WebNovelShe Is58.33%

Up up and away...21

I followed this gentlemen to the coffee line. It looked like Lando and I couldnt bring myself to just walk up and say hi. We're both adults But my insides still feel like that high school teenager who was giddy whenever I saw him. When he got his order, my stalker ears listened and it sounded just like him. I watched him grab his drink and sit down. I was about five people behind him, gave me time to think about what to do. I had to avoid being seen, my mindset to be myself without getting myself into trouble just wasn't in place.

"Hi, can I have large caramel frappe" I said when I got to the counter. I figured now that I had that warm nervous feeling I shouldn't embarrass myself and should get to gate so I can just let this moment disappear. Why did I have to be so curious?

As I'm grabbing my ticket I turn to stand in the pick up window que. I look up and see him looking at me, shit! He knows it's me!

To avoid being obvious about the fact we are in the same area around the same time, my eyes looked down into the purse that hung off my right shoulder.

'Don't look up don't look up,' reciting this over and over my finger started to figet around to find something to keep me looking busy.

"127 caramel frappe" the guy at counter yelled looking for the owner of the drink.

looking up I rushed to the counter. Grabbed my drink and b lined the direction to gate 10 which was directly behind me. Turning around I smack my shoulder right into landos chest.

"Miss r u okay?!" The drink counter guy asked while moving past the counter to where I was. "Omgosh I'm sorry sir!!" Apologizing I put my frappe down on the table and grab some napkins to wipe his jacket collar down, it's a nice coat with treatment so I didn't get it dirty but my coat!! Shit! Another high cost of dry cleaning. The counter guy handed me a wet rag.

"Your good there I'll take care of this.." the voice, his hands pushed away the baristas hands, as soon as he spoke I knew it was him.

There he was standing in front of me. Looking up slowly I'm so embarrassed and not ready to talk. I'm paused in my motion. I can imagine my expression being so put off. In an instant he put his hand in my shoulders and moved me out of the way and continued to push me away from the crowd with his hand on my lower back leading me to the traffic of people, drinks in hand.

"What gate are you at?" The first sentence directed to me and that was what I got was where my gate is at. Okay that's fine I'll let it pass since he still wiping down my coat while we stand across the cafe.

"I'm at 10, just down there" I knew it was pretty far behind me but way down the isle,i was curious if he would continue to walk me to the gate. My coat was a mess and I'm still covered in spilled frappe mix. We start heading down the hall. I take glances at him when I notice him look my way, each time I give him a small smile. He looks like he wants to say something. He keeps sipping on the coffee though. I better start or we both might say nothing.

"Lose your voice? ... what gate u headed to" Maybe his flight was next to mine?

"Same, I'm headed to the city" his smile when he talks, its the same as I remember it, sexy. It made the words he said sweeter. Him using that to keep me in check when we dated and it was intimidating. He had this small dimple just to the left of his nose where his lips cornered. Now that he's older and I found out I like a man with a scruffy face landos jawline is now tasty. I'm not looking to much at him or I'll want to touch his face. He's older and hotter. I love the way he wears the laid back three piece.

"Give me ur coat ur look like I did something horrible to you..." he finally said, so I took my coat off and he wrapped his around me. It smelt nice.

after that I had to look and the way his vest was unbuttoned, no cuff links and his sleeves are rolled up, his leather shoes aren't even scuffed! His hair is still a short spike just like it was in h.s. He still the gentleman I remember. Taking my suitcase and making sure no one bumps into me on our way to the boarding line. He's manned up quite a bit.

"So what's in the city for u? Uhm.. Never mind ! How have u been" almost loss my mind? I don't need to know why he's going, it's none of my business. Retracting my question im hoping I didnt look as embarrassing as it felt.

"I have an interview. I need to find a fresh motivation in a new place.." he seemed a bit in his own world, I'm glad I'm not flustering him. If he even wants me back I don't think I'd say no.

