Rolling out of my side and dropping my knees on the floor with the carpet cushioning my slow fall, I rub my hands in my face and take a large yawn to force me awake. I look over at the clock and blink a couple times to adjust my eyes to the morning. It reads out 10:53, I think to myself
'Fantastic!' I make myself a morning sandwich and return back to my bed to go back to sleep.
It had been the overnight shift for almost 2 months.
I've been trying to transition my body to sleep in the days, it hasn't been a success so now I've become a clinically approved insomniac. My shift happens to be run with very little Personal, I enjoy it. I spend it listening to music and reading novel that encourage women like me who enjoy a very erotic moment, of course it's human nature. So far my novel collection is thriving with the online apps in abundance these days.
I think I should cancel them, last night was like living one of these, it was so erotic in my taste of arousals, I couldn't contain much more.
The more I think about it the more it seems unrealistic, was I just really baked? I think I finally smoked to much? I should try it again (smiling).
I wonder if he thinks I'm crazy, did I act it out or just think it...
did I act it out?? Fear of full embarrassment-starts to linger in the back of my head. Am I gonna have to wear a style mask out in public?? O no!! What have I done.
I took a quick bong rip jumped in the shower and replayed the entire story hr by hr. He approached me more than I did him, thinking about it, I was the one being prowled on!
And I enjoyed it!
My smile showed in agreement.
I liked the way he looked at me. They was he pulled me in after laying down. His large hands covering the back of my head.i liked it a lot.
I'm still mad though, I wanted him like he wanted me, why did he stop? I tried this time because I wanted him. My type of guy, I was asking too much though. I knew he wasnt going to, I'm not pretty enough and he's my brothers friend.
It's okay though, I don't want it to be but to keep my pride it worked out, he pushed me away and I had to tease him, thus I flipped him off. Guys don't return from that. It's a losers tease and with my brother as the pushing point, they won't return. One party pooper and that's me, you can't stay and expect me to go easy on the night because I was the only one there for nie lol he bailed out first. haha I think the ride was too much for him it left a substitute.
Another one bites the dust! My sister dhayle likes to hear my after party stories, I'm the black sheep and she's the hostess. My brother is the promoter and little sister is always the peace keeper and banker. We like to keep her happy the most.
Well dhayle came by this morning with some espresso , my favorite. It's our venting morning after the parties. She always needs a shoulder after the mess i create so it's my loser personality that has to win her back.
"Where were u last night, I got juicy news for you, for once I get to talk about someone else.. " my morning coffee is offically exciting! What Is This, gossip and I don't have to defend myself!! YYEESS!
"Let me take a sip first dee"
I look over get in a comfortable position and focus right on her ...
"Aaaannnddd GO!"
'Dhayle has this look of nervousness as she starts her monologue..
"After the fall, nie really took a fall. U know Galen of course!, we'll his BFF Colleen, honestly she could be his little sister?
She just stayed next to him all night, walking beside him Laughing, Nie was happy the whole fucking night! Then just before candles were suppose to be blown out he took off!! Haha he took off!" With his birthday present! Haha" if he weren't so damn happy I would of shoved those candles down his throat this morning, when he walked in with Colleen!"
My eyes open so large and I choked on the cold ice giving myself a brain freeze, thinking...
My brother has finally found his women!!
With the look my sister is giving me we know he's going to hide this till he knows for sure, on her birthday.
I'm happy for him, it's much needed excitement for the Towering family, he's our only brother, he had to represent us outside the family.
Unlike most traditions the women are to carry on the legacy, we inherit our power as the males spread It.
"We can't be legendary if the story is not told..," My father has always said.
This is why im the black sheep. It matters to a point, then it's obedience. That's not who I want to be.
"Galen and sky haven't even called, u think they planned this?"
"I'm one to say yes, her coming here. Getting hurt seems like it actually just happened haha"I say after the fact.
I told her about the prank and how I drew the short straw with his coworkers, I was smoking a joint and the guys had come join me outside in the garden, we talk about how we need to draw attention to nie, we drew straw. I got the shirt one so I used the kick me gage. Grabbing a pen and paper I wrote
'Don't kick me I'm the birthday boi' and went over and placed it on his back while acting like the sweetest sister and handing him a couple hundred dollars as an added attention diverter.
Colleen helped him find it and it was cute!!
Just as she mentioned that, I realize Galen and Skye haven't called about Colleen since last night .
my phone roars, Godzilla is the best ringtone ever!
Unknown: I didn't get a chance to prolong our interaction, Were going to another party and I need a date, u got my back?
Me:Do I???
I text back after thinking for a quick moment about 'prolonging our interaction', what's his game, or is he that simple that that's what it means?... I have to stop overthinking. He needs a date okay! Locked and loaded with medicinals! I better go with a small bag, stuffing my boot is weird in front of the guests.
Me: sure, when is it?
Grinning I look up at dee and she lifts an eyes brown while looking at my happy face, we're both giggle and I put the phone down without responding.
Unknown: I'll be there in a hr to pick u up