Nies birthday party..
The coffee shop ahead of us was cute, I happen to enjoy the hash browns they cooked fresh, so I make stops there in the mornings. Today was exciting. My roommate from high school dorm days was here, NIE. He happen to be this brat of a little brother , not mine but he could be with his personality. We spent all of sophomore to senior hanging out, he was a year younger than me but that didn't stop us from playing pranks on our classmates. He lived a lot further away than I did. He sisters grew up in there home town and he happen to be a great basketball player. I only meant one of his sisters. She scares me a little because she's his oldest sister and very much the overprotective type, Dhayle.
It was well into the party , I hear from the back of the crowd on the stair case "this is war!!" And then I'm yanked down, nothing to brace or catch me I see myself in full tumble down the stairs with two others in tow.
I see a dark blazer fly in front of me and the black lace fall
Holy shit! This chick is falling, I grab her but all that did was pull me with her. I fell after her. After we stopped we heard gasps and all at once hit the floor patio before tumbling down the second set of stairs, I turned over fully coherent to what just happened, suddenly asking the two lying on floor with me,
"You okay! " in the process im shaking her arm, the girl who landed next to me.
Not hearing or getting any reaction from her I got up quick to take a look over,
No blood,
She still breathing
Moving my finger over here eyes I rub them softly to see if they are dilated, they retract at light,
Okay we're good.
Slowly rubbing her arm I help her get up and finally see her blink. She automatically goes for her lower jaw and u can see the pain in the scrunched face, she turns her face to me and I can see a gash just under eyebrow and a scrap under ur jaw line.
She's bruised for sure, hitting hard on the steps, and the cut was clean from the wine glass I'm guessing.
I got up before her to help her to her feet and I see the wine stain lucky its a black shirt and my sister and her ceo look has turned into a collapse disheveled mess.
We look over the crowd and sky helps us both to our feet, all three of us excuse ourselves and walk to the bathroom 'upstairs'
Skye had a busted lip and scrap near his ear, my neck was red from my jackets harsh tug down and a bruise under one eye and on top of the other.
"Sorry about all that I'm NIE", I point over to skye and tell her "this is my good friend skye" we both say hi and she smiles up with her freckles. She ties her hair up to look at her chin, smiling as she examined the damage.
"That shit hurt" she said in full confidence that her language was pretty rough around strangers, she didn't care about first impressions. I smiled right at her waiting for her eyes to turn my way, I even grabbed her hand and continued to stare at her. She just kept looking over her fresh bruises and blood without looking at me.
"NIE, r u alright!!" My sister comes running into the guest bathroom that we were using.
"People are keep telling me u went jumping down the stairs trying to be a hero, what the fuck!?" She said it with the laugh to boot and nudging a bag with her silently asking if we needed ice.
"Nah were all good, we could use a drink though" I requested. My sister always with her knowledge of us ... she smirked at us and pulled out a liquor bottle from her boot,
?'jack's been hanging out inside her shoe'? is all I say to myself and start laughing at her shaking my head back and forth.
"Skye , bandaid?!" I ask while looking at the small gash I have on my hand, that still holding onto this girl with us.
I didn't get a response or anything. "SKYE!" He looks at me "bandaid bro?" he turned to the box and my curiosity jumps at what he's looking at so I turn around in the direction he's looking and see my sister, looking outside the door to see if there's anyone walking by, suddenly I know what she's about to do!!
"No! B!, we're gonna leave if u do that!" I point my finger at her and she smiles, I can't stop her and I'm not one to hotbox a bathroom. I pull on 'miss stairs ' arm and we start to dash out the bathroom,
"SKY! "I yell at him walking to the direction of the door, he looks at my sister, gives me a smile and nodded me off.
"What!?" I whisper and he stands there not budging. As for the girl who fell down I believe I owe her a drink for taking her down, so i grab the second bottle or stolen liquor which was vodka and head out. I don't even know her name.
I'll leave sky with the stoner of the family, I don't think he's ready for how chimney my sister can be...she scares me when she smokes.
"Have fun!" Giving sky the okay sign with my hand and I take off out the door.
Getting up was a bit hard my face hurt, NIE is just the right dude to follows women down the stairs. She was cute, Galens childhood friend and neighbor. Yup I knew she was gonna get me in trouble considering I brought her along to meet Nie. She was his type, cute and open about what she was thinking. He needed someone to just say what he was thinking for him. Plus she's been crushing since her freshman year, they both got into high school the same time. He was always busy with something family related on his off time I couldn't seem to find the right time to introduce them. Honestly her begging started to annoy me. I didn't like having an adopted little sister, Galen can have her back.
She hit pretty hard though, looking at her we all headed to the masterbath. Nie patched her up and she was so quiet, what is this new side?
I wanted to embarrass her and ask but she looked rather taken by her bumps and bruises.
"Nie!" A voice came throwing it self through the doors.
"Are you okay?" She asked me.. or us? I'm not sure but she has the best presents, here sweater skirt tight around her thighs and fitting her everywhere else, wow those legs, the neckline on the sweater plung and the oversized turtle neck folds over her shoulder, shes got the smoothest looking skin, her hair straight and thick. She smells like a fire ball candy when she stands close to me, I'm glad she's not talking to me or I might just fall over myself on the sexy that she's showing off.
Before I know it nie is asking for a drink, I only stop staring because she reached into her boot and I couldn't help but lick my lips, those sexy legs of hers and she pulled out a liquor bottle.
She's fucking perfect, I need this girl in my life. We all took a shot, nie fully aware that Colleen is now in his hands, I notice his sister again.
She's looking out the double doors, what is she doing?, is that a bag of weed she just pulled out of her boot, I'm stunned? At a party with her brothers coworkers, he's taking off, nie was never a smoker. But me, I'll try anything with her. Including this. I've never smoked or taking a shot during a concussion, I'm curious as to what else she might do to get me in trouble. I looked at nie and smiled, his sister is not only hot but she makes me want to do anything around her, what's this pull she has on me. I haven't even spoken to her.
Nie leaves she turns around and see that I haven't left. She smiles and looks down at her shoes. It has a cute expression, one I didn't think was gonna be her reaction. She's shy? Naturally or just to me? Let's find out.
"So are we smoking or u just standing there as expensive decor?" She smiled at me, her face is quite beautiful with her high cheek bone and tan skin, she has this tiny birthmark just above her cheek, here upper lip is plump. Those eyes, dark and focus when she looks directly at me. It's obsession I just want her to keep looking.
"Smoke of course" she said in a lower excited voice and turned around to open a cabinet with a bong in it, she waved me over to the shower and closed the door. It was ceiling length with a window, opening it up we sat on the shower seat and she held up the lighter, u could hear the bubbles and smoke start to fill the glass shaft of the bong, seeing her smoke it was exhilarating, my train of thought went directly to everything sexual and goosebumps covered my body. I wanted to taste her lips.
she let the smoke go from her lungs. She handed it to me and my hesitation gave her a curious expression.