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Inherited vs heritage—22

Stories were always told of the boogeyman, it was to keep us obedient as all parents presented this to their child to keep them walking a respectful life.

Growing up the stories use to scare us. leaving this scar of fear to the thing that makes the bump sound at night.

How evil will evolve and become powerful enough to change you.

There were stories of how these beasts came about in my culture and it was gained by a murderous intent. People have tested the story and only caused themselves harm. Why anyone would want that trait I don't not know?

Becoming older while growing to be wiser, attaining balance on mind body and spirit became more of curious mystery with a feeling to solve.. understanding and accepting that all can evolve. That peace is an attribute.


In our clan our generation origins are passed down through the daughters, we inherit our mothers blood.

She is the giver of who we are to become. To carry on the tradition.

When my mom talked about animals and become one with our spirit we though more simple, be good to everyone, respect everything.

So when she would talk about how beautiful animals were, what they look like in the forest. How they look when they jump and run almost inspired us to ignore the rest of the story get up and take a nature walk to see what she see's...

How inspired it made u feel about loving life, all of it. The smell the weather the way the trees sounded the amount of animals that can change how u take in one moment.

She would mention how beautiful a deer was wonder in the world, how they see the light and hear every sound and the wonders of what a puma must feel being wild it's feet going anywhere, no wall to stop a run and the withdraw was a vacation from crowd, how a wolf strength and love was so strong the wonderful smells the earth puts off, how sweet streams must taste to a wolf. She made it sound like a dream a beautiful dream.

She loved animals. She loved nature. She was the light that grounded us the compass to where our hearts would lead us.

We've heard the myth of shapeshifters, howlers, skin-walkers, werewolves. Science dismisses them. So there stories become horror stories Amongst the common people.

Mother never cared for movies because of this. Anymore that had those in the synopsis she refused for us to watch or read about. It didn't stop us from being curious.

We were away it was part of the religion to fear.

The reason it was always a backstory was do to the people who were murdered to be given and evil gift they didn't receive.


Our heritage was such a dominate lifestyle. How we treat each other and show our love for one another.

It's filled with stories and origins. Tales of what can be.

How our life in this glitter world is to provide life's gifts, the greatness of what people can become. The effort and pull between good and evil was another life, we must preserve the story of how good prevailed and with it a present was given to the first women. She was the deity. The one to restore goodness in this world.

How we mustn't throw it away because of greed. We mustn't let this world go because we might not be able climb our way out to the next.


Moms clans start of when the first entered, she was taken by others who hadn't discovered what they could become yet. Her gift were taken advantage of. She became a warrior or which we strive to as women . She lead the people who adopted her to a better place to live good lives.

The story wasn't happy. As she got stronger those who followed her developed hate and jealousy. They wanted what she had. The tricked her into giving them the gift. Drinking all of her life force like it was a the only way to attain . There actions lead to a lack or protection, she was their savior, their compass to where life can exists. She had been teaching them how to evolve, to become better beings within themselves. She was already trying to show them how a gift can be earned. She was willing teach it, but she found out to late that her gift was her own, that she could change people's perception of respect. Her influence only changed a few. People who admired her courage. Respected her actions as an orphan who lead and protected a clan that she was not born into.

Before she died the children in her care two of whom were her own children in all the braves were a number of 9. 7 given to the clan after being outcasted . They held her power because she raised them. She fed them, she taught them how to survive, how to read the land and smell the weather. She gave them the steps and traits to evolve into her family.

They were casted out after. Those who respected and trusted her with all they had followed them. The start of her clan lead by her adopted and born children. They held ideas of what we can be as people. As a clan they were formidable in battle, respect in all families, gave without return. Encouraged and never lied to themselves.

Followed instinct and trust intuitions. They relied only on self obedience to maintain peace within the clan. Ages pass and the clan still takes these teachings and they pass it down to the children. We're taught the first law she had provided, only applying to ourselves and no one else. As individuals we encourage ourselves to follow them.

The world has changed since then, cities, towns, skyscrapers, national parks, its been so long and those stories old enough to be before settlements happened. How wonderful it might have been to have seen that the world in that time. The simple wonderful life.

These are just stories, told mostly by my mother. How it's the origins of our clan. My grandmother tried to tell us but she never would go into detail, I never meant my great grandmother so her stories never made it to our ears. My father parents had stories to, they were as wondrous as my mothers. How they explain the life force of animals and how beautiful the weather felt, it seemed like they had this deep understanding of life, a connection to anything that had electricity.

I envied they're voice, there deep focused eyes when the paragraphs entangled with visions because it made sense. Life was right when they spoke of this.