Giving Everything (Hailey's 18th Part 4)

Hailey's P.O.V

"Baby are you sure you are ready for this?" Avery asked as we stood in the middle of the bedroom his fingertips stroking my sides.

"Yes," I whispered.

I was nervous but I knew I was ready. He nodded, leaning in for my lips. His hands going to the silk housecoat I had on, slowly sliding it from my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor.

"Oh fuck." He growled when he saw what I was wearing underneath it.

I was left standing in my red lacy underwear which I bought for tonight. He grabbed my hips, pulling me into him, crashing his lips against mine roughly. The kiss was different. It was more sexual...more eager. I kissed him back the same way. I reached for his tee, pulling it over his head, letting it fall on the floor. I reached in, tracing my fingertips over his chest. Avery whimpered, his head going back...his eyes closing.

I stepped into him, his hands going to my hips and he leaned into my ear.

"Mmm kitten you look sexy." He moaned, making a loud whimper come from my lips and a shiver shooting straight down my spine.

His lips went to my neck as his hand slid between us, sliding straight into my panties. I whimpered at the contact. He rubbed my center one...two...three times before removing his hand. I found myself beginning to pant. I could feel my excitement stir, making me want him even more if that was even possible. I pulled his face towards mine kissing him hard. My hand going to the belt of his jeans, undoing them, letting them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them. His hands went to my ass, lifting me up from the ground. Our lips not parting once. He laid me down on the bed, coming down on top of me. I hooked my legs around his hips, rolling my own hips into him. In response, he groaned loudly. His lips pulled away from mine before letting them explore every inch of skin that was bare to him. I moaned loudly, my back arching off the bed...arching into his lips. I could feel myself weaken under him.

"Avery please?" I moaned, needing him.

His lips trailed my inner thighs, his fingers hooking my panties, sliding them from my body. I reached down, doing the same with his boxers...leaving him completely naked. Damn my boyfriend is sexy. He reached for my bra removing it from my body, leaving me the same way as him. His lips pressed against mine, my legs hooking around his hips as his hands landed on my waist. We kissed passionately; his naked body pressing against mine felt right...felt good. He ground himself against me...his length pressing against me, making me call out.

"Give me two seconds." He said moving from me, grabbing something from his jeans. "Just to be extra safe." He smiled, condom in his hand and I nodded.

He unwrapped it, sliding it on himself before taking his place back against my body. His rough fingertips ran down my thigh, grabbing it, hooking it around his hip once again, positioning himself at my center. His eyes looking at me.

"Kitten this is probably gonna hurt. I am sorry about that." He said stroking my cheek.

All I could do was nod, to breathless to speak due to the way he was looking at me.

"You sure this is what you want, baby?" He asked again.

I nodded, lifting my hips up to. He stole a kiss before his face buried in my neck, his lips at my ear.

"Tell me if you need me to stop at any time." He whispered and I nodded.

I soon felt his hips come forward. entering me gently. I heard his breathing become uneasy as he pushed in further and that is when I felt it. Shit! That hurts. I clung to him, closing my eyes trying to forget the pain, wincing a little.

"Shit Hailey I am sorry." He said looking down at me.

"It is okay. Just give me a second okay?" I said biting my lip.

He nodded, resting his forehead against mine, kissing me softly. After a moment, the pain seemed to ease.

"You can move now." I breathed out.

He nodded, grabbing my hands, pinning them above my head, his lips at my ear.

"I love you kitten." He whispered, his voice a little shaky.

With those words, all the pain and worry soon disappeared.

"I love you too." I breathed out.

His lips went back to my neck, his body moving against mine...his movements slow...gentle. The first couple still hurt a little, but after that the pleasure soon replaced it. His lips went to mine as he moved against me. A loud moan escaping from my lips. I have never felt anything like it, it felt like every nerve in my body was shaking.

"Faster!" I breathed in his ear.

His movements started going faster against my body, every part of me feeling what he was doing to me. I moaned loudly, my back arching off the bed, taking him deeper inside.

"Shit! Baby, you feel good." He growled at me.


"Avery!" I called out loudly, my entire body shaking below him as a powerful orgasm ripped through my entire body.

I dug my nails into his more thrusts.

"Fuck!" He growled loudly, pushing into me once more reaching his own end, riding out our highs together.

His body fell down against mine, both of us panting loudly. Our hearts thudding in our chests as our bodies calmed down. He stayed on top of me, nuzzling my neck, making me moan. My body was still overly sensitive from the incredible pleasure we shared. I was weak to my knees. Avery lifted his head, still buried inside of me, looking down at me. His face was flushed, his hair damp and his lips swollen.

"You doing okay baby?" He whispered, stroking my hair.

"Yes." I managed to breathe out. "That was incredible," I added, a smirk creeping on his lips when I said that.

"Yes, that it was." He winked, kissing me softly," I meant what I said Hailey, I really do love you." He added.

"I love you too," I said reaching up stroking his cheek.

I was deeply, madly in love with him. There was no point in denying that. He gently pulled out of me, making me wince again because it stung a little.

"Sorry I hurt you." He said sadly.

"Don't be, the pain was worth it," I replied smiling up at him.

He disposed of the used condom before laying back down, pulling me into him.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to let me be your first kitten." He whispered kissing the tip of my head.

"I could not imagine it being with anyone else. Thank you for being patient with me Avery." I said kissing his chest.

"I would do anything for you Hailey." He whispered.

I lay snuggled into him for a little while before I decided I should go clean myself up.

"I will be back soon, gonna clean myself up," I said blushing.

He nodded, kissing me before I stood from the bed. I noticed some blood on the sheets, making me feel embarrassed.

"Don't worry about that baby, these things happen. You go get cleaned up, I will get the bed changed." He smiled sweetly at me.

I nodded, heading into the bathroom, getting myself cleaned up. When I got back to the room the bed was all changed. He was laying on it with a smile on his face. When he heard me coming back, he looked up, smiling at me.

I blushed, pushing my hair behind my ear, making him chuckle a little.

"Too darn adorable for your own good baby girl." He said, making me giggle.

I climbed back into bed with him. I turned to face him, kissing him sweetly. Well, that was how it started off anyway, that never lasted long. The kiss soon became very heated. I felt myself wanting him again and by the way, he was kissing me he was the exact same. I pushed him onto his back, climbing on top of him, grinding myself into him and within a moment he was ready to go again. He went to flip me over, but I stopped him.

"I on top." I stuttered shyly.

He nodded, his hands going to my hips. I lifted my hips, leaning over the top of his length, Avery using my hips to guide me down on top of him. I know we were not using a condom this time, but I was on birth control anyway.

"Yes!" I found myself calling out as I took him inside inch by inch, my head going back.

"Damn, kitten you feel good." He moaned.

I soon started moving on top of him. He was using my hips to guide me the way he wanted to go. I groaned loudly. Layla is right, being on top is better. Damn! He felt good. I could get used to this. I leaned down, pressing my lips against his. My front against his continuing moving against his body. Avery's fingertips trailing down my back and ass...grabbing it, pushing me harder against him. I do not think we will be getting much sleep tonight. I think I am gonna make him my new addiction. Happy eighteenth to me.