WebNovelShe Is2.78%

It was first said...

When the moon rises it's the telling of another day.

In the stories the worlds evolved as we journey into another.

This glittering world our ancestors are all but myths and legends.

Through our eyes and belief we tell of another history that is yet to be reveal.

Our clans tell of their own story and beginning. With it we take on another in our memories and respect each other no matter the action.

A life lesson to teach us more about ourself.



I blocked the clock from my view as I opened my eyes to the Rays off light shining through the sliver of opening from black out curtains.

A lazy and groggy 'nnnnnooo' is all I thought, knowing it was gonna take me hours to get back to sleep.

I roll over and throw my arm over my eyes to block the light-and shove my face into the bed, it was all I could do to avoid the sun.

At that moment I had this memory of my dad and mom in the kitchen in the early mornings with the smell of coffee bacon and eggs.

My moms remedy to waking the house up without saying a word.

Her long black hair not tied up yet so it hung down , all the way to the back of her knees. Walking in her mom slippers, at the time they were white with little red wild flowers embroidered into them with beads. As she talk it was soft spoken, naturally that's how she always was and it happen to keep my father in check all the time.

She looked the damsel part but growing up we knew mom was the boss. It was always her say over my dad and he so happen to be always wrapped around her finger.

My father 'stoic' is by far the best description. Always intimidating to everyone around yet my mom looks are deceiving.

He was a joker and laughed a lot. When stories were told at dinner he was the talkative one. Always adding in punts and still grabbing out attention with the 'history of our people' (he always said) it was a wonderful world to get caught up . Thats usually when the words started to pour out of his mouth.

I am not an only child, some days I think of us sitting there on the floor like little kids in class and how we were always in awe of our parents and the amount of respect that was giving to them by anyone who came to visit.

My little brother, how do I explain this his nickname for me was 'BIG BROTHER'.. we have a close relationship that only an over protective big sister can have.

When he was very young he got sooo sick. He had been in the hospital for a month. We were scared to lose him. There are days when I think it was because all of us being so young and overreaction. Or because non of us had been in such a great deal of hurt until he got sick.

The strength in his will to live was amazing. It helped with recovering as fast as he did.

My sisters, one older another younger. As a joke my younger sister trying to top my brother so she has also called me 'big brother'.

Its a simple punt that we laugh at every time.

My older sister has a well reputed social understanding. Psychology comes natural to her. She reads and understand any one person at anytime. Helping her greatly while shes at my parents side. She was the one to sift through the crowd and determine who's intent earned and introduction at our family gatherings.

My younger sister, she's all the words. No holding back on her freedom to say and standup vocally to anyone. for it is better than watching the drama shows. Never a dull day when u put us four in one room with good food.


The novel is now under some serious editing. Its taking a while. Ive been busy at home and my children running my life has been amazing that i forget i have this novel sometimes. Enjoy reading my minions (cue my evil laugh)