Hailey's P.O.V
I do not know how long I had been sitting; it was not like anyone has even noticed. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. I closed my eyes, breathing in the fresh air. As I did my phone beeped. A text from Avery flashing across the screen. What does he want? Thought he would be too busy with Louisa. I opened it, rolling my eyes.
Avery: Hey Kitten, where did you go? Are you okay?
Like he gives a damn where I am, I decided it would be best texting him back.
Hailey: I am fine.
Avery: Where are you?
Hailey: Down by the lake, needed some time to myself.
Avery: Everything okay? What is wrong?
Hailey: Nothing, I am fine. I will be back soon.
Avery: You want company?
Hailey: No, it is okay. I am sure you have enough company.
Avery: Is this about Louisa?????????
Hailey: No, not at all. I need some me-time, that is all.
I decided to leave it at that. I pushed my phone back in my pocket. I feel it vibrate again, but I chose to ignore it. I leaned back on my hands, getting back to the view in front of me.
"Hailey, you okay?" I heard behind me.
Who was that? It was a guy's voice that I did not recognize. I slowly turned around, seeing it was Dane standing there. He had his hands in his pocket, smiling sweetly at me. I returned the smile.
"Yeah, fine." I smiled.
"Can I sit?" He asked, and I nodded.
He came over and sat down next to me, turning to face me. He was looking at me the same way he did when we first met. I never felt as nervous this time around. I studied him for a moment; he was very handsome. I felt myself blush cause I was thinking about him that way. I was glad it was dark enough he would not see. I thought Avery was the only one that made me blush, obviously not.
"Thought you and Avery had something going on? Why is he all over Louisa? That is a dick move of him is it not?" He said.
Yes, it really was a dick move of him. Well, except the part it has nothing to do with me since him and I are only "friends".
"No, he and I are friends." I shrugged.
"Friends? I saw the two of you kissing earlier. That looked more than friendly." He chuckled.
"Honestly, nothing is going on between us. We have kissed a couple of times but nothing else. I know what he is like. I know the kind of girls he likes. I am not that type of girl." I said.
"He has always been that way; don't think he will ever change." Dane shrugged, "Does that mean you don't have a boyfriend at all?" He asked, sounding hopeful.
"Yes, no boyfriend in the picture," I said, staring out over the water.
I am sure I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye when I said that. A comfortable silence came between us for a little while. It was a relaxed atmosphere. I decided I should maybe actually try having a conversation with him. He seemed kind enough; I was not good with small talk. Perhaps now would be an excellent time to learn. I turned to face him, crossing my legs, resting my chin on my hand. He did the same, making us both laugh. He has a beautiful smile, very intriguing. Maybe I should get to know him a little.
Dane and I had been sitting by the lake, laughing, chatting, and flirting for the last hour. My phone had rung a couple of times. Avery calling. I ignored it though because I was enjoying getting to know Dane. He was charming and funny.
"Hailey, I was wondering if maybe you would um...let me, um take you on a date sometime?" He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
I giggled, finding it kind of cute. A date? Was I ready for a date? What would Avery think? Actually, why should I care what he thinks? He does not think about me before he does anything like having sex with Louisa.
"Yes, I would like that." I smiled shyly.
"Good. If you give me your number, we can get something arranged. It may not be until next weekend, but it will happen promise." He smiled.
"Sure." I smiled.
We swapped numbers with one and another. I swear we are closer than what we were a moment ago. He reached in, pushing my hair from my eyes, making me smile shyly at him. He was inching closer to me; I found myself doing the same. Were we about to kiss? I was nervous all of a sudden. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, moving to close the small space between us.
"What the fuck?" We heard someone hiss behind us, making us pull apart.
We both swung our heads around. We were met with Avery standing there, looking extremely pissed off. He looked like he wanted to kill someone. I see his fists clench at his side. He was angry. What right does he have to be angry?
"What?" I asked, annoyed.
"This is why you are ignoring me because you are about to hook up with some guy you only met?" He snapped at me.
"What is your problem? I can do as I please." I said, jumping to my feet, going towards him.
"You should fucking know better Dane." He said, turning his anger to him now.
"Avery she is single. You and she are not together." Dane said calmly.
