The Perfect Day (Hailey's 18th Part 3)

Hailey's P.O.V

I groaned as I felt a hand run over my bare thigh, a warm pair of lips on my neck.

"Happy eighteenth baby." I heard Avery whisper in my ear.

I smiled turning to face him. As soon as I did, he captured my lips in his, kissing me sweetly. Morning breath soon the last thing on my mind as his lips pressed harder against mine. I whimpered against his warm, gentle kiss, pressing myself against him. I climbed on top of him, straddling him and kissing him roughly. I was um...very horny this morning, something that is not usually me, not to this extent. I rolled my hips into him, feeling his morning friend greeting me hello. He grunted as I continued to roll my hips against him. He flipped us over, taking charge of the situation. I reached between us, heading to greet his morning friend, hello, making him moan. The rate I am going I will not be waiting until tonight. As we were getting into...things getting very heated.

"Happy eighteenth HALES!" We heard voices shout, "Oh...Oops...sorry." I heard Layla add in a giggle.

"Fuck off." Avery snapped, making me giggle.

"You will need to wait until later baby," I whispered to him.

He groaned annoyed before rolling off me, glaring at everyone that was now in the bedroom. Everyone finding Avery's annoyance amusing, including me. I sat up, making sure the covers were well over my bottom half because all I had on was one of his tees. It never left much to the imagination. Soon enough Carly and Layla came running over, jumping on the bed, hugging me.

"Happy eighteenth welcome to the eighteen club." Layla giggled.

Layla is a couple of months older than me. She was already eighteen, everyone was. I was the last one out of us.

"Thanks." I smiled, hugging her back.

"We made you a cake," Carly said excitedly.

"Oh, cake? What kind?" I said just as excited.

"Chocolate." Mason winked.

Mason and Daniel soon came over, sitting on the bed with the rest of us, hugging me and wishing me a happy birthday. We all sat on the bed chatting for a bit before we decided we should make a move since it was nearly eleven in the morning by now.

"How about us three guys go out to grab us all breakfast somewhere?" Avery said smiling at me. I nodded.

He leaned in kissing me before climbing out of the bed, only in his boxers. I groaned to myself as I watched him, forgetting there were other people in the room with us. He must have felt me watching him because he turned to me, giving me a quick wink. His famous smirk on his beautiful face. I giggled, shaking my head. The three guys leaving us to it after Avery got some clothes on. Layla and Carly moved, one sitting at each side of me.

"Oh, that is pretty. Who got you that?" Carly said, spotting the ring on my finger.

"Avery, it is a promise ring." I gushed, taking it off, letting them see what was engraved inside of it.

I still can't believe he got me it. It was something I never thought he would think about but then again, he is not the same guy that I met a couple of months ago.

"That is the sweetest thing ever." Layla gushed.

"You got my best friend completely whipped Hailes. Though it is beautiful. I have never seen Avery as the promise ring-type but then again I never saw him as having a girlfriend either." Carly said, giggling at the last part.

I slid the ring back on, admiring it, smiling to myself.

"He told me he was falling in love with me," I whispered.

"Falling in love? I think he is already in love, silly man." Carly giggled.

"You think?" I asked hopefully.

"No, I don't think...I know. I see the way he gets when he is around you Hailey." She smiled.

"And what did you tell him back?" Layla asked, trying to mask her excitement.

Carly and I giggled "I told him I felt the same." I smiled.

"YEAH!" Layla said, clapping her hands.

"You ready for tonight?" Carly asked.

"Yes, more than ever." I smiled, my heart racing even at the thought of it.

The three of us chatted before they left, letting me get showered and dressed before the guys came back.


Once I was done, I headed back into the bedroom to find Avery laying on the bed. When he heard me coming, he looked up smiling sweetly at me which I returned.

"Thought you were going out to grab food?" I giggled.

"We did. The place is only ten minutes down the road." He laughed.

He motioned me over to him and I happily did. I climbed on the bed beside him. He pulled me into him straight away.

"I have been sent to distract you for half an hour." He chuckled.

"Why?" I laughed.

"Can't tell you, it's a secret." He winked.

I pouted at him, batting my lashes at him but it never worked. He chuckled. leaning in kissing me. I shifted resting my head on his chest, his fingers playing with my hair like always. A silence filled the room as I got lost in my own thoughts. I smiled to myself realizing how lucky I was to have this small group in my life. They are the first people that has ever made me feel like I fitted in...that I could be myself with. That is not something everyone is lucky enough to get.

"Hailey you okay baby girl?" He asked, looking down at me.

I looked up at him, smiling and nodding.

"I have never been better. I am a lucky girl to have have all of you in my life. I could not imagine what it would be like without you all." I gushed.

"Aww kitten you getting all mushy on me?" He chuckled.

"Shut up." I said slapping his arm playfully, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I am only messing with you Hailes. I think we are all the lucky ones." He winked, making me...can you guess what? Yes blush, he made me blush for probably the millionth time since we met.

He leaned down, kissing the top of my head. He wrapped his arm around me tightly...protectively, holding me close as I snuggled into him. My body seemed to fit perfectly against his. A comfortable silence came between us as we snuggled close. I enjoyed snuggling with him.

"YOU CAN COME OUT NOW." We heard Mason shout.

Avery pulled away, jumping to his feet, giving me his hands to take which I happily did. He held my hand tightly, not letting go as we made our way through to join everyone else. When I arrived, I realized what the surprise was. They had decorated the place with streamers, banners, and balloons. There was a huge chocolate cake sitting on the table along with a spread of all my favorite foods.

"Happy eighteenth beautiful." Avery whispered, kissing my cheek.

"You all done this for me?" I said getting a little emotional.

I was not used to people doing these kinds of things for me. Well Layla and my parents but nothing like this.

"Of course, we did." Layla gushed hugging me, "We love you; you deserve it. You are always the one that is there for us, doing things for us so today we have decided is all about you. Starting with this then later us three girls are hitting the spa which is close by while we are relaxing the guys are gonna make dinner." She said smiling brightly at me.

"First though, you need to blow out your candles." Carly smiled widely, lighting the eighteen candles on the cake.

I made my way over, getting ready to blow them.

"Don't forget to make a wish kitten." Avery smiled at me.

"I don't need a wish. I got all I need right here." I said, smiling at everyone before blowing out the candles.

He came over, pulling me into him.

"You deserve it all Hailey." He whispered kissing my forehead.

I looked up at him, reaching in, stroking his face. Like always his eyes closed, moving into my touch.

"Thank you. This is perfect and tonight will make it even more perfect." I whispered kissing him.

I can't remember the last time I felt this happy...this content. It was the perfect birthday and I was hoping tonight would be perfect too.