WebNovelShe Is19.44%

7-What was this!


' Knock knock knock' the door had finally has a friend, I smirk with a chuckle.

"Be there in a minute!!" I grab my shorts and a T-shirt thats acceptable and not covered in paint. I hustle to the door but before I'm even in the living room I stop in my path and look up to see ...

"Sky!" I gasp slightly and begin my ever so long clumsy monologue ..

"REALLY! Waiting for me to open the door was so hard for u!?" With my most prideful voice I begin to explain why my personal space is precious to me.

"This line shouldn't be passed without my absolute invitation!!" I exasperate with the overwhelming urge to prove my point of

'my permission only in my space' RULE!

It didn't matter though, he was the overbearing and very persuasive individual.

"Would u like us to stand outside ur door or outside the building while u compose and collect urself?!" He said, with this smart rebuttal of his I calmed down and used the option with the longest distance in literal matter to my own advantage.

"Outside the building" I request standing my ground in the most composed fashion I can after that amazing face made his way into my studio apt. Before he left with his minions, his eyes spied my apt with a slow single glance over. It made me feel like I had reveled to much in terms of my own personal taste and habits.

"I'll be down in a couple minutes" I state as I close the door behind him and turn around to face Dhalye

"Did u feel that?!, he's like god with those magical powers in his eyes" she said while fanning her face off in a girlie dramatic act.

She helped me get dress. I told her I'd rather seem undesirable.

In the cliche Sister look said she helped me look 'Tasty', using her fingers as quotation symbols.

It was a look!! one I could work. Long pencil shirt with my black kicks, it helped my 5'5 height get to a 5'7, and a button up tank that went to my neck as not to show off my cleavage during this hot summer.

I looked at the full mirror while turning my body from front to back to see if lint or some kind of flaw showed it's ugly face. I smiled and grabbed my fur coat and took off out the door to Sky. He stood there slightly annoyed with a mischievous look as he leaned against this beautiful classic 1969 camero and his legs crossed with his idle feet swinging right to left while he was deep in thought.

I looked at him and decided to snap my finger in front of his view,

"YO" I exclaimed, chuckling I could tell I finally broke the train of thought.

"I'm here!"

I wanted to be a little sassy so I taunted him

"Guess u we're thinking a little to much about the other one you got on the side?" I side smile and took a side glance At him while walking to the passenger side of the car.

As I go to grab the door handle he puts his body between me and the door. He looks down and doesn't say a word but rubs the back of his hand to the side of my arm sliding his hand down and moves my hand pulling it away from the door, I can feel myself blush, it's warm and exciting.

He opens the passenger door and moved to my left, grabbing my waist his sits me down and grabs the seat belt, moving his body over mine he buckled it in with his chest pushing against mine knowing it's intentional he smells my neck and smiles against my collar bone, rubbing his lips on my blouse. I move my hands up and push him away from my body slowly as he starts to move back out of the car. I take a deep breathe and calm down my nerves and he walks to the driver side door.


She just seem exciting. A game where I can win also,but the best part was losing. The look she gave me when she won, the sexy confidence in her eyes. She created this urge that let me be happy with losing to her.

Parties were happening tonight through out downtown for tequila sunrise. Some of them were social gatherings Amongst my families business partnerships. Galens my closest friend, we grew up together. His family was throwing him a birthday party and he just happen to have the best ones, my suit was ready and I had the Camero just sitting around, I also knew (b) loves the 1969. She has good taste. This car has been in my family since my grandfather bought it off the dealership. I was given the keys on my birthday but never felt the need to take it out.

Tonight I might need him as my 'bat-mobile'

It makes me nervous thinking that she won't like being on a date with me, I can't be late , I have nothing to do.... 'yup' I'm going there early!!

I can hear her. I follow her voice down the hallway and get to a door that slightly open, I knock on it. It opens up so I walk in. I'm standing there and without saying a word she just starts yelling at me...

I'm thinking she didn't open the door and judging by the paint on her shirt and shorts she was not ready or expecting to look presentable for our date? I'm slightly confused causing me to not hear a word she had yelled at me. Caught of guard at the look she gave me as a face of curiosity, she was waiting for an answer !

I said calmly

"Would u like us to stand outside ur door or outside the building while u compose and collect urself?!"

It was my get out of jail free card, I've used it with my parents plenty of times and I feel the need to pull this out of my pocket.

I turn around and All I can think is

"SHES FUCKING SEXY how sexy is that look!!" I can feel my body tingle inside as I do a double take of the door and reimagine what I saw. Even with her 'trying to be dominate' look it was incredibly cute, how she try to demand of me. I had to leave but she wasn't gonna have me look like I bowed down. 'I need a drink'

I get to the car and all I can think of is if...she's kind of similar to all the others???

The way she looks justified when she's making herself the bossy girl. She tenses up when she's around me and I can see he muscles throughout her legs so defined and smooth I want to squeeze it, her cheeks get blushed showing off her contours. When she look directly into your and you can see that she knows your right there in that moment. She almost controlled me with those eyes, so intense and true to her soul. I see fingers snap in my view I look up and there she is getting my attention "YO! , I'm here"

She completely distracts me, even from herself... she chuckled at me and said

"Guess u we're thinking a little to much about the other one you got on the side?"... of course she heard the rumors, I can't say I even tried to defend myself. Only this time the side girl was her and only her. She has me mesmerized.

She was about to open the door and I had to take this to make my move moment, in it to win it, I kept pep talking myself...

Within a second I stopped her from opening the door,

She smelt so good

Her shoulders looked so soft in front of me, it was sunset but the glow off her skin I couldn't help it, I moved the back of my hand against the top of her shoulder,

Sssooo soft,

Slid it down to her hands, I felt her finger twitch when I touched her wrist, I could feel her breathe on me, in a moment I moved her hand away from the door, I opened it slowly raising my arm over her head,switching hands as the door swung behind her, I wanted to grab her when both my arms where on either side of her body as she stood there without moving a single inch. I couldn't help how I felt !

i had to touch her more,

I grabbed her hips as I moved myself away from the door and sat her in the passenger seat, she smiled when I looked at her. I grabbed the seat belt and closed my eyes as I leaned over to the opposite side, she smelt of everything I wanted, it was addictive, my neck was starting to get warm and I could feel myself wanting to be closer to her body, I wanted to touch her body, it was almost uncontrollable accidents that urged me. I watched and she took a breathe and my chest had to feel her heart beat against mine, I pressed against her tits,I can feel her pulse get faster, it was so loud I could smell the sweet candy perspiration off her skin, she wore the softest blouse and where she smelt the sweetest was covered, just between her collar bone, under that smooth beautiful neck... In a moment I felt her hands touch my chest, I opened my eyes and gulped loudly I smiled I knew I made her nervous.

, she pushed my chest away from her body we both took a deep breathe... right, I had to just back off a moment, I think I'm coming on to strong.
