WebNovelShe Is36.11%

13-Allies or axis?


It was a beer and fridge moment, that's when I knew I was gonna lose,

He smelt lux, his shoulder are all consuming like some Superhero.

It was hard to ignore him eating,

I was smitten a little when watch him smoke on the couch after that, he comfortable look is sexy.

One of those moments I swear I saw green eyes glare through the light.

Whatever that was it took over my hormones and I need to just pull out the floor fan and take my tank off. It was getting real hot inside the apt.

Considering the guest I here, I chose to keep the jumper on, my legs were so sweaty I couldn't wait for him to leave.

I needed to run around in my normal paint attire (underwear) to cool down.

The amount of weed I smoke im an hr I could rival snoop dog. I was to nervous and he just wouldnt admit defeat.

'It is a battle, I'm holding out on the fight in case the winds turn to assist me in goals of victory,'

I took a solid stance pep-talking my inner animal and then proceed to paint. I haven't lost I still have five hrs yet. Which normally happens mid art. He's presents keeps my mind in reality. every 30 minutes or so I turn around and have to use my bong as a shield to say anything. This is getting real hard to do.

I hear him pour some shots

"Yes!! I need a couple of those"

He lets out a small smile, don't know what he's planning? But it's looks suspicious.

"Here u go, cheers" handing me a small shot glass he clink and drink it right down. It's warm and spicy. I signal for another shot.

I turn around and take the moment to reclean my brushes putting them in the cleaning solution.

I hear him clear is throat. I turn around and he's staring at me with a filled shot extending his arm out to me but he's got a red face? What's he up to? The grin is sly and got me on edge. I swig the second shot. I got to turn around and he lets out a cute snicker? I'll let it pass it might be to much for me to handle if he tells me what so interesting.

'I'm not ready to repaint this tree if it looks like shit to him, I personally like it'

Thinking to myself as I take a step back and examine the work.

He's a quiet person, most of the people who come over talk to the point where I have to stop because a conversation should be heard and understood.

He's not doing any of that? I'm enjoying this. A smoke buddy drinking partner and admirer all in one, I got me a fanboy!!

It's well into almost being done, trees need a little more light and pedals could use some dial down on how flashy they r.

Sky said when I start to see these flaws

"B, I gotta take off"

I needed to fix this branch so I just waved him off, I'm sure he can handle finding the door.

The moment I opted out of good House manner is when I'm done.


Sky says a little bit louder, making me turn out of suprise.

The one instant second I feel tingles everywhere, his mouth on my lips.

his arms grabbing my legs and lifting me up.

One arm around my waist.

All over me gets warm, he walks us Over to the couch. My hands running through his hair my arm wrapped around his neck. I lock my feet behind his back.

Sitting down I don't let go. His hand rubbing the side of my body.

He has a move?

His thumb slowly rub from my hips into the center of my core like a Firm massage only it's to sensual to feel comfortable, it makes my heart race.

Holding on to my pelvis he rubs slow and hard down to my sensitive clit and slowly up to cup under my bra, real slow it gives me a butterfly sensation in my lower abdomen .

With that same movement he pushes his thumbs up following my cleavage and lifts up my bra, with his long arms he moves it up over my head stringing up my arms.

His finger gripping through the holes and gently tangled a lock around my wrist holding it behind my back. Using one hand to keep it there he's interlaced my tangled bra through both of our finger. He has full control squeezing my hand and pulling my arms back. His teeth rubbing on my nipples..

he wrap his arms around me and pulls me down, he's really hard and I can feel him through his pants when he pushes my body down hard against his lap, I'm not hiding that I like all of it. Moaning and moving into what he's doing. He lifts me up and he's walking over to the bed.

Good idea, more room. I like how he does this.

He puts me down he stops kissing me and looking at me he pushes his forehead to push my head down.

Sitting up he grabs my feet from behind his back and lays them to his side. With a sly smile he's moving his large hands up my legs and spreads them apart.