" what about u? What's taking u and this big case to the city"

"Headed back home I have a showing coming up" he seemed uninterested in the conversation, I hope so because having to fight myself about how I feel for Lando might just fuck up my the set up at the gallery.

" that's good" he started to vear over to the side as we continued to walk into a gate zone " here we are, New York" he placed my case on his side of the chair. He sat two seats over from the end of the line of chairs and patted the last waiting seat at the end. I took the seat but it's always been weird when he did that. Blocking me off and making me sit where he wanted, I'll take the seat this time because I haven't seen him in a long time. I'd rather not be my normally sassy self.

"Thanks" I say to him and grab my luggage and place it in front of me, I'd rather carry it myself and reduce the chances of me becoming clingy.

"So a showing? Painting or photos?" He says while getting comfortable. He slouched back on the chair crossing his legs and turning slightly towards my seat, rested his arm on the back of our chairs while he sipped the coffee he had. I noticed when he lifted up his arm he had a tattoo on his forearm just under his elbow, I couldn't make it out through his shirt. He smelt good, like Ralph Lauren got sprayed inside a horse stall and he walked through it. It was manly.

"Paintings" I reply While trying to control my breathe I say to him "not a big deal just some stuff for the family auction." And it was true. Yearly we have a auction and with the findings we try our best to help underprivileged youth and also dedicate it to helping the elders, I hardly ever respond but this year I felt I had to show my parents off and be there third also impressive daughter in the family. The company is getting notoriety now that I cant keep putting it off. My parents are respected enough I can't be the missing daughter to them. I have to show up too, after all it is a family company.

We didn't say much, it seemed very much awkward. Time kept flying by it had been an hr and we still hadn't said a word. We sat there drinking our coffees and watching people walk by. I enjoy observing people, u can always find a very optimistic character in the world if u have the patience to look and be open minded about people's understanding in the world.

Lando always told me when we were young he wanted to be surrounded by people who didn't center themselves in an event. The ninja persona he called it. I thought it was just a goal for himself because he always had friends and drama found itself around him also.

We both liked to watch people.

There was this women across the isle way standing there with her hands in her pocket and she was swaying to the AirPort music it was a sweet aura she put off watching her smile and feeling how happy she was just standing there. She looked up in at one moment right at our direction, she seemed to not catch my eye but she held the small smile just under the rim of her SnapBack. A glanced over to Lando and he seemed to notice this, he looked at me quickly and I couldn't help but give him a Surprised look... who is she to him? Was I jealous... I felt like it!

Seeing him look into my eyes i gave him a focused silent eye brow question and turned my head towards her lifting my eye brows. My eyes wide open and a smile with a slight shrug to give an obvious question that didn't need words... does he know her?

He took a double glance and whispered to me after closing the space between us and with sincere focus he told me

"Don't be jealous, I don't know her" saying that so bluntly looking into my eyes I started blushing severely and did my best to not be direct.

"Stop!! I'm not jealous, just wondering if she's ur new girlfriend... wouldn't want to be the reason u got involved in a scandalous story" my wit was always my best weapon being with Skye I got much needed practice using it...He chuckled slightly as he sipped on his coffee while I had my devilish smile show off my triumph.

"I give it two minutes...dare u to go up and ask for her number?" I had to egg it on. I probably shouldnt jump to assumptions but what I know is he's not wearing a wedding ring and he's working full time with a job that travels and he's on the cliff edge of moving to a new state... it all tells me that he's single.

" okay start your timer" I told him and proceeded to grabbing his phone and set the timer for two minutes. I saw her glance over a couple of time, no one came over to see her but she was cute standing there with her shy self.

A minute in we hear the announcement of boarding for New York flight. I took it as a moment to go for a washroom break. If he didn't follow through or not ,would be the question the whole time I left my seat.

