... "what we're doing is just having a lot of fun?"
Really that's what's she using.
She knows this is more, she's right I shouldn't change because I want her to be with me" this should be natural.
I miss her even when she gone for an hr, spending my nights thinking about her is already hard, with how tonight turned out I'm gonna feel the pain in the morning.
When she walk to the kitchen, draped over my shirt that still on the bed, it's oversized on her. It looks good on her.
I pull on my sweats and walk up to her, this girl can eat.
Making us some grilled cheese and tomatoes, it's still early enough the sun hasn't come out. So much fun taking up our time.
"I wanna leave my head here" tell hier when I dig into the side of her neck smelling her aroma before I leave.
"That's not a good idea how r u going to eat"
She turns around handing me the sandwich. Still warm I watch her bite into the soft cheese, she had a small drop of tomato juice on her lip,
I look at her smile and kiss it right off her lips.
Her beautiful lips are soft. She's stunned and looks at me giving me a cute wink.
Taking a bite of my own sandwich she walks over to me and does the best thing I've ever seen a girl do,
Standing in front me she takes my hand. Puts it on her neck and traces where her other hand is moving, I watch her lead hand move down her chest, she takes my hand down the same path, continuing down her core,
My grill cheese is now a second thought, she takes her hand and puts in between her legs, I'm encouraged and can feel my self get hard. She moves my fingers to hug her opening and slowly.
As she pulls of my shirt, she standing there naked, I got to move my grease food hand and she stop it immediately. Pushing my body against the wall she shows me a no nod and puts my hand back down, she turns around and does a strip tease bending over showing me her ass.
It's exciting, I stand there and start eating my sandwich. She didn't want me moving so imma going to watch.
She turns around and walks over to the bed getting under the blankets.
"Close the door on the way out sky"
Her games make me laugh, I can see her sneaking my clothes under the blanket.
I peek from under the blanket, he hasn't put the shirt on and his manly figure is standing across the room leaning against the sofa staring towards me. I shoot out a tiny wave and watch his throw his head back and give a large smile turning back to me covering his beautiful grin with his hand, returning his gaze back to the bed. I giggle What I think is my cutest behavior. I take it a step further and grab a shirt from the side drawer, put it on and slide on some daisy dukes. With him looking at me I made it a show and proceeded to roll my hair up into a top bun and grab my brushes, shake a bad of weed , treat to dog cliche move, I taking the bong with me, Goal is to walk over to the table with my nips hardness exposed under my shirt. He doesn't move. I'm enjoying the attention of him watching me walk, use my corks to seduce him. His sexy is erotically sensual making me crave his body.
I move walk over to the couch.
Pat the seat next to me, looking up at him while he stands behind me to see if he agrees, and he does.
That moment he bends down and kissed me holding my head in that exact position, I have no time to react I keep my hands and legs right where they are as to not drop the pot or kick anything over, I have no equilibrium when he makes the first move a winning move.
Both his hands on my head, one holding it the bent position the others around my neck to keep my position still. I loved the feeling, him wanting just the embrace, not body just the feeling of out lips enjoying the softness and sensual desire behind it. I put his hands on mine and continuity up his arm. Once I got to his biceps I firmly grasped a hand full muscle and let it slide between my finger, as I did so his hands finally repositioned and held on to my hair pressing my face against his.
Its overpowering, This kiss was emotional, he wasn't kissing me for sex? It makes me feel uneasy I thought it was only me feeling this.
"B- let me stay with u?" In a gasp of breathe he uttered this. I pushed him away... is he really being serious? Looking at him I think he is?