WebNovelShe Is83.33%


"....Yes nie i know, where's your dad i really have to explain" through the phone i can hear him ask for his dad...

-he wont be happy you found her-

"...hello Orlando, i sense youve meant my daughter again, is she going home or staying here?" Holy shit his voice is intense

-he seems to not be as angry as before-

When we were dating he surely didnt like me, he accepted that his daughter liked me but he was far from accepting my company. I never understood because he and my father grew up together , they were apart of the same circles but we were accepted into the community after we left California when my fathers uncle died.

"Hello sir, i havent told her anything. We havent discussed anything either... i wanted ur permission before i did anything to disrupt her or ur family. Sir, can i take the first step and take her home?"

Im sweating and my heart is racing

-u should have used my voice, he doesnt trust u-

"Pup, my daughter is worth killing u at will, i will grant u this just once... make sure she returns to us or you wont return to ur father, i would so dislike to lose a great friend because of a reckless pup.." i could almost feel the rummble from his voice through the phone, he must be pissed at me, im glad she liked me.

I could feel the shivers run down my spine, it was an ominous feeling and i didnt sit well with me, i almost said goodbye yet i didnt happen, was talon making me feel this way...?

"Pup, MY DAUGHTER ! LANDO !, where is she?!" As soon as he said that i felt a burning throughout my chest and i could hear b scream, in a split moment i dropped the phone and ran to the bathroom....

"B! " i yelled through the door knocking and turning the nob frantically, it was locked


-shes not answering, i cant hear wind-

'Talon keep calling her'

It happened in a second i couldnt wait i shoved the door open with talons help and all i could see was her body, she was limp and face down in the tub, quickly i grabbed her and pulled her out,

She had what looked like quills under her skin... i couldnt look at that when i felt her body

-shes cold help her, i cant hear wind-

Talon was in panic, so much so his emotions where taking over my body making me fluster in panic

"Talon! STOP!"

Yelling at him to control myself has never happened but i needed to.

Once i calmed down i checked her, her eyes had rolled back when i laid her down she slumped over and my heart broke,.... she dead!

"No ur not, b fight it!"

I straightened her neck and started cpr, i pushed down on her chest ever five reps

I could hear nie n the phone in the kitchen screaming something in audible to me through the phone

"Nie call 911, send them here now!" I heard talons voice come through me,

'Talon i cant feel it anymore, is she really gone!'

-keep going dont stop keep her beating-

I could feel the tears start to run down my face and everytime i made her breath i could feel a part of breaking even more, i forced every bit of hope in every breath i gave her.

No she cant leave,

Ive only just got u back

"Please, please dont die" i whimpered like a child trying to bring her color back

"B, i love u. Just breathe" everytime i thought i heard her heart it would stop immediately,

I just want her to smile at me again,

I didnt get enough time to be with her

I didnt get to apologize and win her back the right way


As i said that i hear the door open and the paramedics came in and pulled me away and continued cpr while they prepped the shock stickers on her and asked me how long she had been in the water, i was like a child , i only watched in shock,

only now i finally see her body had slipped away from me?...

"Is she dead? Why wont she wake up!" I asked the man holding me back

"Lando, calm down... i need u to calm down! " I looked up at the man i was clenching on for life and it was her dad, he looked at me with sorrow eyes while i sank into his arms.



"DAD! Where are you going!" I yelled to my father as i saw him dart across the main room and out the door...

It wasnt a good feeling in my stomach, the phone wasnt even hung up?

I didnt know i hoped my dad wasnt pissed at him so i thought id give a warning to him,

"Lando, yo Lando!"after i called i could hear him screaming at me

"Call 911! Send them here" as he said that i looked at the phone and saw my sister home phone number for the apartment! What was he doing there? It didnt dawn on me when he called he was at my sisters.

I hung up right away and called 911 i couldn't even tell them what was wrong, listening to lando and watching dad run out i finally realized that my sister is in trouble, the troublesome feeling turned urgent.

I couldnt hold in my anxiety and had to call sky, my girl was already weary watching my dad leaving in such a hurry that i had to talk to someone.

"Sky, something happen and i just wanted u to hear from me before anyone else, my sister.. i think shes got hurt real bad?" I didnt know what happened but my brain needed to say it outloud.

"What? How? When?" His voice shuttered in shock i dont think he'd even understand the situation. My family is a bit special but my father and mother always said that b had a little more ancestory connections than the rest of us thats why we couldn't let her stay bound to us, that she had to leave and travel. I didnt get it then, but when i found out landos family had a similar concept with Lando, thats when there relationship ended. They parted ways without breaking up but still it was like a real breakup... so when she meant sky i was happy for her.

