Omgosh he won't stop will he?
"Whoa there halter" stopping him with my foot,
I put up it against his chest. He still looking at me like that though, he eyes won't leave mine, the way he licks his lower lips whenever I blush is starting to get intimidating.
He laughed at me " did you call me halter", I sure did.
I had to find a way for him to stop,
he's tasty in so many ways.
Maybe I shouldn't have shotgun that hit? I felt bad his lips cut, really I just wanted to try him out.
His lips his smell, nothing to serious. It's worth it, the way he rubs me body against his is encouraging enough to not stop. It took will power to get off him. But watching him now, hed smiling out of fun but his hand is still holding my foot against his chest, I notice him look down,
I hurry up and push my skirt down to hide them, I'm sure he saw, fully embarrassed right now and I'm sure my expression says it all, I try and pull my leg away so I can reseat myself properly he won't let me. I start to move back and he's holding my foot in the same spot, I look up and giggle, it's cute but I'm only going so far before I think he's some perv. Some hot perv, who can work a three piece and have his own man made cologne coming out of his pores.
Fuck it let him!
I don't fight back and just look at him, fully focused on him. It a bit much for me to deal with so I pulled out my cartridge pen and take a hit in front of him to calm down my body, his eyes r beautiful, I rub my finger on his cut lips. He keeps coming closer it's all in slow motion to me, my body getting hot. I can feel the sweat on my feet and thighs making me shiver,
My gosh his face is so close to me, my legs slowly spread apart as he crawl on top of me, one hand starts to rub up my skirt as he slides it up my body cupping my breast. I take this moment to take it in and let his hands rub my body, it feels amazing as he slides them up and down the side of my body. I can feel him breathe on my chest I want his head to stay there breathing on me with his body rubbing me so good, his legs under mine supporting them over his back, I rub my toes on the back of his thighs. I feel his arms tense under my legs, I lift my pelvis up against his core, his hands pulling me beneath him when I pull my pelvis against his.
My panty feels wet and I'm self conscious about what I'm doing, I just meant him a couple hrs ago and I'm not a one night stand kinda of girl. But he feels good. My hands r now wrapped around his head while we tangle in one another on the shower tile,
"Hey B? .. have u seen sky?"
Fucking that's nie!
" yeah I've seen him"
I look at him and give him a huge grin, I push him off me and grab the bong and lighter while he looks up at the door, hard on is there, he's defeated shaking his head facing the floor.
I sit back down against the wall of the shower with a numb ass and flick the lighter, taking a large bong rip, nie opens the shower door and looks over to sky as he collects himself.
That was fun, I've never done that to a guy, play with his sexy at will. He's sitting with his blazer on his lap now. I'm smugly smirk at him while nie continues to get him downstairs and all he gets from sky is
"Dude I'm really high, me walking is a no go" we know all of it was true, I let out a spit laugh obvious that he's not lying.
"Dude Colleen will like u even if I'm not there, happy birthday bro"
I get up and sky looks at me with a quick stare of pleading to not leave, all I know is I can't go pee in the same bathroom he and I are smoking in.
"Don't smoke all my weed" I say as I walk out. Trusting I'll still have a mug or three before this party is over. I still have myself a stoner buddy, who happens to be into the sexy moments.
He's still in the bathroom? Why? I didn't know he was a stoner? I believe him, my sister has a way of turning most people comatose with her sessions. I better just leave him. Ill believe it if he can't walk next time I see him . B's always been a heavy smoker.
"Yo, u need me to drive u home?"
Sky, "does ur sister drive?"
" haha u want Colleen or not, better jump
On that before the opportunity passes.."
sky slumped his head over looked at me winked and I was gone. Yup I'm taking the offer, I like her, she likes me and I need no guy time.
She can drive right? Nies my ride when I can't find the peddle. If she smokes this much she must drive? I thought to myself wondering if I screwed myself for a bed or I'll be stuck in the bathroom shower.
She did come back "he-hey" I say as she walks in, a little less vibrant than when she left. Sitting down next to me she made sure to tell me in advance,
"Uhm, I just hit my cross fade"
What did that mean?
"U need a ride, nie was still here?"
All I could think was FUCK! My ride is gone
I wasn't all that bad she sat down next to me talking about how she didn't expect to spend the whole party in the shower, neither did I.
"Sky? I wanna watch youtube! Wanna watch with me?" She said almost excited that there was youtube at will. She got up grabbed the jack and the weed, She grabbed the bong ..handed it to me and grabbed my hand. All in a swift moment we went to the room across nies bedroom.
She pulled out more smokes
She is a smoking machine.
I sat down on the bed after she pointed in demand.
I could hear her grabbing glasses and moving containers around,
My head was so light and I could barely keep my eyes focused it kept drifting off to some random speck-floating in front of me. She turned on the screen and sat down next to me without her shoes, she grabbed my blazer and vest and threw them in the couch. It was quiet in this big room, before she started to play her random video I turned my head to her and without thinking I put my hand behind her head pulling her down to me and kissed her lips.
I caught her off guard ,she put her hands on me for leverage so she didn't fall foward, she tasted sweet. I felt a euphoric feeling all over my body. It made me get up and climb on top of her, she didn't stop me from making her comfortable under me, her mouth on mine, her tongue touching my lips, my lips grabbing hers.
THis amazing thrill went throw my body and clothes seemed to be the only thins stop her soft skin from touching me.
My eyes pulsing with multiple of colors, I take in her smell deeply and push her down against the bed, she wants to get closer and so do I, out of instinct my hand starts to move down between us and I can feel how wet she is, she's feeling how exciting this is.
Her panting can only be takin as satisfaction.
I had to stop.
I didn't know if it was just us smoking and drinking so much, I needed this feeling to be real! Not masked.
I had to stop, this is not really her? Or is it?
I look at her and tell her
" I can't, not like this. I smoked a lot and I'm not thinking with my real brain" being honest I had to.
Little sky was making my choices for me.
My pants were tight enough for me to know that I wasn't in control.
She wasn't even undressed and I was the hardest I'd ever been.
It had to have been the cross fade she mentioned.
She looked at me and without waiting she knew what she was going to saying...
"I have a boo boo and I need u to kiss it"
For fucks sakes! my evilish grin made an appearance and I was dead, she had me wrapped around her finger literally!
" I hurt my knuckle" she said flipping the bird in my face, she laughed hysterically and threw the blanket over me as she shuffled off the bed.
She turned around and said with her cute self
"This is the guest room, it's all yours rookie!"
She called me rookie!!
Just this once she wins,
I got her next time!