I start breathing faster and feel an overwhelming amount of saliva to build up in my mouth, I gulp under my actions as I shimmy up the bed when he put his hands between my legs gently rubbing my pleasure spot. The moment I moan he moves his hands up to my chest, I smile and arch my back feeling his hands rub my entire upper body, kissing my neck and nipples. His strength stunned me as he grabs my hips and flips my over. I feel him untie me.

With my hands free i want him as mine..

turning over I start to unbutton his shirt, he's wearing sweats easylyvI untie them.

'I need to know how large he is, we haven't had sex and I was curious, I'm sure he won't mind' and stick my hands down his pants. He is hard, really hard. It makes us both have a heighten excitement. We both were in a hurry.

He stopped, holding my arms back and moving away. I took a deep breathe and could hear him also trying to calm down. I sit back so I can collect myself, I think he's gonna get up and leave.

He and I are going about this really fast. We hardly even talk? We stare at one another most of the time we're together...

Sending this shiver down my back his finger rub my ankles and he starts pulling off my jumper, he yanked it from ass to thigh so smooth like he'd practiced that move plenty of times made me real happy, he had skills that made me nervous.

Feeling his lips kiss up my legs headed with direction.

'If feels so good, hes ready to smash" Thinking this I realize I'm not ready. I want him bad... I look at him between my legs and can't help to think, I like his face there. It makes me so sensitive being turned on like this.

He took his arms around me and flipped me over grabbing my pelvis and pulling it against his. I can feel his dick sit between my ass,

His hands rubbing the length of my pussy, I'm already on the edge of cumming, my body just pumping full off blood, or preworkout. Something amazing.

I can get there with this rhythm in seconds, In my trans of pleasure I feel him enter my incredible wet pussy.

I let out a delicious moan, that happened fast. I was pulsating inside my body and he hadn't even started to fucking me, yes!

He was amazing at this, he didn't have to go fast he knew where the spots where and what position to put me in whenever we pushed towards one another. His strong arms around my waist and pelvis pulling me into him when his dick would hit so far inside me I could feel myself shiver from the inside out. It was repetitive the pulsing pleasure.

breathing was much harder to accomplish. I let go of everything I was holding in and he got so deep I couldn't think, my legs werent holding me up anymore, my arms buckled in place and my back shivered uncontrollably with a wave of heat overcoming my whole body.

He rubs his hand on my back pushing me down, with my face against the mattress and I can feel him get deeper and his legs pushing harder against mine.

Wrapping his arms around me he lifts me up positions me on top of him. Giving me control.

I move my body so his hardness pushes against all the spots he did, i push myself down harder on him. His hand grabbing my hips.

Positioning my hands on his knees leveraging myself to move my pelvis. Moving his cock inside of me the way I want, my body using all its muscles to stay in this rhythm. I let my body take over , hips moving foward and backwards. Feeling this sweet tingle when my hips circulating. My lady lips fully eating up his shaft his hands gripping my ass, holding it down on him.

The tingle strong and pulsing throughout my body.

Muscles starting to not feel out of control.

A full orgasmic sensation take over, my body shaking as I try to control the pause I feel him thrust into me sending my body into a mess. I can feel the warmth of him unloading into me. He stop, I wasn't ready for him to stop. He pulled out of me.

Turning around I see him breathing hard with his face in content...

I hope he knows he's not done...

I look at him and being honest with my look I say to him Chuckling .

"Ur not done are you?"

His wit is getting to me, its now a sexy trait of his

"I know that convulsion of your says u had fun to!"

I take a stand on my knees and make sure he knows what I mean as I inch towards him looking at me

"But I'm not done, and yes I'm having fun"

I sit down directly in front of him, his beautiful abs in front of my face. I rub and feel every muscle from his thigh to his neck. His body is firm. He stands still and I start to kiss the sweet sweat off his body. Making my way his neck, I lock eyes with him, he still has a bruising on his lip that I start to kiss

...when I feel his cut between my lips I bite down softly on it

I think he enjoyed the pain with the moan that came out of him, he didn't pull away. My hand still holding his body on mine. His hands pulling on the curve of my butt using my cheeks to pull me closer to him.

His moan enticed more, my hands slowly made its way between our bodies and guided his dick to my opening.

