Lake Party

Hailey's P.O.V

The four of us pulled up near the lake where the party was. Mason was driving because he did not want to drink tonight. The place was full; there were cars everywhere. A massive fire was going, and the music was blaring. I recognized a couple of the people from that night at the park. The guys stepped out of the car, Layla following them and Mason reached for her hand, keeping her close to him. I was nervous and found myself not moving from the car.

"Kitten come on. It is only a party." Avery laughed, opening the door.

He reached out his hand for me to take it. I hesitated for a moment but eventually, I took it. He gave me a hand out of the car and dropped my hand as soon as I was out.

"Stay close, okay?" He said.

"I will try. Please do not go and leave me alone. I don't do well with strangers." I said.

"Promise." He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

I smiled thankfully at him. We headed towards the crowd of people, Mason and Avery seeming to know nearly everyone here. I found it sweet that Mason never dropped Layla's hand once. He was introducing her as his girlfriend which Layla seemed surprised with, blushing frequently.

"Avery dude where have you been hiding?" Some guy said as he approached us, Avery dropping his arm from my shoulder.

Mason was taking Layla away to talk to someone else.

"Dane, nice to see you again," Avery replied.

I noticed though Dane's attention was not on Avery, it was on me. He was looking at me harder than he needed; it was making me nervous. Avery's hand soon wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him. Dane was soon pulling his attention away from me.

"We will catch up later," Dane said nodding and walking away.

As soon as Dane was out of sight, Avery removed his arm from around my waist.

"You want a drink?" He asked me.

"No, thank you. I had enough last night." I laughed.

"Okay, well let's go then." He smiled.

He took us over to the fire that was going, saying hello to everyone and introducing me to them all; they all seemed alright. He sat down as I stood awkwardly.

"Hailey, will you sit down?" He laughed.

"Sorry," I said blushing taking a seat next to him, some of the people looking at me, making me a little uncomfortable.

"Guys, would you all stop staring at her. You will scare her." He laughed.

"Sorry." They all mumbled.

Thanks for that Avery, you made me feel even more embarrassed. I sat in silence, staring out to the lake as everyone else around me chatted. They drank and smoked pot. I looked around, wondering where my best friend has gone to. I spotted her with a small group, a plastic cup in her hand while her body was leaning in against Mason's as they chatted in the small group. I was surprised at how comfortable she seemed with him. It made me smile.

"Since when does Mason have a girlfriend?" The guy Sean asked Avery.

"Since a few days ago. Yeah, Mason seems to like her." He smiled.

"He must be smitten. In the six years, I have known him I do not think I have heard him call anyone that. You are lucky if he even remembers the name of who he is with." He laughed. "Who is she?" He added.

"Layla, Hailey's best friend," Avery said.

I smirked a little hearing that. My best friend has the bad boy a little whipped, I think. Good on her, she does seem pretty smitten with Mason too. Avery turned to me, leaning into my ear.

"You okay, Kitten? You seem noticeably quiet." He said, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Fine. I am always quiet." I said, giving him a shy smile.

"You were not quiet last night." He smirked.

"Shut up." I giggled, pushing his chest gently, making him chuckle.

"You sure you don't want one?" He asked, taking a drink from a plastic cup.

"Positive." I giggled.

"What about a kiss you want one of them?" He said smugly.

"No, thank you. Not in front of all these people." I said blushing as he caressed my cheek.

"I am sure they won't mind." He winked.

I laughed, shaking my head. He pulled me into him, kissing the top of my head, chuckling. "Well, you owe me one later." He chuckled.

I looked up at him, smiling and nodding. Avery winked at me in return, keeping me close to him but turning his attention back to his friends. I relaxed a little with that.

"Have you seen Louisa? She is around here somewhere." The guy Dan said.

"Not yet, I will catch up with Louisa later." He smirked.

Great! She is here. Not like I mind her, but the fact that she is here means I am going to get left later on when he sees her. Let's face it; we know how those two work.

I pulled away from him after that, making him look at me, confused. I shrugged, standing up.

"I am going to see Layla," I said, walking away, heading in her direction.

Why is this bothering me this much? It is not like Avery and I are together. A few moments after I left he came running up to me.

"Hailey wait up." I heard him say from behind me.

I took a deep breath, turning to face him with my best fake smile.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine! Why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged.

I see a smirk creeping on his lips as he reached out for me, pulling me into him.

"Are you jealous?" He said smugly.

"Of?" I asked.

"As soon as Louisa was mentioned, your full body changed. Are you jealous because I said I would catch up with her later?" He asked.

"No, why would I be?" I know how you and her work. It is not like anything is going on between us. So no not jealous." I shrugged.

I was indeed jealous. Avery though does not need to know that.

"I don't believe you, but okay." He said smugly, laughing.

I shook my head, turning away from him and began walking away towards Layla again. He soon appeared in front of me, blocking my path.

"Can I help you?" I laughed.

"Yes." He said, pulling me close. "You owe me a kiss." He added smirking.