Walking two major gate units down to the restrooms I was thinking about skye and weither or not he was mad at me. I wanted him to understand me and know that my life wasn't meant to be tied down and I had my own shit I needed to do for myself. I was selfish, my parents had their plans for me and did their best to mold me to it and force me to be that person... in the end I couldn't. It wasn't the person I felt I was. I had talents that didn't exactly match the career goal they had for me.

I was happy to see Lando. He knew my goals when I was a young women and he knew he didn't fit into it. Meeting him was like having this... customized 'super duke' in my possession. Built for me but not meant for me.

His smoothness was to smart for me and I couldn't keep up, I just wasn't smart enough to grasp the concept of what he said in code and what he meant in reality. I learned later he was incredible simple and not witty at all. Just honest and blunt about everything. All we had was a language barrier. In the restroom I splashed water on my face and just patted it down to feel the cooling effect, I had to or else I would heated and ready to beat up that women.

She was prettier than me and more innocent looking than myself. I was hoping so much he would be standing with her. I want him to so I can be disappointed. I don't want to get my hopes up on having any connection with Lando right now, especially with Skye not contacting me at all.

I composed myself and started to walk out the restroom. The moment I got two steps into the traffic jam my phone started to ring vibrate InSide my back pocket. Walking out the bathroom just after pulling my phone out of my pocket, I looked straight ahead and there Landon was ...standing with the mystery women number one. She had this big smile and Landon was being his handsome self standing right against her. Without a second though all I could think was "they look busy" not comfortable or sweet just distracted, pulling the phone up to my ear unconcerned about the caller id I had simply answer

"Hi, what's up?"

"B?" His voice was obvious and I knew it was Skye "when are gonna land in the city?"

I didn't get it? He was just a simple what am I doing ...dude, why??? Idk. Skye seemed suspicious on the first call I got In Almost a month.

"Hey, I'm doing fine! Yeah no I haven't died or ended up in the hospital, no diseases or bad virus.... thank you for ur concern"

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just wanted to know when you'll step foot on earth again? "

It made feel warm inside that he said that but I also wasn't happy he didn't say a word to me until the day I had to leave! I myself did everything I could to distance myself... out of sight out of mind.

"Skye!! U haven't said or mentioned shit!" I was annoyed about the small comment but I had to understand that I don't know what's going in his life.

" b, I'm just wondering if u left yet and when you'll get to New York?" The way his voice sounded I thought it seemed concerning. He was curious?!

" I'll be there in 6 hrs. I'll be headed home and I start back to work tomorrow at 10:am "

What an obedient person I've become??!! It was suprising how detailed I was in my response. Why? I'm not sure but it made me feel uneasy except I expected it!

"What Skye? Planning on showing up and moving In again?"

I laughed slightly in my banter but I knew I felt like this was my rude response to how mad he made me by disappointing me. I wanted him to be here with me?!!I don't know how but I felt like he didn't try enough for me to be with him. I did like that I heard his voice. I miss the way he looked at me when the world got quiet. His glare when he called my bluff on anything I said.

"I've been really busy and I still want to talk with u, id rather be a small part of hearing you anytime than to not be able to know anything about u anymore.... is that okay with you?" Him asking me in that sincere tone made me feel guilty.

I didn't like it.

In a moment all I wanted to do was hug him and say never talk to me again but that I feel was just to much for me.

"Sure Skye, I don't hate you." Taking a deep breather, I told him a simple easy truth "my honesty to you is a reflection ur honesty to me. I know we can stay friends! I appreciate ur craziness to much" I really did think that about him.

" Skye, we just are adulting our lives that we cant be more than friends all the time and I won't make u do anything u can't...just like u can't make me do anything I won't, text and call whenever it's awesome. U know me enough and I know u enough...right?" Asking and telling him this I felt comforted, I want him as my friend that I cant lose ever, and I also don't want to keep him from who he is.

"I'm happy to hear that b, I'll call u when u get home. I miss talking to you" as he said that and I felt like I had never lost Skye as a good friend.