After sky and b stopped seeing each other i found out that dad and landos father had an aggreement that if they both were to find each other later in life after they turned 13 then they would consider making them family. I hated arrangements based on social class, only this wasnt that kind of agreement because dad and landos father tried there best to keep them apart. Our family ties went a long time.

" it just happened, sky im calling because her ex boyfriend is with her with our father" i could hear the huff in his voice, the undertone of what he said next didnt sit well with me

"Dont worry ill be there in two days" is sounded angry and obsessive. Ive never heard him in that way.

"Sky we dont know what happened yet just sit tight ill keep u updated"

"Alright nie, let me know if u need any help ill wait for your call"

I kept it at that and hung up to call me father, his cell phone was still in the house ringing from the bedroom. The next best number to call was b's apartment and then landos cell...

When i called her apartment i could hear her voice on the answering machine, it made my heart beat faster when i felt my girl wrap her arms around me, i then realized that i had been stressed and my body was tensed. I was somewhat scared.

"Babe itll be fine, ur dads with ur sister"

"Thats right thanks babe i needed that" i took a deep breathe and finally i let my finger work on the cell phone to find landos number... it rang and rang, as the third ring started i heard the other side answer

"Lando" i said quickly but all i could hear was him crying.... i slumped down on the couch, i felt a feeling of displaced grief and thought of b... i dont why it came on so quickly as i listened to lando cry on the line as i asked him in dismay

"...tell ...me... shes... okay..." while my breathe shuttered in fear, i wanted to hear shes fine

"Nie, son.. were at the hospital, ur sister, ur sister, shes going to be here for awhile"

Awhile? What is he talking about?

"Dad what do mean?" I could barely breath

"can i talk to her? What do u mean by while?"

"Son, ur sisters in a coma"

I dropped the cell phone and couldnt contain my self from running to the emergency room. No word no sound nothing but my heart pumping loudly in my head as i ran step ahead of step down the side walk and over the bridge, when i got to the emergency room i stood there, my legs shaking walking through the doors down the hall and i saw my dad, hugging lando who was hunched over on the floor under the window against the wall in hysterical pain ; what had happened?

I walk to them and as i did i looked up past the window and on the bed was b,

she was hooked up to a auto breather and had multiple iv's along with a brace that went from her head to her waist, i could do nothing, i accepted the feeling of anger, i thought to myself, what was this!!!

"LANDO WHAT HAPPEN!!" My voice echoed inside the hall,

My father stood up immediately and eyed my down.

"Im sorry father" i calmed my voice down and lando stood up, his body was in a tremor.

As he stood up my father also stood up in front of him both taking a step to me, it was intimidating how small i felt as they both stood up and faced me with eyes that could chase away my bullies, they seemed similar in this fashion.

"Nie, we have something important to discuss, when were done we will tell u about ur sister, until then stay here and watch her, no one goes in!"

Whats happening here? Why is dad so intense? His daughter, my sister, has just been send to the emergency room and now shes laying there comatose.



We got to the emergency room after they finally got her to breathe, she drowned and was dead for 9 minutes, they said had i stopped anytime after i started cpr she wouldnt have made it. They didnt know the cause and kept saying heatstroke, but i couldnt have been. Her dad felt her pain before she drowned, i felt the heat before she drowned it was something else that caused it.

All i new was she was back, only talon couldnt reach and talk with windchaser, and i couldnt see her glow anymore, her smell was gone.

"Lando, u must tell me what happened okay, calm down and know she still here" when her dad said that all i could see was her dead body inside my head how i couldnt hear her heartbeat after one drum from her chest. The way she looked on the floor after trying so hard to bring her back, it stayed fresh in my eyes everytime i opened them, i couldnt stop my sadness, even wind was gone.

'Talon im sorry, im sorry i couldnt bring wind back, im sorry talon'

My heart broke and i knew it wasnt my actualy feelings but talons, his connection and spirit got hit hard. He let it stay so strong in me, my chest and my lungs where so strained and tight from his loss.


His one word broke me when she didnt answer.

"Sir, is she gonna wake up, talon cant reach wind" i whimpered harshly sitting by her room waiting for wind to respond to talon.


Even in his curiosity the word wind made me feel the hollow space that just formed in my heart.

I looked back on the day before when i saw talons eyes see her, she was beautiful and if i couldnt see b and wind again i didnt want to be here.

"B has windchaser, she let her out last night, not full enough to run, but strong enough to be seen" i had to tell him with my head sitting on my knees. I could feel his hand rubbing my back but it was to hard to handle, i wanted to lay next to her just so i knew shes be okay but i couldnt, if talon was deprived of wind then i too had to suffer being away from b.