It was an unfulfilled sensation but one that teased me sinfully. The way his mushroom rubbed just the entry of my cunt. Is was sensationally arousing, the want was so intense. I hope he had felt the same thing as he pulled my body on his harder than before,

Sinking his head into the bend of my neck, his breathily heavy-fast, matching my own.

Sky moving in and out felt so I good I want more

"Faster sky" with my arms wrapping over is should wrapping around his head. I feel his hand slide behind my knee and pull them up gently and body slamming me to the bed.

He started pushing into me faster, My pelvis rocking up and down each time he gets deep.

his hands under me back holding and pulling me up into him,his lips against my collar bone with my skin between his teeth,

"Sky, .." I air out non existing words, I have no sounds to express the feeling.

Using my legs to push my body into his shaft I feel myself cum,

I twitch whenever his body rubs the most sensitive parts of my g-spot- the push of his shrooms on the wall of my pussy, a touch to my clit and my body starts to move away in shivers,over and over.

He's pushing down on my lower adbomen with his thumb when he pushes deep in me and it sense another shutter through me making me shake.

'Mmhmmm!' My only thought!

(A wonderful cake

That kid eating bacon for the first time

A near death accident,)

I start to shiver hard, my legs in overdrive trying to work against my will, they tense to close but I want them to stay open. I let go of sky and grab my knees pushing them down on the bed, I now have no control over my back

I curl up with a loud moan,

The muscles in my vag squeezing and loosing every half second...

I start to get sexually chatty the further in we get,

"That's good right there" moaning it feels great I'm still aware I want him to continue this longer,

I'm not longer Self conscience about this.

Confidently I grab his hand and guide it up to my neck, his free arm shifting me lower into him. That's when I grab his hand and have it squeeze tighter around my neck... he pushes down onto my pelvis shoving my hips onto the bed, he pushed all of him into me, as he tightened his grip around my neck even more.

My gasp for air wasn't frightening, I felt this out of body sensation.

pleasingly my breath got harder to pull into my lung as I feel every bit of him the full length my body would let in. I start to see sparkling stars when I move my hand up, he's in full grin when I look up at him with sweat coming off my forehead, he loosened up and my body accepts every bit of sensation. I can't help but push against his lower abs and instinctually call out


He smiles at my shaking legs.

His hand sliding to my shoulders, instantly and harshly shoves my body in the way he wants.

Convulsing uncontrollable he does it again,

"YESS!' I asser "Please! Yes!"

I can't stop him him because I don't want to, he lets my shoulder go and lifts my legs above his shoulders,

Grabbing she sheets he bounces in and out of me, It makes my toes curl and muscles tense.

I push against my pelvis to keep them in place and can feel him slow down to reposition,

"O gah, that feels good"

Moving my hands up his arms.

I let out an accepting sound 'aaahhhwww'

He slows down and sits upright, looking at me when I open my eyes he pulls my hips up into his and does 'the move' rubbing my cleavage down to the center of my stomach, here he pushes me back and rubs his thumb firmly towards my happy clit, so swollen and Sensitive the moment he touches it I lose train of thought and shake at the intense sensation though my nerve endings.

In a slow exasperation I let him know how it feels to hit the ultimate excitement, clenching my teeth I grad onto his arms and let out a simple "win!"

My legs shaking, me pelvis impulsively moving up and down, my back having the best shutters.

The ultimate feeling has me to pausing, I pull in his legs wanting him to not move also.

With him still in me I can continuously feel his cock still pulsing in position. he's also in full thrill, his eyes glaring at me with that odd green tint, looking thirsty, me moves towards me after all this and I'm slightly shook!

"Haha Sky, what r u doing?" I say slyly moving back onto the bed intimidated by the look I received. His beautiful eyes, he looks over my naked body making me more apprehensive,

He turns me around sticking a pillow under my stomach, feeling him breathe on my eyes he says to me

"U asked if I was done, ..." turned me into jelly when he pulled my hair and kissed my ear, "I'm not!"

The best sensation took me over!

I hadn't finished getting over this feeling and he started again, no rest caused my body to be in his control.

