WebNovelShe Is5.56%

2- The Stairs!


I had to set the alarm! My sister would kill me if I didn't. She's be calling and I would be stuck with another year of why I didn't pick up my phone to answer her call on my day. I think she felt some kind of gratitude to making me feel guilty for something I did on my birthday.

This year she was gonna visit and stay a night to see what I do on my celebrations. This year wasn't the best. My "ex" has been a hard thing to stop my family of talking about.

Another year of my mother hoping she might get grandchildren in the next 5 years. And my sister being her amazing self asking me when I'll end up with the right girl. It was a… Complicated … question … considering our heritage and I haven't fully found Her in anyone I've meant.

Tonight my oldest sister was the party organizer and I figured it was a simple invite the 'bro's' have a cake possibly get drunk and then cook. She leveled up the party by inviting all my coworkers, called it "My Livers Funeral" and had dress code to be in black as a requirement, which was great. It happen to be my favorite color, I enjoy Halloween but my birthday is anything but near it. I figured she was the event planner so I agreed to her wish.

My suit arrived and it was made for me and I should wear it like I was the CEO ,Dhayle suggested. I made sure to simply respect what she has done for me so i abided by her terms today along with my 'bro's' (yes they are my sisters but give me a break, im the only boy in my family and i needed to rough up on my sisters to feel better)

As the party went on it became so loud. At the start it was calm and mild with a sense of encouragement that it would be a good night, no drama just my friends and coworkers getting along. All fun was my only goal for tonight. With in the first hr is was fine. As the second hr started it seem to almost shift to a thought of 'dragging on', I could feel the happy anxious that was from earlier now it was simply just making an appearance. I look around and I see my wish, everyone having fun but me. I'm standing here just numb, I wasn't pulled to the party by anything it became mundane. The bass loud and beats almost trying to sway me. I walked up to the balcony for a glimpse of the floor, trying to regain my pride and be youthful in this vibrant night.

At the top I stood there with my hands hanging over the nearest rail that overlooked the floor… I felt a hand rub against my arm...

"I take it ur the birthday boy".. she was blonde with these cute freckles at her cheek bone and her spaghetti strap skirt and vest that was laced black over it.

"Yes I sure am, how did u know" I said in my bashful boyish playful tone while I pinched her nose,

It's the note on ur jacket it says

"don't kick me im the birthday boi" ...

My full embarrassment has become my new nightmare as I yell to my sister from the second floor balcony that over looked the huge lounge where she stood looking up and mock waving at me

"Prepare FOR WAR!!" I grab the note as she starts laughing from the ground floor and before I know it I take a step back and i'm pushed against someone with my body, within seconds I realize the stairs are not catching that persons fall! Or mine!


... I saw them come in and I did my best to avoid eye contact and all obvious knowledge that they made their appearance. He looked good in His suit. The vest showing off his broad shoulders. The sleek look was a 'show stopper', And he smelt so good. The shirt tight around his arms, it showed off my admiration to his beautiful build. He had a aura of a Strong and confident personality.

The music loud and beat full of bass which actually calmed down my body and my obvious nervousness to the host of this party. I showed up with my upgraded casual look. He said ' it was a funeral for his liver' and we should dress the part. So my best funeral attire came out, a long dress shirt with a laced vest, some basic heels and a Short hooded trench in case it rained. I figure I'm not the life of the party I should just pull off the Ninja Girl inspiration and show up without a single eye looking at me.

It was well into the party and my ability to walk the room and stay encouraged was starting to fade.

"I lasted 2 hours" I whispered to myself looking at my watch and holding my wine glass with my right hand.

B's brother had a paper on his back and she kinda dared me to let him know it was there so off i went. His straight up screamed with a huge grin on his face to B while she watched the whole time i was telling the birthday boi about the kick me note.

After his initial shock i myself went back into my dull mood.

I sighed thinking 'it's already taken enough time out of my binge series' I took the initiative and was about to walk out when in a single second my wine glass shot foward and my body started to fall over the stairs in front of me.

'Fuck! MY BAD!! .." was all I heard before everything went from a tumble to total darkness. And it hurt.

A/N: i know i started off with almost no plot but some info on my brain and what i like. One is M. Night Shamalon is my favorite director. I live how his stories start off from left field and start to drag u into the drama later.