I see Avery's eyes flash darkly. The anger in his eyes, I know every time he looks at Joshua. Why is he looking at Dane like that?
"Not the fucking point. Everyone knows she is out of bounds Dane, even you." He hissed.
Out of bounds? Who does he think he is telling everyone that? I was not his, and he has no right to tell everyone to stay away from me.
"I do not belong to you Avery. Why are you acting like a jackass?" I snapped.
"That isn't the fucking point Hailey." He snapped, "he knows better." He added, turning to Dane who was standing not saying a word, seeming very awkward.
"Why are you acting jealous?" I said, annoyed.
"I am not jealous." He hissed, stepping towards me.
"Mate calm down. I got told nothing is going on between you." Dane said calmly.
"There isn't anything going on between us, but that is not the point. You know the rules, Dane." Avery said.
Rules what rules? Is this some guy code I do not know about, I looked at them both confused. They were staring each other down.
"Rules? What the heck are you both talking about?" I asked, annoyed.
"He means he wants to fuck you so no one else can go near you," Dane said.
I turned to Avery glaring at him. He did not look like he gave a damn.
"Is that true?" I asked.
"Yup!" He said shrugging.
"Let me get this straight. No one can go near me because you want to have sex with me, but you are allowed to fuck whoever you want?" I asked, trying not to cry.
I think he is more like Joshua than I thought. I should have known. I have heard all the rumors, guessing they are all true.
"Exactly. I gotta get my needs somewhere because I am not getting them from you." He said with no emotion to his voice.
I think him being this way with me was hurting me more than what Joshua did. I shook my head in disgust at him, feeling the tears beginning to build up.
"You are worse than Joshua, do you know that? I hate you. Stay the fuck away from me Avery." I whimpered out, barging by him.
As I passed him, he grabbed my arm, turning me around to face him. I was crying by now. When he saw that his eyes softened, his face changed entirely but only for a moment before it went back to emotionless.
"Hailey, you have known what I am like since we met. I am not gonna apologize for who I am." He said, "You have always known deep down what I wanted from you." He added.
"You are disgusting. Yes, I knew what you were like, I never once tried changing who you were because even though you go on the way you go on, do what you want you were still always okay with me. You stuck up for me against Joshua. You were meant to be my friend Avery. Now I see it was all part of your plan. You do not give a damn about me at all. You were only after one thing just like he was. I trusted you. I thought Joshua was the worst guy I knew, turns out it was you instead. Stay away from me." I said, pulling away from him.
He stood there, watching after me, not saying a word. Dane shook his head at him.
"That was cold Avery, even for you." He said, walking by him, catching up with me.
"Hailey, let me take you home?" He said, catching up with me, "He should not have said that to you." He added.
"Yes, please? It is who he is. Maybe it was the best I found out now rather than before I did anything stupid. Sorry, he acted that way with you." I said, embarrassed.
"Don't be. I have known Avery for a long time. I know what he is like." He shrugged it off.
I calmed myself and went to find Layla, telling her I was heading home, warning Mason to get her back to my place safe when she was ready. She was wondering why I was going home, but I never told her the reason. Only that I was tired, never wanted to ruin her night. I followed Dane to his car, telling him my address. I looked out the window as we drove.
"Hailey, ignore him." He said, giving my knee a quick squeeze.
"I know." I sighed, "Let's forget about him." I added giggling.
And that is what we did. We laughed and chatted on the way back to my place. Even when we pulled up outside, we sat in the car for an hour chatting away.
"You still up for that date?" He asked.
"Yes." I smiled.
"Good. As badly as I wanna kiss you right now, I am not going to. I would like to wait until after our first date if that is okay?" He smiled.
"Yes, I am okay with that." I smiled.
"I will text you tomorrow. You going to be okay?" He asked.
"I will be fine. And okay, looking forward to hearing from you." I giggled shyly.
He leaned towards me kissing my cheek, watching me until I got in the house before he pulled away. I smiled as I closed the door, but then it soon faded when I remembered what happened with Avery. I can't believe I fell for his crap. How stupid am I? I decided the best place for me was the bed. Maybe all this will be a bad dream, well except the part I have a date with Dane anyway.