After dhayle arrives that day thing started to turn out to be challenging.
She started to pull away. She wore full cover ups and when I got close to her she moved away. I was chasing her just to sit next to her. The only time she let me Close to her was when she slept. She would cozy right up against me. Her hair in my face smelling like blueberries.
I liked her smooth skin touching mine. Her arms draped over my body and my arms around her shoulder and head. She shivered at night even though it was warm.
The next week we meant up every other day to hang with everyone. The pubs in town kept us all having fun.
We celebrated St.Patties day and it was the first time I realized that This women was all I had to have, I needed her.
We hadn't decided to take the relationship past that weekend. We are to dedicated to ourselves. I think it works for us though. I got my shit and she doesn't keep me from my job and I watched her pound out 10 canvas paintings since I've meant her. The cherry blossom series that she asked me to look at out turn into these amazing works. She's kinda great and I wish she wouldnt keep me away from her like she's been doing.
Were going to the pub tonight meeting up with nie, Lynn, dhayle and I brought lev, Galen, Colleen and a good friend of mine name Jason. We rented out the corner vip zone and order drinks to be set up before our arrival.
Nie told me last week that b might be going back home.
That day he came over and asked directly
"Do u like my sister?" Nie said while sitting across from me with Mx vs Atv unleashed in paused in the flat screen.
"Haha what?" It caught me off guard I wonder why he's asking "Dude, ur her brother I dont wanna piss u off cuz ur my boi..." me telling him I might be in love with his sister made me nervous.
"Do u?" He paused and laid down the controller on the coffee table. A serious look reared it's presents on his face.
Sensing his seriousness I sat back and cross my legs and I had to be honest...I can't be with her if I can't at least tell her family the truth when they ask me ... "Yeah bro, she doesn't seem like ur sister because Ive never meant her until ur birthday, she's great...on the real yes I do like her"
"Is this why you've been bolting and ignoring me?" He snuck that shit in!!
"Yeah dude the bro's over .." his look of anger at that moment, it made me rethink my vocabulary, what I was about to word out, his stare stopped me, his sister, referred to as a hoe?, I'll stop my voice here I think.
"Yup that's a good time to stop sky, if u ever call my sister any name aside from and I will have a good time at the gym" he hit his fists together in a taunting motion and all it did was make me laugh. The look of a little brothers angry attempt at kicking my ass...
"did she tell u she's thinking about leaving??"
I paused thinking 'did I just hear that correctly?'
"Wait say that again?
"She's thinking about leaving sky"
"since when and no she didn't tell me" it hit hard, my throat felt this nervous apprehensiveness, the anxiety that went straight to me brain, and it was intense. I could feel this anger bellow up from inside
"she's leaving??"
"I don't know skye?? Im asking you...I have to understand something sky"he stood up from the chair took a breather and walked over to my fridge grabbing two tall cans of ipa and sat one opened can in front of me and then continued to say with this concerned expression
"my sister has this habit. When she wants to leave she doesn't tell us, she leaves then calls us and tells us she's arrived....Sky... she won't prep a see you later. She hates it, if she knows she's going to see u again she'll just leave... I'm worried because she's prepping a goodbye."
With this sincere glazed expression he continued to make me worry saying.."I don't know what's going on between you too but don't fuck with my sister..." my denial was in full mental effort, and I then hear clearly what Nie said," I'm worried that ur the reason she sounds like she won't come back"
Is this true? Is that why he never really talked about her because she's a flight risk for the family? Even so I don't want her to leave yet, especially alone and completely disappear?
I don't even know what to do. If I'm the reason...what do I do?
She keeps pushing me away when we get comfortable with each other. we like to hangout,Or is this all just me thinking this. Is this feeling only one way? Does she not like me like I like her? No no?? We both choose this non relationship right?? Or did I just give in and accept everything she said? Right now with this information I feel like I fucked up.
——(st. Patrick's day)
We got there a bit late.
"Yo Sky, isn't your girl gonna be here?" Jason asking me, he hasn't meant b yet. Jason is like my mentor. When I got to the company he was my trainer and ended up being a great friend. He,I and Galen work pretty hard. If Jason werent working with me I would never have the time to have a life.
"She's not my girl!"
An abrupt crowd laughter came from everyone in the ride. I guess I cant hide the fact I'll fell all over myself for her.
" even nie knows you'll drop any day to be with her" Colleen throwing up a diss from the back seat just because she's dating her brother.
" sister in law in defense already" Jason putting in his valued opinion,
"Haha u bet!" Colleen wasn't even hiding it
We arrived and I don't think anything about the banter.
I jump out ,?open the door and collect myself. Today im the loser that smells like a dispensary. It's st Patrick's day all green and b might just need a b.
"U look good stop looking nervous sky, ur not proposing... it's just a party" Jason reassuring me and fixing my green pot leaf tie that nie said would be funny to wear for b today. "Next time, cool it on the green, ur not even a dedicated smoker.. why the tie?"Jason looking at me with confusion. I smiled at him and simply phrased out an explanation
"Well b's kinda of a loyal advocate" chuckling he rolled his eyes at me and turned to walk into the pub.
The music was loud and light flashing, we walked past the crowd of beautiful ladies to the back end and took the second door on the left that had blue with green leaflet decals in the corner of the door. U can clearly see people past the faded window. ThAts our room.
"Jason this way, " waving him over we head over to the corner where she is .. I know I'm looking her over she's one of the funniest holiday party mockers ever. She sitting there looking like a leprechaun, lol the hat the leggings and miniskirt lol lucky charm type outfit. What is she thinking, fucking adorable!!
