing becoming heavier. I never wanted him to stop, he never seemed like he was stopping anytime soon. He rolled me onto my back. His body was quickly coming down on mine. His hands were still placed on my upper thigh under the towel. He pulled away from the kiss, looking down at me. He had darkness in his eyes, his breathing was heavy. It was like he was studying me, trying to work out if he should stop or continue. I licked my lips before biting on my lower lip. Not breaking eye contact with him. I felt his fingers dancing on my thigh, contemplating what to do.

"Avery it's.." I started.

"You two up? Oh shit, sorry." We heard Mason say, interrupting us, Layla by his side, smirking at me.

He quickly climbed off me.

"Really dude? You don't know how to knock?" Avery snapped pissed at him.

I, on the other hand, never moved because I was embarrassed. My best friend does not have to see me the way she did.

"Sorry, bro," Mason said.

"Don't matter now. Hailey, I will wait for you downstairs when you are ready." Avery said getting up from the bed and walking out of the room, Mason following.

Layla came over, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Did know with him?" She asked awkwardly.

"What? No, of course not." I laughed.

"Oh." She said soon turning away from me.

What is she not telling me? Please tell me you never have sex with Mason.

"Did you?" I asked, trying not to sound judgmental.

"No, we never had sex...we uhm....done...other things." She said blushing.

"You did?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes, does that make me a slut?" She asked, worried.

"What? No, of course not. It is not like you do that stuff all the time with different guys. Did you regret it since you were drunk?" I asked.

"I was not drunk. It was...uhm this morning when we woke up. It just sorta happened." She said blushing.

"Oh...I see. Was it good?" I asked.

"Uh-huh...good." She said shyly, her face turning red.

"Oh...okay," I replied.

"Why? Are you thinking about trying it with Avery?" She asked, looking at me.

"I don't know, maybe. My emotions and hormones are playing with my head. One minute I want to...the next I'm not too sure." I shrugged.

"Hailey, don't do anything unless you are ready, okay?" She said softly, and I nodded.

We soon dropped the subject, getting ready to head out for breakfast with the guys. Avery seemed more quiet than usual, but I decided not to push him.

"You girls still joining us tonight?" Mason asked.

I forgot about the party we said we were going to with them, Layla nodded, and I shrugged, not sure if I was in a fit state to go.

"Yes, Hailey will be there," Avery smirked, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

Am I? Well, that is me told then about it, isn't it? I will wait and see.