WebNovelShe Is80.56%

29- not planned


Uhhmmm the blanket so warm....

it smells good too, like camping..

Hmmmm, the sun so warm even though my eyes r close i still love the feeling of a nice warm relaxing bed on rest day..

-Wake up ur not alone-

"Mmm, no i dont want to.."

-stop whining wake up, ur sleeping next to him!-

"Hmm? Whos him?"

The next voice was not the same and made me freeze mid morning stretch...

" u mean me? b wake up before i kiss u for being hella cute" sounds familiar but i want to stay in this warm bed...

"What!?!!" Sounds familiar!!!

-told u to wake up-


"Lando?!" I scream in a gasped silence inside my head.

In my suprise i open my eyes-and there he is staring at me from the opposite side of the bed.

Omgosh hes beautiful for a man, his bed head hair and his beautiful body. He still smells good, and it was him i smelt next to me , here i was thinking of camping..hahaha

"Uhm.... shit!!!"pulling the covers over my eyes to hide my blushed embarrassment, "weren't u gonna house hunt today?"

"No , seriously i told you we had to talk remember!" He pulled the covers down from my face... just as it passed below my eyes i look up and he's smirking at me!

in a quick reflex i back up to avoid him pulling the blanket away from me,

All i know is im not dressed and he makes me nervous.

Im backing up to the opposite corner of the bed from where he is at....

He can talk from that side of the bed and he doesnt have to be so close?!

Just asking myself a simple question that sounds oddly similar to a previous boyfriend and the

'possibly tainted drink or laced drugs?' He would normally add to mess me up for himself....

Im not sure....

my overwhelming timidness from my recollection of the night before is surprisingly vivid and intimidating.

i end up keeping the covers tight around while he chuckles when i refused a small 'peek a boo' request, as its overturned the bedding is turning into a tug of war battle.

"The more stubborn u are the less likely u are to get your clothes back"

... i turn around and sure enough hes got my clothes in his hands

"Ok! Ok! Ill stop moving but i stay covered! And u cant take my clothes.... any of them" in my demanding voice.

-it is in vain-

Hes laughing at me, noticing my morning look i wrapped my body more comfortably and locked the 'tuck' under my arm. While i hiked up the bottom of the blanket wrapped around me.

"Haha u r still cute, uhm..." his demeanor went from a everyday fun with friends, to an oddly serious one,

In his paused silence i simply touched his finger and with a deeply concerned reflection to his facial expression.

I using my most sincere voice i say to him

"Lando, its okay whats up, no joke..." as soon as i finished he looked up and make eye contact, his look was almost urging for a forgiveness or an embrace.

"B, my family is getting worried about me and now that im this close to u and your family i know, my own family are gonna go straight to your.."

What the fuck is he talking about?? I stammer at the thought if what he just said

"FOR WHAT?!" Yelling it in Response to his vague words... what did he mean?? I dont get it

-they will come for u!-

the anxious voice in my head made me concerned and i didnt know why so i took the time to ask ?myself?

?who is they?

-the pack of ur partner, he is to be ur always-he will wait for u to like him, he is ours, so we r his-

?What? I dont have a he?... wait? He saying his family,

"Lando ur being odd ...." gazing at him i waited for a response hut continued on after the silence, "enough for me to get up and get to work" i crawl off the bed and make my way to the closet to grab clothes.

I have no idea what hes talking about?

I left the room in a hast to avoid the awkwardness that will eventually pop up, got myself in the shower to calm down.

O no? I can feel it happening again...

The shower is running and i slide my body down the warm wet wall and tucked myself in a ball biting down on my cheeks.

The pain from the inside of head this time.

'It burns' is all im thinking 'stop' me head feels like it splitting.

-tomorrow nights not going to be fun for us-

"Stop Talking Inside My Head!!' Exclaimed and my voice followed with a shower room echo.

In gave in to the pain and laid out on the shower floor, i couldn't talk the pain was so extreme it made me paralyzed from the inside out, my muscles were cramped everywhere in such tension i gave in and let it take over, i could feel my skin burn even more under the warm shower, it made me so dizzy and it was starting to get hard to breathe.

I can hear myself groan in pain from inside my head,

-u must talk- tell the water to stop,TELL IT NOW!-

'I cant im so tired'

-get up please, im tired also-

'Why do u sound weak?'

-we r dying-


"Shes anemic? Its strange? Shes fits all the marks why is she like this" women in the distance.

"Not sure doc, her whole family is fine, no previous issues with any of them. Could it be that shes just been suppressed so long?" Gentlemen in the distance.

-why is it still dark?-

'I dont know, i can move anything!'

In my fear i could hear a monitor alarm go off and footsteps fast pacing near me.

'I cant do anything!'

My eyes wont open i feel a tube down my throat and air being forced into my lungs.

-r u hurt?-

'Yes, my whole body...what happened'

As small as it seems this inner voice has become quite a comforting entity right now.

-ur body wont let me bond fully with you as your guardian-

'What?.... i thought i was just ill, like bipolar or something'

-no my girl, u are sane and u r also in a hospital that we've been sleeping at for 3 full moons-

Im at a loss. Three months of going from shower to hospital, comatose for three months.

"Its okay its okay she stabilizing, what do you think? Should we run some-more tests. Its unexpected, she practically had a mini heart attack" the doctor said after the beeping sound went down and the pushed my body around...

i realized then i couldnt feel anything? Am i really a paraplegic? I didnt hurt anything in the shower i made sure to not hurt myself.

"Dr. John, when can she be transported back home, we already have a nurse and extra caregivers ready. She been her for months, shes not getting better" that sounded like sky?

"Im sorry Mr. Grayclaw but its just not the time, she cant even be moved from level to level without her body shutting down. Her brain is the only thing unharmed. Sky you are just going to have to wait, and tell Lando the same, her parents have consented to keeping her with us"

Im hearing all of this as she answers him. Its been so long since ive heard his voice.

-Hes coming i can sense him-

'Whos h..... !Lando'

His hand i can feel it on my head, why can i feel it?

"Can u hear me b?" His whisper tickled my ear and my useless body has no reaction but my brain is tickled and smiling inside

"Im right here next to you, come back please" his voice is so raspy and tired, his pleading is breaking my heart "dont leave me again please come back"

- he's hurt, u have me and we have him but his guardian doesnt know we are still here-

'He has a guardian?'

The voice in my head, if he has one

'What am i, what is he?'

-would u like to dream my past?-

its a curious thing to enter the mind of an entity that's been talking to you for almost a year now.

'I believe you have facts that I need to answer what's happening, yes...aahhh?, what do i call u'

-I am Wind Chaser, u will see me when u sleep, dont be frightened, let us meet finally-

She sounded spunky and her name wind chaser, shes got the mentality of my dream friend, as a little girl i didn't make much friends, i was hardly at school and couldn't seem to vibe with the right crowd. Wasnt my niche to be apart of 'That'.

"Lando lets go, they're taking her for a CT Scan again"

"This is the fifth one this month! What the fuck!"

Hearing lando so angry made his voice robust and vibrated my ear drums, my thought process was, he sounds incredibly sexy, then i remember i cant relay that information.

"Understand this men... shes in the icu recovering after coming back from the dead, from the tests she has full brain function, we just don't know why she won't wake up. It could simply be a subconscious effect."

The nurse seem to properly subdue the guys. It was quiet again.