"Hey look it's a lucky charm!!" Jason said pointing at b and letting out a laugh. Did he just flirt with b??
She looked up and smiled then chuckled at him, but when she looked over to me, her expression changed... she stood up right away and walked over to me. All I noticed was her walking to me! My mind blank while I watched her, it couldnt have been more than 5 steps but when she stood up, to her first two steps, I noticed how she laid down her coat, reached out to grab my tie and looked directly at me with a simple agreeing look. The moment was so slow but I could see the tiny glitter that shined above her cheek, just as the moment started to pause she gave me a huge hug that jolted me out of this daze I just faded into it.
"I love the tie" she said over the music and kissed me real quick. Her manners are proper, she looked over quick and glanced at me and Jason, realized I forgot he was there and just flirted with b...
"Yo!! Did you just flirt with my girl??! " turning to Jason it was impulsive response.
"Haha u told me she wasn't ur girl!" He said with this huge grin on his face, it dawns on me I just duped myself. I don't think b was to happy about what was just said. I'm embarrassed and can't hide behind a wall or drugs.
"U said I wasn't ur girl then asked him why he just flirted with ur girl?" As b said that, she folder her arms in front of her and had one eyebrow lifted.
"Uhm... shots?!" Working hard to change subject I asserted over the music "DRINKS ON ME!!!" I couldn't respond to her with that face she gives when she wants a real answer from me about why I keep doing the possessive act.
"Sky ur such a bitch!" She chuckled at me saying this.
"Jason I'd like u to meet B" my left hand arriving towards b next to me, as he stood there before the cheers i grabbed b's hand and pulled her closer to introduce them.."B this is my bro Jason, we work together" I watch them shake hands and hear her say
"I'll just be ur lucky charm" she lets out this little smile and gives him a hug. What was that about? Is she trying to make me jealous?
"I cant steal someone else's keychain it might be low jacked and sky has never let me borrow his keys, I taught him that" hes a saint laughing confidently, my boi always looking out. He was smooth though. I still learn from him to this day. Tonight wasn't gonna be a mild night for us though, I had to find out if she was really leaving.
"B, can we talk alone"
"Yeah sure, rooftop? I'll grab some drinks and meet u up there" agreeing to her idea I pickup our coats start taking them to the elevator and head to the fourth floor. It's a good thing I brought a couple blunts. We can smoke while we sit up there and talk. I wait a good moment before the elevator door pinged.
As she walks over I had to start this party,
"Hey, wanna smoke?" Helping her with her coat I show her the blunt. Her eyes brighten and get so large she hurries to a comfy seat near the middle of the roof where the wind is less chilly. She silly but a great gal.
"Ill grabbed us two drinks" she pulled out two Joose tall cans. I'm confused on what she thought our talk was going to be about. Fuck it if we get drunk we get drunk, shrugging my shoulders I commit to opening the can, I hand her the first opened one .
"Happy holiday b," we cheers and chug one down, it's a nasty taste but warm and tolerable.
As I feel the drink hit my stomach I hear her light a torch lighter and practically weld the end of the blunt off then she starts to smoke it. I'm always impressed at her level of stoner. I wonder what she's like without pot?
"Mmm,that's pretty sweet" she said after letting out this huge cloud of smoke and then handing it over to me, its my attempt to be cool in front of her, I've actually been 'practicing' and it's hard to do. I have gotten my productivey time before the thc lock down to 2hrs. I can smoke and function for two hrs before I can't walk anymore.
Sadly when I get really high all I can think of is B, her body, the way she looks at me through the silence, I like it when she wants me, I can fall asleep thinking about her body moving on mine. Her skimpy house attire and the smell of her lotion after she takes a shower. The one weekend we decided to go into lockdown.
When I don't smoke it's boring and even though I think of her it's an obsessed Idea of just wanting to hang out with her and watch tv just with her sitting there with me. Thinking this I blurt out without even asking
"Don't leave!" A simple fear of not seeing or talking to her in less than a month.
With a jolt of focus she looks up at me and says,
"What?!" I don't think she took it seriously. I needed her to know I was serious.
"Nie said..." she cut me off real quick
"No, nie has his own reason for asking me to stay. Why are YOU saying I need to stay?" She looked angry. "Listen sky, this..."her index finger pointing in my direction then pointing to herself, clearly signifying she's talking about her and i,
"u telling me to stay and not to leave is the reason why we couldn't be together, I can't hold u from ur job and you can't keep me from mine, we said we'd live our lives and by chance we meet at the same time the day we can always be chill and be who we are like ... and liking each other the same way we want to"
she was right
"Shit, ur gonna leave aren't you?" I'm realizing how much I hate how I feel. I have nervous tingle in my throat taking a hit of the blunt she passed back. Thinking to myself about what she just said I tilt me head back to lean against the wall. Accepting her words I release my hit knowing this is where I have to be okay with not having her around.
"I finally feel like I have to do something important for myself and it has me going back home, where I can accomplish it" she said it with a real humble look, she meant it. Her seriousness finally made an appearance. Even though she's wearing that costume her face finally dropped that mask she wears when she smokes. It's was a beautiful honesty I'm glad I got to see.
"Okay b, I'll be okay with that. I'll miss u a lot.." taking my hit we spent the night with family and friends. Popped a couple of smoker cherries in the process. We spent the rest of the party knowing it might be the last date, but not the last time we spend together.