His transition into new positions was erotic.

The way he pulled me up to ride into him, my core so tense

locking my legs together after he turned me around to face him, he let me feel him inside me, we both smiled as I arched lifting my lower body into him and he pulled me into him. My legs shaking my core shivering, my arms pushing my hand against my pelvis to keep it from moving,

Tense I'm adjusting to the pleasure when he...

He uses 'my want' to get slow down.

It's the one thing that I know makes me feel obedient.

Sliding his thumb down my chin, gently clinching my neck, rubbing hard in my throat till a hard breathe is sounded,

He continues to slice down my lower portion my neck righting his fingers around the small circle of my lower neck,

He pushes his thumb up my breathing cord, I let him smooth his hand up the length of my neck,

I shutters as my hips moves up and down with stop motion effect.

"SSSKKKY!" I say to him in a slow up work motion on his cock, I can feel all of my cum start to slim down the center of my ass cheeks.

I'm covered in sweat looking up at him, I need.food.

"Haha, Ur Great!" I said out of sarcasm, moved my leg over, I pulled up the sheet to rub off all the wetness between my legs.

If u walked in you could smell the sexy potency in the room.

He looked at me, with his amazing eyes. I sat there legs spread looking right at his spell casting gaze.

" Ur not allowed to leave this bed yet, I'm turning ur phone off!"

Without leaving the position grabbed our phones...

still in front of him and powered off both our phone,

I'm not important..:

It wouldn't have mattered....

they way he moved me over him, I didn't need to be anyone but his. The look of his face when he's got full control over me, his devilish smile showing the sexual tension. All I had to do was stay.

He enjoyed taking his thumb and pressing it against all my pressure point makes my muscles shiver in pleasure, he did this the whole night on every part of my body, I shook no matter where he pressed firmly.

He looked at me every time and let out a small smirk even my body shook in pleasure.

He lowered his head on mine ,resting between my breast.

I love the way he breaths on my skin. The tingles that start when he touches the smallest hairs on my skins.

The night had gone on long enough. I couldn't help but ask him earnestly.

"So is that how u normally say good bye?"

I turn over and rest my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

I place my hand on this inner thigh slightly touching his shaft as I make my way up his muscular torso. He grabs me hands places it on his balls, I'm content with him doing this now.

His hand grabbing my chin and moving my face up to kiss him. He licks my lips and tastes me passionately, when he stops.

I'm ready to jump him, my hand rubbing his cock firmly to arouse him, my legs starting to climb on top of him.

He stops kissing me and relaxes me moving my head back to his chest, it's comforting that it cools me down from the fire instantly.

"I'd like to not to say goodbye like this everyday, I do wanna do this everyday though?"

At first all I thought of was dating and him being around a lot..

"Sure, I don't mind this relationship, ur not half bad"

"B, I mean it! Stay with me?"

I contemplate this scenario

"We've just meant, aren't we moving to fast"

"Not if your the right person for me"

"And if I'm not?"

Giving him this opportunity to tell me it was a joke, he doesn't and gives me a serious look. I can't say no if he's serious, how can someone turn that face down!

"Here the negotiation, u win me over, I mean really win me over. Not just sex, everything else"

I tell him

He turns to his side to look at me.

"What else?"

"That's it, nothing more I'm a simple girl, I want the guy I want, if ur him then I don't have to do anything or be anyone, ur not then we'll know right away"

I smile and look into those brown eyes of his, they intimidate me when they glaze over a green color, it's the way I see him when that happens.

I put my hand on his scruffing rubbing my finger on his cheek and I reassure about himself.

"Sky, I'm not going to try and change u. U shouldnt do to me either and if this is something u want let's try it out before we do anything like me moving in to ur place or u moving into mine, right now all we've been doing is having ALOT of fun"

I make sure we both know where we each are at.

I like him around me, they way he makes me feel just being in proximity is already a heightened emotion, when he touches me I'm can barely hold my shit together.

Then I remember I don't know his last name, I haven't gotten to now his hobbies, does he follow in the same line I do or am I gonna hide myself from him my whole life. What we have is not ready for forever.