I went to protest against it but before I could, his lips pressed against mine and an animal-like groan coming from my lips, making him smirk into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. His hands moved from my hips, finding their way to my ass, grabbing it. He brought my front against his. His turn to growl and I giggled into the kiss. We pulled apart after a few minutes.

"That is better. Now you can go." He winked, pulling away from me.

"Okay, Sir. Thank you for your permission, Sir." I giggled saluting him, making him laugh.

He stepped out of my way letting me go by him to see Layla but not before giving my ass a quick slap, making me yelp.

"Don't you be running away from me all night now." He laughed.

I flipped him off, walking away. Layla smiling when she saw me.

"You got a taste for that stuff now?" I laughed.

"Yes." She giggled. "Come, we need girl talk." She said, pulling me away from everyone.

She seemed giddy and happy, which I liked.

"Mason officially asked me to be his girlfriend." She said, excited.

"You got the bad boy whipped by what people are telling me. You are the first girl he has ever officially called that." I winked.

"Really?" She blushed.

"Yes, really. Just don't rush into anything, okay?" I said.

"I won't, I promise. Mason knows I am not ready to have sex with him yet." She smiled, looking at him.

"You're pretty smitten huh?" I smiled.

"Very!" She gushed excitedly.

I was happy for her, but a small part of me was jealous too. I know I will never be able to do the same to Avery; he is too set in his ways.

"I am happy for you," I said, hugging her.

"Thanks, now come and meet everyone." She said, dragging me back to the small crowd.

I stood there, awkwardly, Layla seems to be fitting right in. I, however, was feeling out of place.

"It's Hailey, isn't it?" I heard someone say looking up to be met with Dane from earlier.

"Hi. Yeah, Dane right?" I smiled, and he nodded.

"You look like you don't wanna be here." He laughed.

"I don't do well in groups, that is all," I said shyly.

"Dude, don't even go there. She is Avery's girl." One of the other guys said.

The strange guy says what now? I went to set things straight, but before I could.

"Sorry," Dane said to me before leaving, walking away.

"I am not Avery's girl." I managed to reply to the dude that said I was.

"You sure about that? He doesn't do well with sharing." He smirked.

"As I said, I am not his girl." I protested, no one looked too convinced though.

I decided to let it drop; there is no point in fighting it. The subject changed after that. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out, seeing it was a text from Avery. I looked over to where he was, to find him looking at me, nodding his head, telling me to reply to the text. I laughed, opening it.


Avery: Hey, Kitten are you okay? You are looking a little lost.

Hailey: Yes, fine. I am always lost in crowds. You should know that by now lol.

Avery: When are you coming back to me? *puppy dog eyes*

Hailey: Do not know if I am yet, enjoying the peace from you.

Avery: You do not mean that baby girl. You miss me when I am not around. Hurry back now, kitten.

Hailey: You wish. See you when I see you, bad boy.

Avery: You will be back soon, Kitten... very soon.


I giggled, shaking my head, and putting my phone away. I smiled to myself. At least he has not forgotten about me...yet. That could change when Louisa shows up. I stood deciding if I should go back over to him or stay put, for a little longer anyway.

"Hailes, you okay?" Layla asked.

"Yes, fine, thinking that is all." I laughed.

"If you say so. You sure you don't want a drink?" She asked.

"Yes, I am sure. I am gonna head back over to Avery." I smiled.

"Oh, I bet you are." She winked.

I laughed, shaking my head, turning away, going to head back but as I did.

"Hailey?" I heard a girl call out.

Who was that? I looked around, seeing Lousia coming my way. She smiled as she reached me, which I returned. Why was she talking to me?

"Nice to see you again." She smiled, hugging me.

Why is she hugging me? We only met once. I think maybe she is a little drunk, guess it is kind of sweet of her. Once we pulled away, she smiled brightly at me again.

"You too," I replied.

"You are not drinking?" She asked looking at my empty hands.

"No, I had enough last night. Not one for drinking." I laughed, making her do the same.

She stood speaking to me for a moment.

"Where is Avery?" She smirked.

"By the fire," I replied, nodding in his direction.

"You two, aren't you know?" She asked.

"Nope. Only friends." I said, forcing a smile.

"Well, in that case, I am gonna go get myself some bad boy." She winked, heading off.

Great, that is me out of the window now. I watched as Louisa went over to Avery. As soon as he saw it was her, he smirked, standing up to greet her with a hug. She leaned into his ear, whispering I can only imagine what, him smirking again. I watched as they walked away together, heading into a wooded area. Well, I can guess what they are planning on doing. I shook my head, sighing, and I decided I never really wanted to be here. I wanted to be alone. I needed to get away from everyone, but I could not get home because the lake was a distance from my house and Mason was the one driving. By the look of things, they would not be leaving anytime soon. Guess all I can do is hang around until Mason and Layla are ready to go. I headed down to the front of the lake, sitting on the decking. I sighed while getting lost in the view of the lake in front of me; it was beautiful.