She was sexy pulling off that wave under the blanket. She was playing with me, her teasing as she stayed on the bed.
I wasn't going to leave when she asked me to close the door, who does she think I am?
I watch her, she's thinking of what to do.
I see her pull her shirt out from a drawer, it's so cute, I know her naked but she won't put her shirt on in front of me?
And panties!!!
I watch her walk over to me her tits braless, nipples hard u can see them through her tank. As she walk she tied her hair up, extending her arm above her stretching and showing off the curves from her shoulders down the Aphrodite lines to her thighs. I could rub my finger tracing every smooth arousal line she has.
She is..
She's everything!
She pulls out a bag and shakes it in front of me, grabbing her bong looking sexy walking over to the towards me. She's got a mischievous grin on her face.
She sits down getting comfortable.
I start to move towards her when she looks up behind her where I'm standing and pats the seat next to her. I'm about to sit but her eyes looking at me, her neck open to any invitation, her lips plump and smiling
The impulse made me grab her head and kiss her tasty lips,she didn't move a bit,tasting her made me overwhelmed, I couldnt let her I go.
I smile through the kiss when I feel her hand rub up my arms.
My heart starts to race but I just want to stay here, with her kissing me like this every time I see her. Before I let her go I clinch onto her a little longer. I grab her silky hair and I don't want it out of my hands. Her soft chin I can feel blood pumping through her vein, it is the same rate as mine. I notice my heart starts to match hers.
Before I can think of word my monster inside says for
"B, let me stay with u?"
My anxiety went into hyperdrive when In a second she pushed me away? I was at a loss for words. Why?
I know she wants my body like I do hers but she really doesn't want me? No way...
she can feel the pull like I can I know it
"Babe, what the fuck"
Is all I can respond after a deep breath.
" Ur are not whipped after less than a week? I don't buy it, ur messing with me and I don't like that" she says with this cute angry look.
I knew it was fast, plus I was a thirsty guy when I first saw her. I was hoping it wasn't my dick taking over but she might be right.. what if it is just the 'sex honeymoon' ?
With the die down of pleasure, it makes more logical sense.
"What if I am?" She looks at me like I'm a child showing me that joking smirk that's burned into me retinas "I can choose to say that, plus I think we have a lot of fun without the bed in the way"
I can see her head gear turning.
I tilt me headend give a simple up nod suggesting an idea of 'think about it ' gesture while surprisingly grabbing the weed from her hands and filling the bowl for her bong.
I walked around the sofa as she watches me with this new look that I love, curiosity? Or distrust? Not sure yet but her eyes squinting like that makes the liner on the side of her eyes extend so long she's got a classic sultry doing that.
I smoke and hand it her while she still got that look..
'Haha what? B"
Not saying a word she just shrugged and gave me a no shake from her head.
I know I'm asking her mid inhale.
"Okay what do you say... I bunker down three days with u, no sex! And we'll see how this goes"
She coughed out a lot of smoke, I think I surprised her.
"Okay then rules... we need more pot"she says as a joke.
I add to the list
"No leaving the apt unless work related, must have a note or bring the other for confirmation.." we both chuckle and she goes on
"I want healthy munchies and 3 bags of hot fries"
"U got a washer?"
"Mm hmm"She stubborn and says "the sink haha" she jokes to much
"Laundromat is a drive"
That when I realize I didnt bring clothes, dick fucking up my life plans.
We start to go over the three days of what will happen. I'm surprised she even went along with it.
She's got something up her sleeves, no way she accepts and doesn't have a second agenda...
Instead of her leaving I call in the dispensary then the delivery service and load up her 'pot drawer' she also called the one by the bed a '420box' this chick?! Makes me laugh. I starting to understand why she smokes so much.
Within an hr of us smoking she was sober working like a fully charged lithium ion battery.
The apt was clean in 30 minutes. She got clothes on and then turned around as said to my stoner ass being couch locked
"We need food, you coming.."she signaled for us to leave the apt then added "...or having it delivering" I need to get on her crazy level how can she function so well after smoking so much?
"Delivery, u don't get paid to go grocery shopping" I say to her.
Grabbing my phone from the table I used the store app and an hr later they showed up
This is when I start to think to myself
Why haven't I done this for myself since I got a cell phone, it was easy.
She just pulled out another canvas and went back and forth from old painting to new. Same type of style.
I'm only four hour into this lock down and her walking around like that, I screwed myself...
"No sex for three day" I whisper to myself trying to adjust the little dude while she looks like that.